My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1148: This palace loves you

Chapter 1148: I Want You

Li Fan was a little surprised. As soon as Zhou Guifei reached out, she didn't control her body and was sucked directly!

This week's concubine strength has recovered so much?

Looking at Zhou Guifei close at hand, her beautiful face is so clear.

The panther below roared at Li Fan and seemed very dissatisfied. Zhou Guifei kicked it gently with her feet, and it was honest.

"How much more vitality have you sucked?"

Li Fan looked a little dull and asked directly.

"Are you worried about the others?"

Zhou Guifei smiled, she pulled Li Fan, and her finger gently slid on his cheek.

"You should worry about yourself first."

"Do you want to **** me?"

"Yeah, sucked you."

Zhou Guifei licked her tongue.

"Fairy, it looks like you really shouldn't have kept you!"

Li Fan's energy surged up, his anger was rampant.

"So excited."

Gui Guifei smiled, "None of us in this palace has been sucked to death. In this place where people drunk and dreamed of death, everyone, this palace only sucked a little vitality, which has almost no effect on them. The palace naturally became stronger. "

"But what are you talking about?"

"Of course, this palace also doesn't want to kill people. In modern society, killing people is a very troublesome thing. It can be stronger like this, isn't it good?

"But didn't you say, you **** me?"

"Yeah, this palace is just sucking you."

Zhou Guifei said, reaching into Li Fan's pants and dragging.


Li Fan was speechless, and his feelings sucked ... what does that mean ...

"Let's ... can you say something?"


Guigui Zhou laughed, "Aren't you looking for help from this palace, then you have to pay the price!"


"This what this! A big man, grinded. Today, you will be from this palace!"

Zhou Guifei pushed Li Fan and the two rolled directly to the ground.

Last time Li Fan and Zhou Guifei also did similar things, but at that time Li Fan possessed a demon and did not know how it felt. After really trying this time, Li Fan finally understood what is good about Zhou Guifei ...

This week, the concubine is Sanjiang Chunshui among the top ten. It is said that there are three beads hidden in the flower heart, which stimulates men.

When Li Fan usually talked with Liu Xiaowan, it was no problem to persist for two hours. But at Zhou Guifei, he couldn't hold on for less than half an hour.

"Don't leak Yuanyang."

Zhou Guifei whispered in Li Fan's ear, "Otherwise your skills would have been absorbed by me."

Zhou Guifei's voice stimulated Li Fan and Ma Dan.

Li Fan immediately let the vitality gather at one point, maintaining his own state. There was also a suction in Zhou Guifei's body, as if to **** Li Fan's soul!

This woman ... beautiful and hidden murder! Li Fan made the vitality more cohesive and resisted the suction of Zhou Guifei.

Unlike Mu Rongbo, Zhou Guifei's magical power **** vitality, not just anger.

The two men fought furiously, and Li Fan forcibly persisted for another half an hour, which was really impossible.

Zhou Guifei pushed him away, put on her robe, and sat back on the jade chair. She put her feet on the black panther and looked at Li Fan.

"So far."

Zhou Guifei's face was also flushed, breathing slightly, and very seductive.


Li Fan was a little unconvinced. Today he was defeated!

"Last time ... did I lose too?"

"how is this possible."

Guigui Zhou smiled. "Last time, you completely conquered this palace."


Li Fan is not happy, is he not as good as another one? This feeling of being compared with yourself is really weird!

"However, with your house, your skills should be a little longer."

Zhou Guifei asked.

Li Fan felt it, and it was so. The three hundred rounds of war with Zhou Guifei actually increased the vitality. It seems that this is also a peculiar exercise method! Concubine this week, it really is amazing!

Li Fan coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

"Now you, although quite cute, lack the kind of arrogance that despises everything."

Gui Guifei pressed her left leg on her right leg, looked at Li Fan, and said slowly, "You can spend more time with this palace, this palace will make you stronger."

"Never mind that ..."

Li Fan acknowledged, did Zhou Guifei want to tune-not teach herself?

"Actually, why do you have those insistence with this palace?"

Gui Guizhou frankly persuaded, "After you wake up, the first person you meet is you. You and this palace seem to have some fate. You stay here in this palace, and repair it day and night with this palace. I don't think it will take years. , You can become a contemporary holy level. And here you can also absorb the vitality of those people, each person only absorbs a little, one day is enough for you. "

"No need."

Such a temptation-confusion, really made Li Fan hesitate for a while. But just for a while, Li Fan immediately rejected Zhou Guifei.

"I still like to cultivate by myself. It will be more fulfilling."

"Still the proud you ... hey ..."

Zhou Guifei sighed, her expression seemed a little disappointed.

"That being the case, it's no use saying what the palace said. Promise you, the palace will do it naturally. Say, when?"

"Just tonight."

Li Fan thought for a moment, "By the way, have dinner together."


Guigui Zhou seemed happy again. "The taste of this palace is very picky, different from the greedy little guy around you."

"Relax, please have a big meal, my consort."

"Then the palace will be dressed up ... you go outside and wait for the palace."

"Why go outside?"

"Just let you go ... this palace is finished, and I will come out to meet you!"

After speaking, Zhou Guifei could not help but rush out for Li Fan.

Li Fan stood outside, scratching his head. This week, the concubine is really indeterminate! I was just bare butt, but now I'm kicking myself out!

Li Fan stood outside for a long time, and after more than half an hour, Zhou Guifei walked out.

She changed into a beautiful Hanfu and stood in front of Li Fan, like a fairy walking out of poetry and painting.

Such beautiful women are really rare.

Li Fan was also in the bottom of her heart, and she is the only one in this world!

"Get off."

Zhou Guifei squeezed her eyes at Li Fan, and the naughty energy came out secretly again.

"Yes, go out with your mother!"

Li Fan shouted loudly, causing Zhou Guifei's coquettish laugh.

"We didn't shout these words at that time, you can go to the Qing Dynasty as eunuch."

"Wipe, unwilling to pull it down!"

"No, Honmou loves you, let's go!"

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