My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1163: Someone visits

1163 A visitor came

Even Li Fan's cheeky face was a little red-faced.

These two girls ... in front of so many disciples, that's too great!

The fat and thin duo are envious, Master is so amazing! Even two beautiful girls who have slept so much!

Sure enough, martial arts is still very important!

The crowd played for two more rounds, and they started to play a bit, and did not drink less.

When the twelve o'clock sounded, many people were confused.

Skinny had fainted under the table. Although he had a lot of alcohol, he drank too much this time. There is no inner strength to protect themselves, they must not drink Li Fan them.

The fat man was fine. He didn't drink too much, but was busy grabbing food from the dragon girl.

Zhou Guifei and Liu Xiaowan also did not drink less. The two women were sitting together, discussing the tune-teaching Li Fan.

Li Fan was also full of food and drink. He was sitting there, a little stunned, and his eyes were a little hazy.

I drank a lot of wine today, and Li Fan did not use his internal strength to resolve these wines. For him, getting drunk once in a while is fine. Didn't the ancients say that the only way to solve your worries is with Du Kang.

Murong Ai lay on Li Fan's lap and slept loudly. Little girl didn't drink less tonight, it is estimated that if she wants to drink more, she can worry less. This Murong Bo, I still don't know how to hate myself. But Li Fan didn't show any sympathy for him. This is what Murongbo asked for!

Go back and find a chance to marry Murong Ying, and let Murong Bo's wife ionize!

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, and seemed to have thought of the way he embraced himself.

At this time, Zhou Guifei stood behind Li Fan and kicked him directly.

Murong Ai fell to the ground, but she still slept so sweetly, she didn't know what happened.

"Why ..."

Li Fan asked drunkly.

"Do you."

Zhou Guifei said, holding Li Fan and taking him to the small room next to him.

She pushed Li Fan into the front foot, Liu Xiaowan followed, and closed the door.

Li Fan was a little dazed and looked at the two women in front of her.

"What do you guys ... want to do?"

"Don't I tell you everything?"

Zhou Guifei pressed Li Fan on the bed, and Liu Xiaowan came towards him with a drunk smile.

what does this mean? One King and Two Queens?

"You are cheaper tonight."

Zhou Guifei licked her tongue.

"That ... two or more people are gathered together, ah, you need to re-sentence it!"

Li Fan said.

"Take care of you!"

The two women couldn't help but say that they had overthrown Li Fan.

Jiang Ye drank slightly, she leaned against the door of Li Fan's room, listening to the sound of ** inside, and stumbled to sleep.

It's been out there, and this year is indeed a bit happy.

When Li Fan woke up, it was already early the next morning.

Two women were lying on the bed, and they were all sleeping. Li Fan stomped his feet and didn't wake them up. He dressed himself and pushed out the door.

The outside was packed and Jiang Ye was giving lessons to three apprentices. The first lesson of these three people was nothing else, squatting and practicing qi.

Seeing Li Fan coming out, Jiang Ye hurriedly bowed at Li Fan.

"Master, happy new year."

"Well, you guys did it."

Li Fan used his thick-skinned ability to pretend that nothing had happened and greeted the apprentices.

"Where is Tiger?"

"Go out to kick off the hall."

"Oh, right……"

Li Fan remembered this and told Xiaohu to go out and kick three martial arts halls every day.

"The opposite Hefeng Wuguan ... let him not kick."

Li Fan ordered Jiang Ye to call Xiaohu.

"Relax, I told him before I went out."

Jiang Ye knows Master ’s mind very much, "As long as he has a little IQ, he should not run to the Hefeng Museum."

"Well, that's fine, thankfully you are there."

Wang Xiaoran couldn't help crying and laughing. His own martial arts hall said that kicking and kicking, who makes people really have this strength!

You have to work hard to become as strong as Master!

However, practicing qi is really boring, and you have to keep squatting.

"Don't be distracted."

Jiang Ye struck Wang Xiaoran's head lightly with his hand in the back. "Concentrate on training."

Wang Xiaoran didn't dare to say a word, cleared his mind, and continued to practice his spirit honestly.

According to Master, she could clearly feel that a small air mass was spinning around her Dantian. If the training is successful, the air mass should gradually become stronger.

"Master, there seems to be someone outside."

Jiang Ye seemed to hear something and looked out the door.

"Big new year, who can come?"

Li Fan motioned for Jiang Ye to open the door, and the gate of Wu Guan opened. It wasn't anyone outside the door.

Jinzhou came in with a few dart divisions, and brought a greeting.


Li Fan was a little surprised, and hurried forward to greet him, "Why are you here?"

"That being said, why can't I come."

Jinzhou laughed and patted Li Fan's shoulder. "It's Chinese New Year. Come and meet our gold medal dart master!"

"Gold medal dartist, how can I still have this title."

Li Fan pulled Jinzhou into the room and sat down. "And the year has passed, and I automatically abdicated."

"Retreat what back, the current dart game, if not you, would have collapsed. In everyone's mind, you are a well-deserved gold dart division."

"It really lifts me up."

Li Fan waved his hands again and again, and was said to be vacant.

If he were stronger, Wu Lin would not be like this today. Speaking of which, I still lack strength.

Li Fan is very sorry that martial arts today are struggling. They fought, but also relied on a little government support to barely survive.

"Anyway, we still have to rely on the third brother."

Jin Zhou held his fist. "In the new year, I hope that my three younger brothers will bother.

"I will do my best, so rest assured."

With a wave of his hand, Li Fan instructed the thin man to get wine.

"Since the elder brother is here, don't say anything else, when it comes to nothing!"

"Okay, what's wrong with you here?"

"How about 1900?"

"are you kidding me……"

"Haha, here are two good bottles of Luzhou Laojiao. Try it!"

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, he still had some good wine hiding here.

"Okay, I'll have two more drinks with my brother today!"

"Well, by the way, how's the dartboard going?"

Li Fan talked about business.

"Fortunately, we are now taking underground routes, so the secrecy work has always been well done. In addition, your relationship with the above has also made our policy more lenient. In this case, in a few years, the dart will slowly enter On the right track, there is no need to worry too much. "

"Well, no matter what, we must stick to it."

Li Fan remembered his days as a dart master. "Someday we will return to the table."

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