My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1057: Return sword

1057 Zigui Sword

Wang Luo was physically strong and Li Fan could not hurt him, but today he ate a blood from Liao Jue's palm.

"It is indeed the Emperor Wulin, and this palm is really strong."

Wang Luo wiped the corners of his mouth, "But I'm a little strong, it's not so easy to die!"

With that said, Wang Luo carried the Shangfang sword, fell down from the pillar, and then shot at the foot. The whole man suddenly disappeared, quickly approached Liao Jue, and the sword in his hand continued to pierce Liao Jue!

But Liao Ju was sitting there, just holding out a finger, he kept blocking Wang Luo's sword attack.

In front of Liao Jue, it seems that Wang Luo, a master of this level, is just like a child, being played by Liao Jue casually.

No matter how hard Wang Luo works, he cannot break through Liao Jue's defense.

"No, you are too weak."

Liao Jue sneered, "Your strength doesn't seem to have improved compared to fifty years ago."

"This is not necessarily the case."

Wang Luo suddenly stepped back a few steps, and then held up his Shangfang sword, "This Shangfang sword is a magic sword created by forty-nine alchemists that year!"

"I have heard some rumors of Shangfang Sword."

Liao Jue sneered, "But what can an ancient sword do?"

"It takes only a little mental energy to connect this sword."

Wang Luo said, "Swords have been imprinted by generations of heirs. Would you like to see them?"

"I don't like big talkers."

Liao Ju reached out a finger and pointed at Wang Luo, "You can go to death."

There was a burst of anger on his finger, which was a moment of kung fu. Wang Luo, more than ten meters away, had a blood hole with a finger wide on his chest.

Wang Luo spit out blood again. He stabilized his legs and stood there.

"In my name, guard Huaxia. Cut off the gods, and cut down the ghosts!"

Wang Luo pierced the Shangfang sword into his belly.

"Return sword!"

Before Li Fan was shocked, a golden light wrapped around Wang Luo's body.

It was as if a small sun appeared in the underground palace, which instantly blackened Li Fan and Liao Jue's eyes.

When the golden light dissipated, Wang Luo stood there, with blond hair, wearing a black-gold coat, and carrying a Shangfang sword in his hand. The appearance of this Shangfang sword has also changed. It was originally three feet long and is now close to two meters. It was dragged to the ground by Wang Luo.

"For the first time in many years, the state of using the sword."

Wang Luo proudly said, "This is probably my last gorgeous appearance! Liao Jue, let's go to the second round!"

With that said, Wang Luo instantly appeared in front of Liao Jue, and the golden sword in his hand was cut off instantly!

Liao Ju immediately shot to resist, but Wang Luo's sword turned a bit faster, directly stabbing Liao Ju's eyebrow.

Liao Ju immediately stretched out his other hand and grasped the sword with the palm of his hand.

"Your Majesty, you can't do it!"

After casting his sword, Wang Luo's power seems to have greatly increased! His battle with Liao Jue also became a lot easier. He broke through Liao Jue's defense several times, and his sword was cut on Liao Jue's body.

Although Liao Jue's body is old, his qi is still covering his body, like a coat, protecting his body.

Wang Luo cut a few swords, only hurting Liao Jue's flesh.

Both people are now at an abnormal level. Even Li Fan, a generation master, would not dare to intervene, otherwise they must be miserable!

He understands Wang Luo's intentions for him, that is, to keep him watching all this, to see Liao Jue's way of playing, to be familiar with his fighting skills, and then to understand his terrible strength! In order to avoid suddenly encountering Liao Jue later, the death is unknown.

After Li Fan considered it, he continued to watch the two men fighting.

After playing for a while, the strength of the two also began to differ.

There is still a time limit for Wang Luo's returning sword. In addition, his physical condition is getting worse and worse, and he has slowly fallen behind.

"Imperial fist!"

Liao Jue seemed to have seized the opportunity. He sat there and punched Wang Luo!

The terrible boxing fist almost compresses this space! The whole earth palace shivered!

With a bang, the palace behind was razed to the ground by this terrible fist!

Wang Luo slumped to the ground, his body was scarred, and his black-gold coat was damaged.

"Boy ... the rest is up to you ..."

Liao Jue ’s fist destroyed the world, this is his skill!

"Leave this ..."

Wang Luo threw the sword to Li Fan, "As long as the sword is still there, the Shangfang sword still guards Huaxia ..."

Wang Luo's voice touched Li Fan a bit, but Liao Ju sneered.

"Do you think you really ran away?"

"I know, you can't leave this seat now."

Wang Luo has been watching Liao Jue's pipes, which are feeding him nutritional fluids.

"As long as I stop you, he can survive."

"Can you do it just with you now?"

Liao Jue laughed, "The fist of fist, the range is one thousand! As long as he hit, he has nowhere to hide!"

"Don't underestimate me."

Wang Luo stood there, "Liao Jue, I can play three hundred more rounds with you!"

"You don't even have a sword. How do you fight with the sword!"

Liao Jue raised his anger, and the surrounding floor began to spread cracks, like spider webs, extending around.

Li Fan, holding the Shangfang sword, stood at the door of the hall with some hesitation.

"Don't hesitate! Hurry up!"

Wang Luo shouted at Li Fan, "Don't let my blood flow!"

Then, he pushed a hand at Li Fan, and a huge spiritual force hit Li Fan, pushing him out.

"Where to escape!"

Liao Jue made a king punch in the direction of Li Fan!

Even Li Fan can't escape a thousand meters away!

But Wang Luo shouted, he stretched out his hands, the jade around him kept bursting, and jade flew constantly, gathered in front of Wang Luo, and soon formed a huge jade sword, 100 meters long Manipulated by Wang Luo, hung above Liao Jue's head and chopped down towards him.

Such a huge sword seems to be able to break new ground.

But Liao Ju sat there, only changing his fist in one direction, and beating towards the top of his head.


This huge jade sword was smashed into pieces by Liao Jue's emperor fist and scattered around.

Wang Luo was half-kneeling in front of Liao Jue, and his mouth continued to cough up blood. He began to age quickly, and his vitality was leaping rapidly.

"Success, Liao Jue."

Wang Luo squeezed his eyes at Liao Jue, "Li Fan ... he has left."

"He is Li Fan?"

Liao Ju stood up directly from the dragon chair and looked at Wang Luo angrily, "Fuck the sword of Shang Fang, kill you!"

"He ... he's a Shangfang sword ..."

Wang Luo closed his eyes comfortably in Liao Jue's fist.

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