My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1111: Jiuzhen Yaoshu

1111 Nine True Skills

The twins are on fire!

Suddenly, the red river spread north and south!

The two men's latest single even broke Shen Chen's number one and became the champion in one fell swoop!

Li Fan was walking in the school, listening to the new songs of the twins on the radio, could not help but feel a little proud.

It seems that he is still very talented to cultivate stars! In the future, give yourself a title or something, called a Need for Brokers!

"You're great, too, and you can use it in that way."

The Dragon Girl followed Li Fan, and whenever the little girl was holding snacks in her hand.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Everything is on the right track, and the company is also handled by Liu Xiaowan, and I will relax a bit."

In the early winter season, g city is still warm as spring. Li Fan stood in the sun, stretched a big lazy waist, his expression was very comfortable, "I'm going to retreat for a while, then I will challenge the tower."

"Mr. Li's head ..."

Without waiting for Li Fan to talk about his plans, a man in a Jinyiwei costume suddenly appeared in the corner next to him.

Look at his clothes, it seems to be a small family.

This man was wearing Jin Yiwei's mask and could not see who it was.

"Stand behind me."

Li Fan reached out and stopped the Dragon Girl behind her. At the same time, he rolled up his left palm, his palms gathered with strong anger.

"Head Li, I'm not an enemy."

The hundred households gave Li Fan a hand, "I'm here to tell you something!"

"Say something."

There were a few students around, but Jin Yiwei was not noticed standing in the dark. His clothes, however, fit well with darkness. Li Fan didn't want to do anything, he didn't want to alarm this peaceful campus.

"It was someone who asked me to come and tell me something."

The hundred households pointed to the east, "In the general altar of the demon religion, there is a copy of" Nine True Essentials! "There are recorded things about the true body of Wu Shen, which can be used as a reference for your Kung Fu.


Li Fan was surprised, "Who wants you here?"

"It's a friend of yours."

The other party did not specify who it was. "The words have already been brought. I am inconvenienced to stay more. Please treasure them."

Hundreds said, retreating into the shadows, and soon the breath disappeared.

This person ... Although it is only a hundred households, the effort to hide the breath is great. He came and went, Li Fan didn't even notice it.

"Anyone from Jin Yiwei?"

The Dragon Girl seemed a little interested. "I haven't seen them for a long time. I didn't expect it to exist."

"It's also a long-established existence ... and one of them is Niubi."

"More bull than?"


Li Fan remembered the battle between Wang Luo and Liao Jue, "He is known as Emperor Wulin, and he had full holy power during the heyday. Now, according to Wang Luo, his strength is less than half ... Wang Luo died in his hands "Even if I used the return sword, I'm afraid he's not his opponent."


This is something beyond the expectations of the dragon girl, "Even the blue dragon has been defeated by you. Is that man so powerful?"

"Well, I can't brag about the enemy."

Li Fan thought about it, "Perhaps, I should consider this man's opinion and go to the general altar of the demon to see."

"What is a demon?"

The Dragon Girl didn't understand the demon, "At that time, I only had 108 magic gates. Where did the demon?"

"The 108 magic gates were conquered by a man named Li only."

Li Fan mentioned the name of the demon leader, "He is also very powerful, just to see and see."

"Anyway, do you plan for yourself? Are you going to break into the devil?"

"Of course not, since I'm looking for something, I'd better sneak in."

Li Fan made up his mind, "It's settled, go with me to the total demon forum!"

"Do you know where?"

"I don't know, but I can buy it."

There is this guy of the Phoenix King. I am afraid I can also ask you about the position of the general demon cult.

"what about me?"

The dragon girl pointed at herself, "If you want to sneak in, I must be a burden, right?"

"Put you in the military area for a while."

Li Fan thought for a moment, "After all, I am not good at taking care of you after joining the devil."

"Hum, don't!"

The Dragon Girl directly rejected Li Fan's proposal. "I am your mentor. For the past two years, I must stay by your side every day! Who knows what bad behavior you will have when you disappear!"

"I always study what I do ... Besides I should graduate?"

"You don't want to learn extreme tricks, is Wulei thundering?"

"Looks like this name last time, right?"

Li Fan recalled it.

"It's almost there! In short, it is a great stunt passed down from generation to generation by a dragon girl!"

The Dragon Girl immediately said, "With this stunt, even if it is the martial emperor Liao Jue, you have hope to defeat him!"

"It's really troublesome ..."

Li Fan is not good at refusing, "You look like this ... why am I lurking with you ..."

"Isn't it convenient for children?"

The Dragon Girl smiled. "You said it earlier, this problem is easy to solve."

She said, turning around, and the blue water was wrapped around her. By the time the light spread, she had grown to a height of about one meter, sixty-seven, tall, generous, and completely a girl version of a dragon girl.


"We dragon girls can control their body freely."

The Dragon Girl proudly said, "Otherwise, why do you think you can eat so much and not get fat?"

"You are better than ... then why don't you keep this figure?"

Li Fan questioned.

"How inconvenient is this figure."

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan and smiled sweetly, "And, aren't you a loli control?"

"Wipe, who is Lori Control ..."

Li Fan wiped his cold sweat, "You have this stunt, it will be more convenient."

"Of course, this is Dragon Girl's extinction. Do you want to learn?"

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan and asked with pride.

"I don't need to learn from you, I will."

"You bragging!"

"Haha, you don't believe it."

Li Fan said, took out his mobile phone and dialed out.

"This news is quite valuable."

Upon hearing Li Fan's inquiry, the Phoenix King on the other side of the phone answered immediately.

"For such a message, the value must be calculated at least from nine to ten digits?"

"I said, Lao Feng!"

Li Fan started to set it off, "The friendship between the two of us is not too shallow, isn't your lion talking so well?"

"My chief Li Dart, you are really a noble person."

The King of Phoenix reminded him, "Did you forget, long ago, you rejected my offer to cooperate?"

"Work returns to work, affection to affection! In my heart, your old phoenix is ​​my friend! If you have anything to do with me, I am willing to define it, and help!

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