My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1221: Eat a train?

1221 I ate a dragon?

"Brother, thunder?"

Zhao handsome rubbed his eyes, sat up, and looked at Li Fan, who was lying against the wall.

"Well, thunder."

Li Fan also calmed down, he nodded, and slowly stood up.

"Well? Brother, your legs ..."

Seeing that Li Fan stood up just like everyone else, Zhao Shuai was dumbfounded.

"Well, all right."

Li Fan said, when he stepped on the ground, the splint tied to it was shattered directly.

"The recovery is pretty good. No surgery is needed tomorrow."

"You ... are so perverted ..."

Zhao Shuai looked at Li Fan like a monster.

"I'm not here to accompany you, you can tell me to the hospital, I'm back to the martial arts."

Li Fan said, turning and walking towards the stairs. Tonight can be considered an eventful one, and she actually absorbed a real dragon clan ... The dragon girl said that when the dragon clan was the strongest, it was a dragon form. But after becoming a human form, one thousandth of his strength cannot be exerted.

Although I don't know if the Dragon Girl is true or false, Li Fan feels that he has indeed recovered his life tonight.

Everything seems to be pushed by fate. I went to Tian prison myself, absorbed the candidates, and then became the dragon knight again. When his body was weak, he again encountered the arrested man in pants, and then absorbed him because of the candidate ...

The benefits that men in pants bring to themselves are obvious. Obviously, Li Fan's physical strength has been strengthened a lot, and his vitality is more substantial. And with a dragon gene in the body, Li Fan felt that the kung fu he had learned before had more room for improvement.

Li Fan looked at his hands. Is he a dragon now?

This question is worth pondering ... Go back and discuss it with Dragon Girl.

Li Fan was thinking about this and hurried out of the hospital's door. As a result, Li Fan saw a familiar figure at the entrance of the hospital.

Takeda Lan, a young nurse who had already left, was standing at the gate of the hospital and reached out to stop the taxi.

But at night, there were few cars in front of the hospital. In addition, there were several people waiting together. Some taxis stopped. Others hurried forward and took the first seat in the car.

Li Fan couldn't help but want to laugh. This is also no way out. In China, there are many cheeky people. What a serious thing to grab a taxi, he has seen with his own eyes.

Li Fan didn't rush to leave, he thought the girl Takeda Lan was very interesting, stood silently and watched her trying to get a taxi.

After waiting for another half an hour, I couldn't get a car, I could only stamp my foot, and then walked towards the side road.

The woman presumably gave up the taxi and chose to walk home. That's right. After all, they are martial arts fighters. They have such strong feet, how good it is to walk back, and to exercise.

Li Fan looked at the direction. It happened to be the way back to Wu Guan, so he sent this girl for a ride.

Li Fan was also so anxious about his leisure. He shot at his foot, rushed the cicada in eight steps, and hurried a few times before jumping to a small building next to him. Leaping forward again, rising into the air, and falling to the top of the building opposite. Li Fan was wearing a sick suit like this, taking the top of the building as the road and silently following Takeda Lan.

Takeda Lan is indeed a martial artist, and she has been walking for a long time without any fatigue. She walked lightly, while looking at her mobile phone while hurrying.

It ’s dangerous to walk like this.

But at this moment, several shadows caught Li Fan's attention.

These dark shadows sprang out from the side, like ghosts, and quietly followed Takeda Lan. Takeda Lan, who was originally immersed in her mobile phone, finally felt a little bit bad. She stopped in a small alley and looked up.

"Follow me, everyone, isn't it a gentleman's behavior?"

As soon as her voice had fallen, she snorted, a black figure wrapped in front of her.

This is a man who is less than 1.6 meters tall, all wrapped in a black ninja suit, revealing only a pair of gloomy little eyes. Looking at the family crests on them, Li Fan had already recognized it. This is the island's most famous family of ninjas, Koga.

"Jia Liu? I have no injustice with you, why should you follow me?"

Takeda Lan looked at the short ninja in front of him and asked immediately. Although the island nation invaded Huaxia that year, they used the Northeast man to improve their short gene. However, among the ninja family, the little dwarf is still respected. Because the ninja is an assassination group, tall and big, it is not good for assassination. The shorter the body, the more flexible it is.

"Sorry, Miss Takeda, we are not malicious."

The Koga ninja who appeared appeared with a hoarse voice and said slowly, "We just want to remind Miss Takeda not to get involved in the battle between Takeda and Huaxia."

Buddhism, this is an honorable name for the owner of Takeda.

"It's our own Takeda family. When will it be your turn to join in Koga Liu?"

Takeda Lan seems a little upset. The hands of this Jiahe family have been stretched too far, and they have even reached their home!

"It's not your own Takeda family."

Koga Ninja reminded her, "Miss Takeda, this is the great cause of the martial arts of the entire island nation! Li Fan is a threat to us. We intend to take this opportunity to remove Li Fan and destroy the entire Huaxia martial arts! Such a thing Come, the martial arts of the island nation is the strongest existence in the world. "

"What a joke! I will never allow such a thing!"

Takeda Lan is very angry. "You are doing this very wrong, I will not agree!"

"We know that Miss Takeda has a tough personality, so this time I am not here to persuade you."

The Koga Ninjas toughened, "This is the order of His Majesty the Emperor. If you don't agree, we will tie you back to the island country. We will release you naturally when this contest is over."

"Dare you!"

Takeda Lan Yue raised a frown and was annoyed, "You dare to do this, my grandpa will never let you go!"

"Big Buds must understand our hard work."

The attitude of Koga Ninja has not changed. "We will not embarrass Miss Takeda. Return to the island country and wait for you as deliciously and deliciously as possible."

"It's really presumptuous. It's because guys like you exist that I don't want to practice martial arts!"

Takeda Lan's **** fluctuated, obviously irritated, "I will never let you guys do the same!"

"Miss Takeda, even if we are hostile to you, we have to complete the task."

"It looks like you won't change your mind."

Takeda Lan stepped on the horse's foot, stretched out her hands, and put on the posture of their Takeda family karate. "Since this is the case, let you have a taste of my Takeda family!"

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