1146 Lord Queen


Li Fan looked at his little apprentice.

"Master is the judge ... it is inevitable that there is a bias ... the guilt is guilty, but I still hope that Master can invite another notary."

"You girl ..."

Li Fan was helpless, Jiang Ye was afraid of favoring Le Xiaohu.

"At that time, the Dragon Girl is also there, but she guesses that you won't trust it ... then, I will let Zhou Guifei be the referee, is it okay?"

Anyway, Zhou Guifei is now practicing besides cultivation, and she has nothing else to do. Let her come out for fun.

"It's so good, thank you Master for your success."

Jiang Ye knelt down, and bowed respectfully to Li Fan.

"Master, I must hold my position!"

Le Xiaohu patted his chest, "I want to show the style and majesty of being a brother!"

"It is good to have ambition, but Jiang Ye is right, you are a bit frivolous."

Li Fan patted Le Xiaohu on the shoulder. "Don't forget, you almost lost today."

Le Xiaohu was said, his face suddenly flushed.

"Becoming prematurely stronger makes your mentality a bit swell."

Li Fan cautioned him, "And you are only in the early stages when you enter the room, and are weaker than your sister and sister. But in your environment, practicing for so long should be stronger than Jiang Ye. Do you know why? "

"The disciples are not ... please reprimand ..."

"Because you are so cozy!"

Li Fan's eyes flashed lightly, "You can rejuvenate your country if you are troubled, and you can die if you are unhappy."

"The disciple knows wrong ..."

"I won't say much more. Neither of you are children. You have to weigh yourself."

Li Fan, standing with both hands, looked at them, "You all go to your own business. I'll go and see Zhou Guifei. If you compete, I will arrange it tonight. Do n’t tell outsiders. The military order is here, and I don't want to have branches outside the festival. "


The two apprentices nodded and retreated.

Li Fan had wanted to rest in the office for a while, but now I'm afraid it won't work. He had to go there, to Zhou Guifei's apartment. This woman since the last battle of Murong's family, although she also followed G city, but did not stay with Li Fan, but went out chic.

Zhou Guifei has money and martial arts. In this flowery world outside, I don't know how to toss.

As long as you don't go too far, go out every day to absorb the vitality of others.

Li Fan walked directly to the Pearl Tower in G City according to the address left by Gui Guifei at the time.

Should be a luxury apartment building? How did it become a nightclub?

Li Fan looked at the building in front of him. The building was thirty stories high and towering into the clouds. The building is printed with a large font, the dream of the Ming Dynasty.

Dream of the Ming Dynasty ... Li Fan muttered, was it made by Zhou Guifei?

Li Fan walked in, and there was a deafening sound of music, which almost lifted Li Fan out.

Dude ... is this so busy during the day?

Li Fan rubbed his ears and took two steps back, let Zhen Qi gently wrap his ears. Sure enough, this was much better. The noise around him seemed to recede and moved away from him.

But after entering, there was a large inspection channel inside. Two strong men in black security uniforms stood with their arms crossed, expressionless.

After seeing Li Fan, two people stopped him and motioned him to take a safe passage.

Li Fanxin said, is Zhou Guifei playing so high-end now, and she still has a safe passage? Fortunately, when he came out without weapons, even the extraordinary swords were placed in the martial arts hall.

He walked directly through the security door, and the alarm didn't go off. When Li Fan came out, he wore only a soft robe and had no metal on his body.

After a safe passage, there is a ballroom in front. The music inside is a little stronger, and men and women are dancing in it. A waiter stepped forward and asked Li Fan directly.

"Sir, a deck or a private room?"

"I'm looking for someone."

"Can I help you?"

"Zhou Guifei."

Zhou Guifei does not use her name in modern times, she always uses her code. So much that Li Fan had forgotten what she was called.


The waiter suddenly became dumb, and looked at Li Fan more.

"Who are you?"

"Tell Zhou Guifei that Li Fan is looking for her."

Li Fanxin said that it didn't seem so easy to see Zhou Guifei.

"Mr. Li, right!"

The waiter was relieved instantly, it seemed that he had heard Li Fan's name somewhere.

"The queen ordered that if it were you, you would be treated like a VIP immediately. Dear Mr. Li, please here."

The waiter became respectful, smiled, and led Li Fan to the side.


Li Fan couldn't help but want to laugh, this week's concubine even claimed to be the queen? No matter, in this materialistic society, money is naturally king.

The waiter took Li Fan into an elevator and drove the elevator for him.

"You guys did a great job."

Li Fan boasted politely, "It's just a bit noisy."

"This floor is the dance floor, so it will be noisy."

The waiter said with a smile, "There are more facilities on the other floors. We have a quiet place here. Mr. Li can sit there and there is a resident band.

"Look back and see."

Li Fanxin said that Zhou Guifei could really do it, and it was quite complete. When he had a clever idea, he asked again.

"Then you, is there any kind of place?"


"It's the place that makes men happy."

Li Fan squeezed his eyes.

"Mr. Li is so humorous, naturally."

The waiter seemed a little proud. "Not only is there a place that makes men happy, but also a place that makes women happy. The queen said that it would be a small independent kingdom full of happiness."

Guigui Zhou ... That's enough!

Li Fan was convinced.

"Is Mr. Li going to see?"

"Forget it, go to Zhou Guifei first."

This is not the time to relax, and Liu Xiaowan often comes to collect homework at night, and Li Fan is not hungry.

"Okay, Lord Queen is on the top floor."

The elevator slowly rises, and the waiter opens a hidden door from the elevator panel and enters the new floor.

Concealed so secretly, Zhou Guifei was afraid that someone would think she would fail?

One minute later, the elevator finally reached the top floor, and the elevator door slowly opened.

This one opened, and inside was the room where Zhou Guifei lived. The layout is quite quaint, full of the feeling of the Ming Dynasty.

In front, a red pillar stood, and two handsome handsome men were tied to it. A **** and hot lady was holding a whip and beating them.

Li Fan was dumbfounded, Nima, what happened?

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