My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1109: Deadly sound

1109 Deadly Voice

Both Chen Chen and the twins were slowly on track, and the company let Liu Xiaowan take care of it. Shen Chen played as usual, after all, he was a popular star. The twins gradually had problems. Liu Xiaowan temporarily asked Li Fan to take charge of both of them.

"What's wrong, frowning?"

Li Fan walked into the lounge. Jiang Yuanyuan and Jiang Fangfang sat there. The two sisters didn't look very good.

"Our songs don't look very hot ..."

Jiang Yuanyuan sat there, her little face resting on the table, her face unhappy.

"Shenchen's new song released at the same time, Shen Chen's No. 1 hit list! Neither of us ... the top thirty did not enter ..."

"I said, how to make two little princesses listless for days."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Don't you just plan to play, why are you so serious this time?"

"Since you do it, you need to do it well!"

Jiang Yuanyuan sighed, "I still like to be a star."

"Forget it, Yuanyuan."

Jiang Fangfang pulled his sister, "This shows that the two of us really don't have talent for singing."

"I don't want to eat by my face!"

Jiang Yuanyuan is quite ambitious, "President ... Oh no, boss, look at it, how do you develop the potential of my sister and me?"

"You say that, the president will want to be crooked."

Jiang Fangfang reminded her sister.

"makes sense."

Jiang Yuanyuan tilted her head and looked at Li Fan, "Boss, didn't you want to tilt?"

Jiang Yuanyuan was wearing a low-necked dress, sitting down, Li Fan could even see a white chest.

Li Fan suddenly remembered the **** cos photo that Jiang Yuanyuan had sent out before ... he couldn't help but have a burning heat in his heart ... This girl was definitely intentional!

Fortunately, Murong Ai has been arrested recently again at home, otherwise she would come and step in and things would be lively again.

But it won't be long before this girl will slip out again.

Recently, the rivers and lakes have been turbulent, and Murong Bo should not let his young daughter run around.

"I'm so unwilling ..."

Jiang Yuanyuan mourned, Jiang Fangfang had no way of taking her sister.

"Let ’s go, I have a note."

Li Fan thought for a while, then said, "I didn't want to teach you."

"Okay, boss, you're still hiding!"

Jiang Yuanyuan stood up immediately and stepped forward to grab Li Fan's arm. Although the little girl's chest is not large, the pressure on Li Fan's arm is very real.

"It's not Tibetan private, but it would be unfair to other singers."

"You're a bully, when did you start talking about fairness!"

Jiang Yuanyuan asked immediately.

"makes sense……"

Li Fan feels that with the improvement of his martial arts, it seems that the kind of competition is gradually diminishing.

"That being the case, teach you two."

Li Fan said this secret, "In fact, there are many ways to use Qi, and you two should know the magic sounds, right?"

"Of course I know, this is a magic skill."

Jiang Fangfang has a profound knowledge of martial arts, and Li Fan feels that she may be second only to Liu Zhu, the demon cult.

In other words, I haven't seen Liu Zhu for a long time. I really miss him a little bit. I don't know what this guy is doing now. The rivers and lakes are turbulent, and I am afraid that demons cannot survive.

"Li Fan, do you mean, when we sing, do we use the ability similar to the magic sound brain?"

Jiang Yuanyuan Bingxue was smart and seemed to understand something.

"Can it be done without saying ... and even if it can be done, the magic sound enchantment is only useful to the people on the scene?"

Jiang Fangfang thought, "In that case, wouldn't cd and electronic music have no effect?"


Li Fan reminded her, "What I want to do is not to enchant the magic sounds, but to let the two of you learn to resonate with your voice. In this way, the singing of both of you will become Different. "

"Can such a thing really be done?"

Jiang Fangfang was skeptical.

Li Fan smiled, "I'll show you how to show me."

Then, he let Zhen Qi lift up, gathered in the position of his throat, and let the voice resonate with Zhen Qi.

Li Fan sang a few words, and both sisters widened their eyes.

"This ... this ... terrible ..."

Li Fan's singing voice has a very strong appeal, and the magnetism in his voice even made the two girls' bodies slightly soft.

Jiang Yuanyuan's face was flushed. Although she was usually troublesome, she was a bit traditional in her bones. But at this moment, she was a little moist ... which made her particularly shy. This ... this is too shameful ... Li Fan's singing ... terrible ...

"how about it?"

Li Fan maintained his magical voice. "My voice has not changed, nor is it the magical voice's brainpower. It just adds the resonance of Qi."

"Yes, no more ..."

Jiang Yuanyuan's face was flushed, and she leaned tightly on Li Fan's body. "You ... you should speak in a normal way."

Jiang Fangfang also leaned against the wall next to him, and seemed to be patient.

"Hey, you two, what's wrong?"

Li Fan was puzzled.

"I ... can't help it ..."

Suddenly, Jiang Yuanyuan pulled apart Li Fan's shirt and held her hands with Li Fan. The little cherry mouth kept kissing Li Fan's neck.

Jiang Fangfang also came with water in his eyes, step by step towards Li Fan. She was still restraining herself, but she still couldn't stop this terrible urge.


The sisters spend time together to serve themselves. Although Li Fan is looking forward to it, he doesn't want to use this method.

Just as he somehow handed over Zhou Guifei for the first time, Li Fan knew that these two girls certainly did not want to be confused and just contributed the first time.

Li Fan immediately put away his own voice resonance, and then a tiger screamed in the forest, a roar, and awakened the sisters.

The two little girls woke up, their faces became more red, and each of them was a little afraid to speak.

A bit awkward in the air, Li Fan couldn't help but cough twice.

"So what ... a bit too powerful ..."

Jiang Yuanyuan also slowed down a little, and her flushing turned away a lot.

"Pervert President ..."

Jiang Fangfang turned his head.

"I don't know if it will have this effect ... try lowering the resonance."

"Ah, try again?"

Jiang Yuanyuan seemed a little scared and a little looking forward.

"Well, this is also for the good of you two."

Li Fanyi's rhetoric made sisters spend hard to refuse.

"Relax, this time I lower the resonance, there should be no problem."

Speaking, Li Fan spoke again, and the sister flower became nervous at the same time.

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