My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1066: Early morning benefits

1066 Early morning benefits

Shen Chen finally left, and Liu Xiaowan quickly got up and lifted the quilt. She rode on Li Fan's body, her arms around Li Fan's neck.

"You, you **** ... you dare to belittle me ... I fight with you ..."

"Well? Why am I frivolous to you?"

Li Fan pretended to be stupid. "I just had a bit itchy hand and moved it casually. Where did I run into it, dear sister?"

"You are absolutely intentional!"

There were tears in Liu Xiaowan's eyes, "I ... I ... haven't been touched yet ..."

"I just touched it, what happened?"

Li Fan took Liu Xiaowan by one hand, dragged her into his arms, and stuck it to his chest.

Liu Xiaowan is now lying on Li Fan's body, her legs spread apart, lying on Li Fan's body in an extremely ambiguous posture. She softened immediately, feeling no strength at all, and could only feel Li Fan's strong heartbeat.

"Li, Li Fan ..."

Li Fan didn't speak at all. He held Liu Xiaowan and kissed her directly.

It didn't take long for Liu Xiaowan to fall in love, and Li Fan took the opportunity to fill a gap in her heart. Now he kissed Liu Xiaowan's heart even more.

Pleasure in time ... Anyway, I don't want to live the life I want ... it's better than two years ... just be happy with him ...

"These two years ... please treat me ..."

No matter how many women Li Fan likes, he is only two years old anyway.

Liu Xiaowan has already been cut out at this moment.

Li Fan didn't understand what it meant, but now he seemed to be running the machine uncontrollably, like a clockwork machine.

While kissing Liu Xiaowan, he stretched out his hands, used the man's ability to work with one heart, and constantly walked around Liu Xiaowan.

Liu Xiaowan's body is getting hotter and hotter. After all, Chen Chen is still in the next room. The more she thinks about it, the more exciting it will be ...

The two rolled around on the bed and entered the foreplay a little bit from the foreplay.

After all, Liu Xiaowan was the first time, and Li Fan was inexplicably the second time, so he was patient and slowly stroked Liu Xiaowan to relax her.

When Li Fan slowly entered Liu Xiaowan, she bit her lip and held Li Fan tightly.

Both were first tasted of forbidden fruit and soon became addicted. The two fought from the bed to the ground, next to the window, in front of the computer desk, and even let Liu Xiaowan lie on the wall between Shen Chen's room, carrying out a stimulating and nervous double movement.

All night without rest.

When she got up the next day, Liu Xiaowan couldn't get out of bed.

Li Fan covered her with a quilt and looked at her beautiful and tired face. Li Fan couldn't help but reached out and touched her cheek gently.


Liu Xiaowan snorted softly, and then opened her eyes slightly, blocking one hand with the sunlight coming in. That lazy look made Li Fan can't help but think of brutal hair, and come again.

"No more ..."

Liu Xiaowan reached out and gently pushed Li Fan away. "It hurts ... my throat works well ... I want to drink water ..."

"Okay, I'll get you water."

Li Fan touched Liu Xiaowan's head with pity, "Sister Xue wait for me."

He went beside and poured a glass of water for Liu Xiaowan, and then came over to help Liu Xiaowan and feed her.

"Don't ..."

Liu Xiaowan said softly, "I want you to feed me ..."


Li Fan couldn't take her. He took a sip of water and fed it to Liu Xiaowan.

Liu Xiaowan seemed to enjoy it. After drinking the water, she closed her eyes comfortably and lay on the bed like a kitten.

It is said that women are like cats and men are like dogs.

"No class today?"

"Well ... I'm going to sleep ..."

Liu Xiaowan nodded, "Go to class yourself ..."

"Okay, then you sleep."

Li Fan could not wash here, the bathroom was downstairs, and Shen Chen was still there.

"Just wash it ..."

Liu Xiaowan reminded Li Fan, "Shen Chen won't wake up until noon and won't wake up. There are new toothbrushes in the cabinet in the bathroom ... just use my toiletries ... all gray ... pink is Shen Chen ... ... don't use it wrong ... "

"alright, I got it."

Li Fan then went out with peace of mind and stomped into the bathroom downstairs.

As Liu Xiaowan said, Shen Chen was still asleep, and the living room was quiet, without any movement.

Li Fan was relieved, and he started washing his face and brushing his teeth. The scent of Liu Xiaowan on the towel also smelled very comfortable.

"Xiaowan ... get up so early ... have classes today ..."

There was a sudden voice from Chen Chen outside the door.

Li Fan was startled, lying down, why did this woman wake up?

Did n’t you say you did n’t get up before noon!

Li Fan hastily closed and locked the bathroom door.


Shen Chen tugged at the door, but did not move.

"Xiaowan? Why did you lock the door? What are you doing?"

Chen Chen's voice rang outside. "I purposely got up early to talk to you about the brokerage company. The door will open soon."

Shen Chen kept slamming the door, Li Fan really couldn't help it. He finished washing and opened the door.

Shen Chen just happened to be opposite to Li Fan, and at this time, Shen Chen was wearing only a black sling, wrapped in lace **** and showing long legs.

And she wasn't wearing underwear, and there were two noticeable points under the sling.


Shen Chen screamed, "How are you!"

"Xiao Wan called me."

Li Fan took a hard look and said, "It's a matter of consulting a brokerage company."

He admired himself so much that he could make up such excuses! I am really a personal talent!

Li Fan really wanted to scratch his head in the mirror, but he held back.

Now is not the time to be proud. Keep a low profile.

"Oh, right."

Chen Chen suddenly realized, "It seems to be the case."

"Yeah, I went to the toilet just now and heard you knock on the door, it scared me."

Li Fan pretended to be frightened. "Pissing back."

"Come on, can you still be scared? Who is your Li Fan!"

Shen Chen knows Li Fan's strength well.


Li Fan was a bit surprised. According to Wang Luo and himself on the boat, he should have brainwashed Shen Chen.

This mental power brainwashing should make Shen Chen forget what happened in London ... This is also a kind of protection for her! But how did she ... remember? This is impossible!

"Are you strange, why do I remember?"

Shen Chen suddenly laughed, and Li Fan who was laughing was a little bit flustered.

He was panicked, mainly because Shen Chen found that he had been watching her spotlight.

This girl doesn't seem to remember ... she only wears so little.

"Because ... I ... Ah!"

Chen Chen screamed again!

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