My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1128: Rainy Night Legend

1128 Rainy Night Talk Legend

"I understand!"

One night Li Fan suddenly yelled, then jumped out of bed, and punched a pit in the wall next to him!

The maiden was taken aback and looked at Li Fan with some surprise.

A few days ago it was still half dead, and even struggling to walk! Can it exert such power today?

But this power is a bit weird, and it doesn't look strong, but it is incredible to be able to make a hole in the wall.

"Did you start to recover slowly?"

The maiden put on her blouse. One second before hitting the wall, Li Fangang hungrily read "Jiu Zhen Yao Shu" again, and seemed to be studying the next sentence.

At that time, the leader also watched for a long time, and then closed the retreat for one year. When he came out, he realized the "Tiantian God Work"!

In just three or four days, can Li Fan gain something?

"Following up, you may recover sooner."

The maiden just comforted Li Fan and immediately gave up.

Because at this time, Li Fan was rubbing his buttocks, lying on the ground, staring at a small grass protruding from the corner, watching Zheng Huan.

"Crazy, absolutely crazy!"

The maiden couldn't understand Li Fan's state at all, she simply thought that Li Fan was mental disorder! Maybe after getting him some strength again, he should get better!

But let the maiden be disappointed. For the next two months, Li Fan did all sorts of incredible things like disheartenedness!

After staring at the grass, he began to sneak out and stare at the trees outside! Then in the winter, go to see the fish in the cold river! Then I began to observe the birds in the mountains, and then the beasts, chasing these running around, making it look like Taishan!

It's even more terrible!

The goods stared at herself every day. The maiden felt that he could see through his veil, and there was no reason to be shocked.

"You don't have to worry about me, what should you do every day, I just watch you."

Every time he complained to Li Fan, he would say so.

The lady was too lazy to ignore him and turned to go out, Li Fan followed directly.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to watch you."

"I'll make it easier ..."

"Just right, I haven't observed what a girl's convenience looks like."

Li Fan said something casually, and then was beaten by the maiden! This made Li Fan give up his incredible thoughts!

After hitting Li Fan, the maiden herself was a little tired. But what made her even more surprised was that she found that when he met Li Fan, his body seemed to be soft, and her own strength was alleviated!

This is absolutely different from the previous Xiao Bawang. The previous Li Fan had real Qi protection on his body and was hard-bodied, just like steel!

What did he do? Isn't it enough to lose heart and be crazy?

The maiden felt that if she continued to do so, she would be driven crazy by Li Fan.

No, keep your own mentality. Li Fan may now be a child, full of curiosity about everything! You must take care of him patiently, after a while, he will slowly recover!

After another month, Li Fan seemed to have lost interest in himself and stopped studying himself. Instead, he began to study the land under his feet and began to observe the mud every day.

I don't know why, but the maiden was a little lost.

In Li Fan's incomprehensible head, what are the whimsy? The maiden wondered.

One day, while Li Fan was playing with the mud in his hand, the maiden hurried back, holding him.

"Li Fan, come with me."

"Well, the clay figurine I pinched!"

Li Fan hurriedly grabbed the clay figure he had just pinched.

"Don't worry about the clay figurines, we are in danger!"

The maiden did not care about the dirty. One hand held Li Fan's muddy hand, and the other hand was holding a four-sword sword. She pulled out of the earth kiln with him.

It was already dark and it was still raining lightly outside. There was a faint light in the distance, followed by a rough voice.

"Some say the maiden appeared nearby, she must not run far, chase it!"

"It's a **** thing, I didn't expect that the old thief Murong also laid the Tianluodi net here!"

The voice of the maiden was full of resentment. She took Li Fan and hurriedly walked into the forest.

In Guizhou, the trees remain green even in winter. But in the dark night under the rain, it seemed a bit scary. When the light in the distance shines, there are ghosts here.

The maiden could not take care of this, and Li Fan also bowed his head to play with the clay figure, and seemed to be indifferent to the things outside.

The maiden took Li Fan through the woods and hurried to the next safe place.

Just then, a group of people in black blocked her way.

"Sir, don't run away, we have already laid the Tianluo Di net, you have nowhere to hide!"

"Asshole ..."

The maiden looked at the men in black around him, these seemed to be masters of the horse family. The first of them was an elder of the Ma family. He wore a sable woolen vest with a dragon sword hanging around his waist and sneered in his mouth.

"Okay, sir, it's a long way to go. You two killed our owner. This account should be yours today!"

"Li Fan, you stay here, I take care of you!"

The maiden told Li Fan to whisper, and then Cang Langlang pulled out the dazzling sword, looked around, and reviled loudly, "The magic sword is here! I dare to come!"

"Look and see! It looks like you!"

Li Fan pinched the clay figure out roughly and shouted excitedly, "I have pinched a veil! How interesting you look! This thing is so fun, when it is soft, it is particularly soft! When it is hard, It can be particularly hard! "

The maiden blushed, and the old Ma laughed.

"Hahaha, this is the Little Overlord of the Great Earthquake of the day? I think he is now a Little King! He was disappointed by the Murong owner and got mad?"

"Stop! You dog legs, don't deserve to say him!"

The maiden cursed, "How can you dare to have a magic sword here?"

"The sword is a good sword. Unfortunately, the people who use it are too wasteful."

Mr. and Mrs. Ma smiled, "I have heard the sword crying, don't worry, now I'll liberate you. Brothers, grab the Excalibur, kill Xiao Wang Ba, and then this lady can handle it! , Our anger is not small! Don't waste this great opportunity, and let go of your anger! "

He was so stunned that the eyes of the guys around him turned red!

Someone kills, some girls play, why not?

Xiao Ba Wang was also a personal character before. Whoever can kill him is destined to become famous in the future! And who can do a good job for the maiden is also prestigious in the arena!

"Little maiden's skin, let you taste Grandpa's next shot!"

A swordsman of the Ma family had already taken advantage of the sound of the night rain, and the sharp knife in his hand was shocked by a raindrop!

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