Li Fan's practice time is not short, but this is the first time that I have heard of such internal exercises.

"Then you don't use it well."

Li Fan advised.

"It has been used once."

Yu Xi smiled peacefully, "When you don't know."

After talking, Yu Xi finished speaking, holding a black knife, and threw it at Li Fan again.

The evil spirit behind her also held a huge black knife and chopped towards Li Fan.

The black knife was at least ten meters long. Li Fan hurriedly took a note on the iron bridge and lay back to avoid the knife.


The two dragon pillars in the back were cut into two pieces directly, hit the ground, and raised the billowing dust.

"True Qi is actually a technique that has been passed down from ancient times."

Yu Xi, holding the black sword, walked towards Li Fan step by step, "This name is the true body of Wu Shen, in fact, it is more advanced than Longtang's energetic concentration. At that time, the genius Liu Jinchan wanted to restore the ancient body of Wu Shen, It was a pity that he failed, and only studied the superficial accumulation of gas. It is you, Li Fan, who did not expect that you accidentally hit and accidentally researched the true body of Valkyrie. "

Li Fan remembered his war god, and he said that this is the true body of Valkyrie?

"It's just a pity, it's not mature enough. Let you see the real Valkyrie!"

Yu Xi said, the huge evil spirit behind her slowly became clear, and turned into a ghost martial artist condensed by black spirit. Holding on to the black sword, the ghost warrior directly drew the sword and slashed it across Li Fan!


The war **** behind Li Fan bounced out again. He is no longer unclear in the past, but looks like Li Fan.

This war **** is wearing a flying lion armor, holding a holy sword in his left hand, and a lion face shield in his right hand.

Facing Yu Xi's move, the War God raised the lion-face shield and stood in front of Li Fan.


The air wave exploded on the lion-face shield, and Li Fan even took a step back by the impact of this huge air wave.

Sure enough, Li Fan couldn't help but be surprised by Yu Xi's power.

"Martial arts training is against the water and should go step by step."

But Li Fan couldn't help reminding her, "You take the advantage of the power you shouldn't use to shorten your life and make it impossible!"

"You don't care about this !!"

Yu Xi said, controlling the ghost martial artist, holding the huge black knife in his hands and chopping down at Li Fan.

The black sword fell from the sky, and the **** of war raised the lion's face shield, blocking his head.


The black sword fell heavily on the lion's face shield, and the split lion's face shield was pressed down and pressed on top of the war god.

After Yu Xi opened the state of martial arts, his strength increased greatly. At least he had about 15 dragons, which was not inferior to Li Fan's strength! Unless Li Fan uses the unparalleled posture, let Zhen Qi erupt in the body.

Li Fan glanced at the door that was about to close, and he had no time to hesitate.

"Yu Xi, sorry, I can't stay here."

Li Fan said, suddenly a strong burst of energy broke out!

But just in a short moment, Li Fan's vitality was taken into his body!

The pores all over his body were closed, and at that moment, the God of War also disappeared.

After all, the God of War comes from the spirit of reality. Once the pores are closed and the spirit is not allowed to go out, the God of War cannot naturally condense.

"You don't need a Valkyrie, how can you fight against me?"

Yu Xi took control of the Oni Takeshi, waved his long knife across, and crossed to Li Fan.

The black blade had reached Li Fan.

And Li Fan's skin was red, and a circle of light condensed from behind appeared. He reached out only one hand and pinched the black knife.


With a crisp sound, the black knife was blocked and stopped there, unable to hurt Li Fan.

"Goodbye, Yu Xi."

Li Fan waved his hand and cut off his sleeves. "From today ... you and me, cut off your robes ..."


Yu Xi saw Li Fan's eyes, it was a kind of indifferent eyes.

I don't know why, Yu Xi's heart jumped.


Li Fan stepped back, the whole person pulled out a residual image, and immediately left the underground palace, escaped through the gap left by the gate.

"Where is Li Fan?"

Liao Jue's voice of thousands of miles came from Yu Xi's ear. She sighed, put away the true body of Wu Shen, put on a blindfold, stepped on her feet, and returned to the Xuanzheng Hall.

"Your Majesty, please atonement ..."

"Forget it."

Liao Ju forgave Yu Xi, "It's not time anyway. It's okay to train him again."

"But Your Majesty, he already knows about us and will it be bad for the plan."

"My plan is foolproof."

Liao Jue was confident. "Are you doubting your judgment? Yu Xi?"


Yu Xi quickly bowed her head and apologized.

"Just keep doing your thing."

Liao Jue said, "As for Li Fan, you don't need to worry about it."


Yu Xi got up and left, while Liao Jue sat on the dragon's chair and stepped on a person's head.

"Wang Luo, is this the route you chose."

He sneered, "Unfortunately, no matter what method you use, you can't stop your resurrection."

"Really, Liao Jue?"

Just then, Wang Luo's head suddenly opened his eyes and spoke a word.

"Mental strength?"

Liao Ju was not surprised, but realized it at once.

"Interesting, you really like to surprise me. However, just such a little mental energy, it immediately dissipated."

"Before dying, I still used it!"

Wang Luo has only one head left, and still laughs, "As long as Li Fan's kid continues to grow, he can beat you sooner or later!"


"You are too arrogant! Endless nightmare!"

Wang Luo's head jumped suddenly, his eyes met Liao Jue's gaze, and with his last vitality, he gave Liao Jue a hypnosis!

Liao Jue saw that there were evil spirits all around, and came towards himself, pulling his body desperately, as if trying to drag him into hell.

"It's just a little mental power, and I still want to be a victim."

Liao Jue sneered, "Since so, let's play with you."

He closed his eyes, bearing the nightmare Wang Luo brought to him.

By this time, Li Fan had fled outside.

He worked hard all the way, did not dare to stop, and hurriedly returned to g.

When he returned, it was late and the bedroom door was closed. Li Fan is also not good at jumping out the window to go back, he can only wander in the big playground.

Liao Jue ... This guy is too scary. How can a holy master deal with it?

He looked at the Shangfang sword in his hand, and seemed to use it.

Wang Luo's returning sword surprised Li Fan. A person with only mental strength can rely on a sword to compete against Liao. This is really great.

But what should be considered at present, where should I go to sleep ...

Li Fan didn't take a penny with him and couldn't go to the hotel to sleep. Just as he was worried, a familiar girl voice came from behind him.

"Well, my brother, why are you here?"

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