My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1113: Going Deeper

1113 Into the Devil

The Dragon Girl suddenly began to drool, and it looked like a terrible death.

"It's delicious, it's delicious!"

The Dragon Girl kept yelling, "Li Fan, Li Fan ... Quickly, catch it!"

When talking, the water surface swelled up, and the waves spread out in circles, as if something was coming.

The surrounding school of fish spread out in panic, and the movement of the lake was getting bigger and bigger.

Li Fan took a step back, he felt a pressure.

At this time, a giant carp jumped up from the water!

This carp is at least more than five meters long, with heavy scales on its body, and splashes of crystal water.

A lot of small fish around it were jumped by it and brought them out of the water.

This guy is the king of carps!

"Such a big guy, dominate the lake!"

"It must be delicious!"

The dragon girl swallowed hard, "The carp king over a century, the meat is very delicious!"

I don't know who wants to eat who, the king of carp has opened his mouth, pointed at Li Fan, swallowed it in one bite!

"Really powerful!"

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, this kind of giant, that is, attracted by the dragon song, can only see it!

The king of carps has reached the top of Li Fan's head, black and crushing the ground, just like Mount Tai. The fishhook was hanging on the corner of his mouth, and it seemed that he wanted to swallow bait with Li Fan.

"Good job!"

Li Fan held the fishing rod and perfused it on the ordinary fishing rod, which strengthened the toughness of the fishing line.

He threw it vigorously, and the giant carp's huge body was pulled by a small fishhook, followed by it.

A giant king of carps, swiftly moving in the air.

"Let's go back!"

Li Fan slammed again and threw this giant carp king back into the lake.

"Oh, why did you throw him back!"

The Dragon Girl looked at Li Fan angrily, "That's my lunch!"

"Everything has a spirit."

Li Fan explained, "Especially the carp king who has lived for 100 years, maybe one day, he can jump into the dragon gate and turn into a dragon."

"Nonsense, how could a low-level creature like a fish become a dragon!"

Dragon Girl's anger quickly deteriorated, "You are not honoring Master! Too much!"

"Is your mentor too good to eat."

Li Fan was quite helpless. "And we're here to fish. Making such a big one would be suspected."

"No, you have to compensate me!"

"After going back, add a box of instant noodles every day."

"The deal."

The Dragon Girl promised to come down.

The carp king swam around the lake and seemed to look at Li Fan a little unwillingly.

And Li Fan glanced at the king of carp, his breath suddenly erupted.

The carp king felt Li Fan's power and ran away with the school of fish.

"Look at you, you scared the school of fish away!"

The Dragon Girl is very sorry.

"It's okay, take your time, these are enough for you to bake."

Li Fan pointed to the fish that had been caught in a bucket just now, "Eat slowly, not enough. I will fish for you!"

"Perform well and look after you for the teacher."

The dragon girl dragged a few branches, wore a few fish, and grilled them on the fire.

All the seasonings brought by Li Fan were also used. The dragon girl had a strong taste and put a lot of salt and pepper.

The fire was not very strong, but the dragon girl breathed softly at the bonfire, and the fire immediately flourished a lot.

Li Fan sat by the lake and saw the scene. But he didn't say anything, just paid attention to it. There are still many secrets on the Dragon Girl, waiting for her to dig slowly.

Soon, the scent of grilled fish fluttered and poured into Li Fan's nose.

They said that food is generally cooked, and Li Fan now believes it.

This dragon girl also has some survival skills, smelling the smell of grilled fish, she is even hungry.

"How about, would you like one?"

The Dragon Girl asked proudly.

"You can leave one for me, I'm thankful."

"Look at what you said, can I eat it so much?"

The Dragon Girl justified, "I'm very restrained, I only eat seven fulls every time I eat!"


Li Fan didn't know what to say.

"Come, this fish is the smallest ... no, it's the most delicious meat, leave it to you to eat. The remaining skin is thick and thick, so let the teacher handle it!"

The Dragon Girl happily distributed a smallest fish to Li Fan, "eat, don't hesitate!"

Li Fan hung the fishing rod on the shore, then picked up the grilled fish. It's really a bit hungry. Let's eat to fill the hunger first.

And just as the two men started, there were two men in red robes walking by.

As soon as the two men came over, they started driving Li Fan and the Dragon Girl.

"Hey, you two, this is a private area and you must not enter!"

"Private area?"

Li Fan looked at them both puzzledly, "Isn't this area a barren mountain, when has it become a private area?"

"You two, come from outside."

The man in the red robe frowned, "This generation is contracted by us, outsiders are not allowed to enter! Didn't you see the sign standing outside?

The other just rolled up his sleeves, "I won't leave you anymore!"

That buddy is tall and powerful, but it is very deterrent.

"Okay, it's so frustrating to come out and catch a fish!"

Li Fan sighed and started packing.

"Get out of here, less nonsense!"

The man in the red robe came in and kicked Li Fan's bucket. But at this second, Li Fan suddenly grabbed his calf and dragged down.

The man in the red robe didn't stand firmly at once, and stumbled directly in front of Li Fan. Li Fan grabbed his hands on the other's head, and then made a mistake and clicked, and the man was twisted off his head.


Before the other man in the red robe had time to question, Li Fan suddenly reached him, then slapped him from the bottom up and hit him on the chin.


The opponent's head was lifted directly, and the whole person also flew high. Li Fan grabbed his ankle and pulled it down again. He turned around and hit the ground with his strength.

Then, Li Fan poked at the other person's heart, directly piercing the other's heart.

"Is this your purpose?"

While watching Li Fan's killing, the dragon girl who ate fish slowly said, "You are really cruel, and you have no mercy."

"From the moment they joined the cult, it was already equivalent to their death."

Li Fan was not polite, "Demonism should never exist!"

"Well, it's decisive."

The Dragon Girl nodded. "As a Shangfang sword, sometimes it needs to be so hot!"

"Thank you for the compliment, put on this dress first."

Li Fan chopped off their robes and threw one to the Dragon Girl. "Put on, and this, take it. This is the waistband of the demon."

"This dress is so ugly ..."

Looking at the uniform of the demon, the dragon girl pouted.

"Ugly turns ugly, but there are two things that are foolproof."

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