My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1061: Evil thoughts

"That's it ... then let it go ..."

Liu Xiaowan saw the other party put on her pants, immediately relieved, and said, "I'll come."

"Hey, look at how smart the girl is, how proactive and learn from others!"

The pervert immediately laughed and was very satisfied with Liu Xiaowan's attitude.

"Come here, Grandpa will hurt you tenderly."

Watching Liu Xiaowan walk towards him, the pervert smiled happily.

And Liu Xiaowan also gave him a smile, then reached out his hand, and gently put it on the shoulder of the pervert.

The perverted man just licked his tongue and suddenly Liu Xiaowan tightened his fingers.


The pervert screamed, and there was a pain in his shoulder.

Liu Xiaowan pinched his acupuncture point, and at the same time, his calf was kicked, kicking the metamorphosis man's crotch.

The pervert man screams again and again, and Liu Xiaowan claps his hands.

"Okay, clean up."


"Too much trouble."

Liu Xiaowan shook her head. "Also the alarm is too cheap for him. He should be punished more severely!"

"Ah, Xuejie, what do you want to do?"

"How about this……"

Ten minutes later, a man wearing only pants was hung upstairs in the teaching building. He also wrote a few big characters on his body.

"Okay, that's it."

Liu Xiaowan looked at her work with satisfaction. Li Fan stood beside him, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Usually gentle school sister, this time is terrible ...

In the future, who you want to punish yourself, let the sister help me find a way, it must be very powerful ...

"Let's go back."

Liu Xiaowan then took Li Fan away, and the two returned to the student apartment.

"Taking a bath is much more comfortable ..."

Liu Xiaowan wore a bath towel around her hair, wore loose home clothes, and came out of the bathroom with a scent. She stood in front of Li Fan and stretched a big lazy waist.

"Well ... so comfortable ..."

Looking at Liu Xiaowan's beautiful figure, Li Fan couldn't control her desires.

At this time, men's sexual desire is the easiest to defeat reason!

Only an idea emerged in Li Fan's mind, pushed to her, toppled her!

Damn, Li Fan, Li Fan, what are you thinking about!

Li Fan hurriedly squeezed his thigh to make his consciousness clearer.

"I still want to thank you, Xuexi."

Liu Xiaowan took a bottle of pulse, came over, sat beside Li Fan, and passed him the pulse.

"If it weren't for you, if I encountered such a pervert, I would definitely be taken advantage of."

"Girls should learn a little bit of self-defense."

Li Fan unscrewed his pulse, "especially the ancient martial arts, but it won't let a girl build a muscle."

Thinking of Murong Ying's soft body, Li Fan couldn't help but miss it.

Sometimes, I really want to see Murong Ying wearing a cheongsam, standing in front of herself again. Tie Zhu was busy in the kitchen, busy cooking for them. Murong Ai was sitting on the sofa next to him, watching TV dramas in Korea.

It's a pity that the two are just wicked fate, I'm afraid they will never return to that time again.

People need to look forward ...

Li Fan took out the Shangfang sword and the extraordinary sword and put them on the table next to it.

"Are these all your weapons?"

Liu Xiaowan over Li Fan's body, almost lying on Li Fan's body, observing two distinctive weapons.

"It looks like an antique, it's a little old."

Liu Xiaowan is very interested in antiques, she is lying there, her hips are tilted. Because she had just taken a shower, Liu Xiaowan wore a comfortable shirt on her upper body and a short skirt for sleeping on her lower body. There is also the fragrance of shampoo on his hair, which naughtily penetrated into Li Fan's nose, which stirred his feeling.

"This sword is at least before the Ming Dynasty!"

Liu Xiaowan examined the sword carefully. She was so relieved about Li Fan that she ignored this ambiguous posture and challenged a man's bottom line.

"Why do you have this antique, and it is well maintained."

Liu Xiaowan seemed to want to pick it up, but this Shang Fangbao sword was extremely heavy. Liu Xiaowan didn't notice it and lay directly on Li Fan's body. The soft chest pressed on Li Fan's wrist, making his heart beat faster.

This ... this is really a terrible challenge ...

Li Fan keeps himself sane, don't lose to the terrible desire-desire!

In front of Li Fan, two villains appeared, one with wings and one with tail.

"Take her down!"

The devil villain yelled at Li Fan, "There is no one else here anyway, great opportunity!"

"Don't forget to bring a sleeve!"

The angel villain reminded himself.


Li Fan felt that he was hopeless. His hand could feel the space under Liu Xiaowan's skirt at any time, there must be mysterious and soft.

"Sorry, sorry ..."

Li Fan adjusted his mentality and wanted to be relieved from Liu Xiaowan's body.

But Liu Xiaowan turned over and lay in the arms of Li Fan very comfortably.

"Unexpectedly, your arms are quite comfortable."

Liu Xiaowan was lying on Li Fan's body, looking at some stunned schoolboys.

"Why, do you want to kick me out of this position?"

"No, no ..."

"You are nervous."

Liu Xiaowan looked at Li Fan and laughed particularly warmly. She didn't know why she laughed.

"You girl ... really ..."

"Who's the girl? I'm your school sister! I don't know how to be polite!"

Liu Xiaowan reached out and tried to grab Li Fan's nose.

"Hey, how can you pinch your nose!"

"Don't you often pinch Jiang Yuanyuan?"

"She is younger than me."

"You are younger than me too!"

Then, Liu Xiaowan squeezed Li Fan's nose.

This little girl ... is really dissatisfied ...

"Sister Xue ... what the **** are you doing ..."

"I'm just tired ... I want to find someone to rely on for a while ..."

Liu Xiaowan leaned comfortably on Li Fan, her expression was a little cozy, Li Fan felt that she was like a cozy kitten.

"Well ... your arms are really comfortable ... Although you can't rely on them often, you can use them temporarily."

"I'm not a sofa. What's the use?"

"It was meant to be used."

Liu Xiaowan emphasized, "Boys, they are the tools they use."


"Yes, because men can't believe it, they can only use it as a tool, which is much safer."

Liu Xiaowan said to herself, "It's better to be girls, they won't hurt you."

"Hey hey, if you think so, it's easy to become a lala?"

"What's wrong with Lala? Isn't it just as happy, just be happy."

Liu Xiaowan muttered, "My current principle is to be happy in time ..."

Then you can have fun with me in time!

Li Fan's mind moved again

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