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Li Fan held the Shangfang sword with the scabbard. The sword was so heavy in his hands that Li Fan felt like he was holding an iron tower.

Waving a hundred times?

Li Fan was full of qi, and lifted the sword with ease.

"Don't use anger!"

The Dragon Girl immediately reprimanded, "If you use Qi, you will lose the meaning of exercise!"


Li Fan had no choice but to dissipate the vitality in his body.

"I go……"

As soon as the anger was gone, the weight of the sword was over. Li Fan's hand was a bit uncontrollable, and his arm was terribly heavy. Listen to the Dragon Girl saying that the sword was made from her scales. How heavy this woman's scales are.

"Lady, practice well. Although you are not very useful, you can always improve a bit."

He lifted the sword a little bit, his muscles seemed to be wailing.

If Li Fan had not exercised his muscles well, and he had grown up in the flesh, he would not have been able to lift up the sword.

This sword is too heavy, like a hill. It took a lot of effort for Li Fan to lift the sword to the top of his head.

If it doesn't work out, this sword may fall off and split itself in half!

But since it's exercise, let's practice it to the end!

Li Fan also took a sigh of relief, Nima, can not let this food dragon girl look down!

Li Fan controlled the strength, his muscles were shaking. He slowly waved the sword and then stopped in front of him.

In the end, Li Fan couldn't help it. The sword came out and was cut into the ground.

And his arm was still shaking uncontrollably.

"Everyone said you didn't use it. Just look at it and it won't work."

There were all kinds of ridicule for the dragon girl who was eating and drinking.


Li Fan didn't want to say anything, he adjusted his body with real energy to make the muscles recover faster. This conditioning method can be considered open.

"How's it going?"

"its not bad, right."

Li Fan rubbed his shoulder. "If I can eat and practice again, I think it should be better."

"Eat then, who won't let you eat?"

"Obviously you robbed me of everything?"

Li Fan stared at her fiercely.

"Are you there?"

The Dragon Girl was puzzled. "No, you eat so much here. You can eat whatever you want."

"Then you give me a chicken leg."

Li Fan glanced at the Orleans chicken legs in the basket next to him.

"This, how can this work ..."

The Dragon Girl covered the basket and looked at Li Fan vigilantly, "This, this is my food, I cannot waste it ..."

"Dividing me one has nothing to do with your waste?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"The relationship is big!"

The Dragon Girl emphasized, "These, these are all food for me. Of course, it is a waste to eat for others!"


Li Fan couldn't help it, he had to continue training silently.

At this time, Loli did not know when he came over and raised a chicken leg in his hand.

"For me?"

"Yeah, uncle."

Loli looked at Hongchen's look. "It was originally for pigs. See if you are too hungry, you can eat it."

Li Fan took the chicken leg indignantly. If he was not too hungry, he would not have taken this humiliated chicken leg!

Li Fan gorged himself, killed five chicken legs, and removed two.

Nima, has never eaten such a delicious chicken leg, he is so hungry!

Li Fan wiped out the chicken legs and wiped his hands, and found that the dragon girl was looking at herself with an angry look, as if she had just grabbed her food.

Well, this woman ...

Li Fan shook his head. He wiped his hands and continued to exercise himself.

Becoming a Shangfang sword, this is the only way to stay in China.

The general has said hello to the school. Li Fan does not even need to take credits, he is fully studying, and he retains his student status unconditionally. He will graduate automatically after four years.

There is a government behind them, and it feels different, Li Fan is angry again.

During this time, the rivers and lakes were turbulent, and Li Fan had been busy training in the military area.

"That's right, I made a twentieth today."

The Dragon Girl looked at the panting Li Fan, while eating fried chicken steak, she praised it rarely.

"Well ... do you know how to eat every day?"

Li Fan had a naked upper body, and the figure of the overlord Fuhu floating on his back. He was sweating too much, and glanced at the dragon girl sitting next to him.

"Isn't this busy training you."

The dragon girl's petite figure will not be fat if she eats, and she will not grow taller.

"You just don't grow tall."


No matter how usual she mocks the dragon girl, she will not be angry. But today, Li Fan angered her with a word.

"I'm still young! I haven't grown up yet!"

"Still young? How old are you?"

"More than a thousand years old."

"You are a thousand years old? How do you tease me?"

"Do you know how long our dragons live?"

The Dragon Girl gave Li Fan a vain look. "It's not a problem to live 10,000 to 20,000 years."


Li Fan raised his sword and asked, "Willn't you be bored if you live that long?"

"It's boring, so I spend most of my time sleeping. When I wake up, I will be responsible for cultivating you stupid people. As for you, it is the stupidest one I have encountered!"

"How many days can Wang Luo wield a hundred swords?"

"I think about it ... when his master threw him to me, he was a little older than you. This kid is very talented, Shang Fangbao Jian accepted him for the first time, so he didn't need this Kind of special training. "

"Our day ..."

Li Fanxin said, really unfair!

"Okay, don't think about others, practice your sword well."

The Dragon Girl finally seemed to be full and yawned, "After ten days, if you haven't reached the target, I will give up on you."

She lay on the mat next to her and began to be lazy. "After all ... I'm sleepy ..."

This unscrupulous dragon girl, she was resurrected, just to watch her own sword while eating delicious food?

There are still ten days. If you follow your step-by-step practice and want to practice a hundred swords, it is really impossible.

Li Fan always felt that he still didn't catch anything.

Although wielding the sword in this way, although a little bit more strength, but compared with his strong and invigorating, it is a lot of money! The power of human flesh is limited, and the power of true energy is unlimited. Li Fan felt that in terms of muscle, he had reached a limit.

There must be other ways, otherwise Dragon Girl won't set such a short time.

The Dragon Girl leaned on the mat and slept loudly.

Sleep when you are full. She should not be a dragon girl, she should be a pig!

Li Fan spit out, and then sat down cross-legged, staring at the Shang Fangbao in front of him, thinking about countermeasures.

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