My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1090: Offended woman

1090 I Offended Woman

"This is incredible."

Luo Xiaofeng's rejuvenation is indeed very powerful. After eating one, Li Fan's internal injuries have recovered more than half.

"This return sword can only be used as the ability to press the box. Use it casually, what effect is there?"

Li Fan inserted the Shang Fangbao sword back into the scabbard. "I didn't want to be equal to them. It was when I unexpectedly killed them with a returning sword! But this time, he was always prepared for my returning sword I'm afraid it won't work even if I use it. I might as well keep it first and use my martial arts to deter him. "

"Suddenly considering so much ..."

The Dragon Girl touched her smooth chin and couldn't help but praise Li Fan.

"I'm hungry."


Li Fan is also convinced. What does this woman know besides eating?

"Is this your mantra?"

Li Fan asked.

"No, it's an instinct. It's really hungry."

The dragon girl touched her flat belly, "Look, I'm hungry and thin ..."

"Did you just eat?"

"Eat a bit. A very nice human just served me a lot of food. What steak, foie gras, it tastes great!"

Li Fan's eyebrows twitched, this girl, will not be addicted!

"Nevertheless, the instant noodles are still delicious ... I want to eat hot and sour flavor!"

"That's good ... I'll do it for you!"

"Well, humans now, they just worshipped some food and wanted to mate with me!"


Li Fan's blood was not cleaned up. Hearing this, he could not help spitting out another old blood.

No wonder someone inexplicably invites Dragon Girl to eat so many big meals. Is the drunkard's intention not to drink?

"Can you ... don't just eat what passers-by give?"

Li Fan asked.

"Well? Why not? That's all the food they offered to me!"

The Dragon Girl tilted her head and looked at Li Fan, with doubts on her face, "This is their responsibility and obligation!"


Li Fan doesn't know what to say, this woman is almost as good as food to eat! However, people take food as their heaven, which seems to be nothing wrong.

"No, I'm so hungry, take me home!"

The Dragon Girl repeatedly asked that Li Fan had no choice but to take her away. However, the dragon girl reached out and dragged Li Fan's sleeve, almost pulling Li Fan aside.

"What are you doing?"

"Well me, I'm hungry."

Where does this look like you have no energy!

Li Fan wanted to cry without tears.

Do n’t be so terribly strong!

"Hurry up! Really hungry!"

The Dragon Girl rubbed her little belly and looked at Li Fan pitifully. "You are my guardian ... you have to take responsibility for my belly."

"Let's go, just carry your back!"

Li Fan couldn't do anything about it. This dragon girl had no choice but to take her by herself.

Except for being arrogant, this little girl is pretty good. There is no way to be arrogant. A dragon girl who has lived for more than a thousand years is naturally different from ordinary people.

"Come on, climb up."

Li Fan motioned for the Dragon Girl.

"You're crazy, how can I get up and squat down!"

Li Fan couldn't help it, sometimes Dragon Girl was like a child. He had to squat down in front of the dragon girl and let the girl lie on his back.

"Tell me more about the Four Holy Beasts."

After Li Fan carried the Dragon Girl on his back, he asked while walking back.

"Four holy beasts ... each of them is perverted."

The Dragon Girl remembered them, and could not help but be sad. "They have used the power of the four holy beasts for generations and have always been enemies against our twelve holy beasts. For so many years, I do n’t know how many twelve holy beasts are dead In their hands. "

"Dead? How did the new twelve holy beasts come?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"The twelve sacred beasts of death, the soul will continue to reincarnate."

The Dragon Girl explained, "So we often look for new twelve holy beasts."

"That's the case, it's also a fate."

Li Fan sighed, "Why is this generation after generation of killing!"

"Some things are hard to explain."

The Dragon Girl murmured, "I don't like this either, but grudges are grudges and can't be stopped."

"So ..."

"Well, hope to end this grudge in your generation."

"Is this your wish?"

Suddenly Li Fan asked solemnly.

"Of course!"

The Dragon Girl seemed a little sleepy, and her voice was a little confused.

"But ... every generation ... not work ... so sleepy ..."

Li Fan felt a slight breathing sound in her ear, and the dragon girl seemed to be asleep.

This girl ... there is really nothing she can do about her. Li Fan carrying her back to the apartment all the way.

Li Fan just returned a short while, took a bath, was wearing a bathrobe, and came out of the bathroom. This student apartment is good. It is too convenient to take a bath. But Li Fan lives here, it is a secret. After all, let Zhao handsome know that they are still a bit troublesome. Therefore, Li Fan declared that he was going out to rent a house.

But as soon as Li Fan sat down, he heard the knock on the door.

Li Fan was a little surprised. Who would it be?

At school, who knows who lives here?

Li Fan thought for a while, it seems that there is only Liao Wushuang and his sister Liu Xiaowan?

Could it be Liu Xiaowan?

Thinking of his gentleness with Xue Xue, Li Fan's body became hot for a while.

It's been a long time since I had been gentle with Xuejie, Li Fan still looks forward to it. Although the Dragon Girl is here, it should be no problem for her to sleep so sweetly!

The Dragon Girl really can eat and sleep. After she fell asleep, she could not wake up for twelve hours. Even a woman who thunders and catches fire does not wake up!

"I'm coming."

Hearing the bell hurried, Li Fan quickened his pace, walked to the door, and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, it wasn't anyone outside the door, but Jin Jiumao who was covered in blood!

"Jin Jiumao? What's wrong with you?"

Li Fan was startled. How could this girl be?

He quickly lifted Jin Jiumao and hugged her to the sofa.

At the same time, Li Fan examined her wounds.


Li Fan tore off the jacket of Jin Jiumao, she was traditionally wrapped in a bandage around her chest.

But this is not the point. Li Fan checked it, and she had at least 30 or 40 wounds on her body. Several of the wounds were shocking and almost killed Jin Jiumao!

"It's tenacious ... it's not dead ..."

Li Fan took out Huichundan and wanted to feed Jin Jiumao.

But Jin Jiumao was in a coma, apparently unable to swallow the elixir.

Li Fan thought for a moment, stuffed the elixir into his mouth, crushed it, pointed at Jin Jiumao's mouth, and kissed it.

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