My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 104: Which is important to learn martial arts and sauce

104 Which is important, Xue Wu and sauce elbow

"Just you, a tiger can't fight a group of wolves."

Wu Ji looked at Li Fan and said disdainfully, "Do you really think they are afraid of you? Go up and chop him, chop him, take ten thousand! Chop one hand, hundred thousand!"

Wu Ji still has some capital in his hands. He used money to smash it, and indeed he smashed some people's courage!

These confusing, isn't fooling on the road just for money! Rich with money, their eyes are red!

At this moment Li Fan has become a movable golden mountain in their eyes!

"Cut him!"

"Come on!"

A group of people rushed over with their axes, Li Fan adjusted his strength to keep his strength about one cow, and then started to shoot.

He sank, his waist was slightly bent, his hands were claws, and there was a fierce look in his eyes.

Tiger Strike!

Although there is only one power, Li Fan still has to use some martial arts to deal with so many hoops!

He was short, as if the tiger was going down the mountain, and did not retreat, and rushed towards those foolish!

These are as wolf-like as tigers, one by one can't wait to cut a few axes on Li Fan! But Li Fan's figure fluttered from left to right, these baffles were nowhere near his body!

However, Li Fan's shot was lightning fast, and every time his tiger claws caught on those mixed bodies, they would tear off a piece of flesh!

Although the **** are just as excited as the Berserkers, but by excitement, where is Li Fan's opponent?

Within three minutes, all the lumps were put down by Li Fan. The last one still tried to start from Li Fan's back, and the axe slashed past Li Fan's head. But Li Fan turned around and stabbed his five fingers into the dangling shoulders, raised him into the air, and flung him.


This fluttered body flew out, turned into a parabola, and hit the Mahjong table in front of Wu Ji.

Fragmented Mahjong cards are flying around, just like Wu Ji's heart, all at this moment are messy.

He looked trembling as he watched his hands lay on the ground. Who is this kid, monster? What kind of big brother did Huang Lei find ... It doesn't seem to be a mess on the road!

"Friend ... that ... let's talk ..."

Wu Jiqiang calmly, reached out his hand, and took out a carton of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Friend, do you smoke?"

"Don't smoke or drink."

Li Fan smiled awkwardly, "I don't know if you believe it or not, but I'm a good student."

Hello your uncle student! Is this good student?

"Friend ... you ... shouldn't be on this road ..."

Wu Ji asked.

"I'm just a student, but Lei Zi is willing to follow me, and I am willing to protect him."

Li Fan lifted Huang Lei up. "I will let your brethren take care of your injuries today. But next time I dare touch my brother, I will never spare you."

"Friend ... my brother's account ... won't be over."

Wu Ji didn't dare to say any more, "I admit that I can't deal with you. But the three major forces in city a can always move you."

"Then let them come, I'll go on."

Li Fan was so proud, "As long as they have that ability, just come!"

"You underestimate the three forces."

Wu Ji said, "Even if you are more powerful, you are only one person. And you also have a family. The three forces want to deal with you, it is very simple."

"My family members?"

Li Fan laughed. Although he had both parents, he went to the Maldives!

"I'm willing to find them for me. I wish to thank you!"

As for my fiancee ... very few people can defeat her in the world! Only one generation of masters can defeat her!

"Are you alone ... no wonder you don't care about doing things this way."

Wu Ji seemed to understand, "But my friend ... listen to me, there are things that you can't touch."

"Boss Wu, can we open the door and talk?"

Li Fan continued to pretend to be stupid, "You tied my little brother over, snoring and snoring, and you have to chop people. What the **** is it, what have I touched, you just keep talking to me, do you Are you sick? "

"You ... don't know?"

Wu Ji frowned.

"Know what?"

"Brother, he suspects we haven't got the money right recently!"

Huang Lei said in Li Fan's ear.

"Fuck, you really are sick!"

Li Fan was very angry and yelled at Wu Ji, "That's the money I earned from the hard work of my black fist. What happened to my brother? I don't feel bad, you **** your heart!"

"Why would Lei Zi use a boat?"

"We're fine to go fishing in the river!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, "You, the mixed society, are quite wide! I am fishing, you are all in charge, you really should see a doctor, brother!"

"You think of yourself ..."

Wu Ji still couldn't put his face down, and Li Fan suddenly kicked at the axe next to him, and the axe flew over instantly, chopping on the wall above Wu Ji's head.

Wu Ji took a breath, and his crotch couldn't help but feel a little sour.

This person ... can't afford to mess with himself. However, it is not difficult for the three major forces to move him! These three forces, who do not raise some powerful thugs.

Hu Ergou will definitely not so calm down.

"Warn you, dare to provoke me next time, this axe will chop your head."

Li Fan said coldly, "Hurry your people to the hospital, it's too late to be late."

As he said, he helped Huang Lei, then raised his foot, and pinched it on the shutter door. This iron shutter door was instantly dropped by Li Fanyu!

"Leizi, let's go!"

"Well, brother!"

Two people came out of the Mahjong Hall, Li Fan was rare and generous, took a taxi and sent Huang Lei to the billiard hall.

"Brother ... let you toss again ..."

After returning to the billiard hall, Huang Lei has always blamed himself, "I don't fight for it ... I always give you trouble ..."

"I don't blame you."

The billiard hall is also closed. Li Fan sits there and looks at Huang Lei. "Since you are mixing with me in the future, you should learn some martial arts."

"My body ... was hollowed out by wine in my youth ... can you do that?"

Huang Lei could not help asking.

"Okay, martial arts is a physical fitness."

Li Fan nodded. "Your background is not too bad. With the breathing method I gave you, exercise every day, even if you can't achieve success, you can make a difference."

He said, put on the shape of ape strike, "learn ape strike with me, and ensure that you have the ability to protect yourself. If you encounter those confusion, you will not be easily captured.

"Okay, brother, I listen to what you say, I learn from you!"

Huang Lei nodded.

"Okay, then start tonight."

"That ... will it work tomorrow?"


"I'm hungry ... I want to eat a sauce elbow ..."

"piss off!"


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