My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1167: This matter is not over

Chapter 1167: This Matter Isn't Over

A group of men in black suits approached the Seven Chivalry Museum silently while taking advantage of the night.

Li Fan sat on the teacher's chair, facing the door. Le Xiaohu moved his muscles and looked a little excited.

Jiang Ye came out silently, clasped a mask on his face, blocking his face.

Her identity still needs to be kept secret. At this time, Jiang Ye stood with Li Fan's extraordinary sword, standing on the left side of Li Fan, as if a statue. The other three apprentices did not dare to speak out, stood beside the Dragon Girl honestly, and did not know what was going to happen, but they felt that the atmosphere suddenly became a bit depressed!

Zhou Guifei was sitting on the right-hand side of Li Fan. At this time, the concubine lady was still a clean and beautiful Hanfu, dignified and generous, and she was quite like a mother in the world.

"Everyone pays attention, don't neglect the guests."

Li Fan reminded them that he still took a sip of tea very leisurely.

It's not good tea, it's just barley tea. It tastes warm and smells good. Li Fan likes it.

As for what scented tea, green tea and black tea, he didn't quite understand.


The gate of the martial arts hall was suddenly opened, and a group of men in black rushed into the seven chivalrous martial arts hall.

The headed man was wearing a white suit, which made Li Fan think of Yan Kai.

When he met for the first time, he wore a narcissistic white suit and was stunned by himself.

However, the suits worn by these people are obviously uniforms. Men in black suits wore logos on their chests, while men in white suits had a cannon-shaped logo on their chests.

Li Fan had inquired about some materials and said that the Royal Forest Army was graded according to chess.

Among them, the highest level is will! Next is the soldier, followed by the horse, the carriage, the gun, and the soldier.

The one in front of it should be a gun-level officer.

He was wearing a white suit with a sabre hanging around his waist. The sword was made by the Royal Forest Army and had the mark of the Royal Forest Army on it.

"You all, come here late at night, is it a New Year for Li?"

Li Fan looked at the more than 20 vicious thugs who broke in, smiled, and then ordered Jiang Ye.

"Xiaoye, go, get some red envelopes and send them one. The visitor has a share, don't lose the courtesy of our martial arts hall."


Jiang Ye said so, without moving his feet.

After all, Master is just talking.

"Red envelope?"

The artillery officer sneered, "Are you trying to bribe my officer?"


Li Fan did not panic and asked, "Dare you ask your Excellency?"

"Yulin Army Artillery Officer! Zhai Wuliang!"

The officer said arrogantly, "Don't you kneel when you see my officer?"

"Stupid, how old are you and you want my Master to kneel at you?"

Le Xiaohu opened the spray directly.

At the same time, all the black suits pulled out their sabers and aimed at Le Xiaohu. Wouldn't Le Xiaohu be afraid of them, his eyes glared, his hands spread out, and he made a tiger claw gesture, and he would jump at any time!

"Little tiger!"

Li Fan drank Le Xiaohu.

"I don't understand the rules!"

Le Xiaohu stepped aside obediently. How could Master disobey the order of Master.

"Ha ha, it really is a bully, majestic."

Zhai Wuliang clapped his hands gently, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

"It's amazing to be able to fight against Yu Linjun."

"Looks like Your Excellency came to me?"

Li Fan slowly put down the tea cup.

"Less nonsense, Li Fan, don't rely on you to have a background, the Royal Forest Army will not dare to move you! We have found that you are harboring suspects here! Turn in the suspects immediately, otherwise you know the end!

"That's interesting."

Li Fan knocked on Erlang's leg and looked at Zha Wuliang, a gun-level cadre who was flying in front of him.

"In this room, except you, all of my friends are Li Fan. I want to know, which suspect are you talking about?"

"Pretend to be stupid, right?"

Zhai Wuliang sneered, "The criminal organization relied on the sword to laugh at the breeze, and the sinner Jin Jiumao! She was hiding in your place! My people have been with her for a long time. This time, I can catch it.

"Oh, Jin Jiumao, it seems to be someone who leans on the sword, I heard it."

Li Fan looked at Zhai Wuliang in surprise. "But I'm not familiar with her. Why should she hide her?"

"Less to pretend to be silly with me! Search me!"

As soon as Zhai Wuliang waved his hand, the surrounding black suit would search the house.

"Who dares?"

Le Xiaohu growled directly, shaking these black suits a little.

Le Xiaohu's anger is not to be underestimated now.

"Li Fan, what do you mean, are you going to confront us with Yu Linjun?"

Zhai Wuliang shouted, "Hiding a suspect, even if someone supports you, he won't be able to protect you! There are regulations above, all criminal organizations must be severely punished!"

"What does that have to do with me?"

Li Fan did not give up at all, "If you want to search my martial arts hall, show the court's search warrant."

"Li Fan, I think you are toasting, not eating and drinking!"

"is it?"

Li Fan tilted Erlang's legs and put his hands on his legs. "When have you given me a toast? Speak to hear?"

"Leave him alone, search for me!"

Zhai Wuliang began to toughen. With a wave of his hand, the black suit behind him ran into the martial arts hall, preparing to turn the place upside down.

Zhou Guifei didn't step in. She knew that Li Fan was here and he would definitely solve it by himself.

Li Fan sat there, with a little anger in his face, and reached down at the same time.

A powerful force is oppressing everyone! All the black suits are all kneeling on the ground, their bodies cannot move!

Zhai Wuliang reluctantly stood on the ground, and frowned.

So strong internal force! Surprisingly, only by internal force, everyone was suppressed!

I heard that this bully has become so-called vitality, but Zhai Wuliang didn't take it seriously in the past, but only treated it as a rumor. But today, it seems that what is said is true!

"Li Fan ... what do you want to do, I'm the officer of the Imperial Army!"

"I'm still your grandpa!"

As soon as Li Fan waved his hand, Zhai Wuliang flew directly out, hitting the wall behind him and hanging on it.

"You don't have to look at it, where is this place, how dare you run into this wild field! How brave!"

Li Fan faced the water, "I'm the Huaxia Shangfang sword! Don't say that you are a small shelling officer. Even if you are the leader of the Imperial Army, I can cut him!"


Zhai Wuliang was speechless, and the name of Shang Fang's sword was indeed somewhat heavy.

"Today is New Year's Day. I don't want to see blood in my martial arts. Give you ten seconds, get me out of here!"

"Li Fan ... you wait ..."

Zhai Wuliang could only return with a stunner. Before leaving, he did not forget to leave a harsh word, "This matter is not over!"

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