My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1227: Nine days nine years

1227 Nine days and nine years

For nine days, Li Fan reunited for nine days.

Every day, the scenes Li Fan sees in the imaginary world are different.

Let's talk about his first day. When Li Fan entered the sea of ​​heart, his reflection under the water slowly stood up. He emerged from under the water, stood in front of Li Fan, and looked straight at himself.

He is different from the original candidate. At this time, although this figure still looks like Li Fan, his body is slightly chilly, and his right hand is the claw of the Dragon clan.

The dragon claws have black scales on them. The tip of this claw is sharp and abnormal, like a small steel knife.

This, it should be the state of his body now. Li Fan pondered for a moment and guessed probably.

"You who look like this should be me in the inner world."

Li Fan looked at each other, and probably understood in his heart. He sighed and said to the figure, "It looks like a real monster in this way."

The other party was silent, and it seemed that Li Fan could not hear him.

He stood there, motionless and motionless.

"Well, since that's the case, then we're all busy."

The heart of the sea is so big, Li Fan is not afraid that this kid will occupy some space. He walked to one side, stepping on the ground with one foot, and the other foot lifted up, and the standard rooster was independent. Li Fan's first move was to practice the guillotine, which has now been renamed to Cho Longtai! Although the previous guillotine was powerful, Li Fan always felt that there was still some fatal feeling. The guillotine just broke the human head. And the Dragon Dragon Stage, even the Dragon can be cut!

To make this move more powerful, obviously some special force skills are needed.

Li Fan is thinking hard and wondering how to improve.

But at this moment, the figure who had been standing there quietly suddenly moved. At the foot of his foot, he quickly approached Li Fan, and at the same time twisted his waist, and swept his foot toward Li Fan's neck.

Li Fan was startled. He subconsciously wanted to avoid it. But after this leg waved, it seemed that he had drained the air around Li Fan, causing him to stagnate for a moment, as if someone was locked there with a shackle, waiting for the beheaded blade to fall!

By the time Li Fan was able to move, the sharp calf had been swept around his neck.


Li Fan's head was kicked and flew out, his figure quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​heart.

By the time Li Fan opened his eyes, he had been returned to the real world, and was sweating coldly, sitting cross-legged on the futon in the back room.

Li Fan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart could not calm for a long time.

The one in my heart moved! Moreover, his moves seemed more pure and flawless!

Li Fan understands that the one who lives in his heart is like a beast. He has no idea of ​​right and wrong, only obsessed with military force!

This is the state that a person who practices martial arts should really have. He is too embarrassed to love. But Li Fan couldn't do this. He still had this red dust and the world in his heart. But the other one, who accomplished what he couldn't do, became a move he couldn't do.

People as teachers, self as teachers ...

Li Fan can be regarded as a wonderful flower, but this opportunity is also rare, and only Li Fan has such an opportunity!

He readjusted his state and once again entered the world of imagination in his heart.

As Li Fan entered here, another immersed in his heart slowly rose again and stood in front of him.

"Hi, meet again."

Li Fan looked at the other person in front of him. "Name it for you and see how you look like a half-man and half-long dragon. It might be better to call you Prince Long."

Li Fan also narcissistically looked at another look of himself, "This Yushu looks like the wind, it really looks like the handsome Prince Long, eh."

He twitched his fingers at Prince Long, "Come and come, just cut the dragon stage, use it again?"

But the other was motionless and ignored his words.

"Wipe, disobedient again."

Li Fan was a little annoyed, this guy, obviously belongs to himself, even disobedient!

"Since the text is not good, come here to martial arts!"

Speaking, Li Fan lifted one foot directly and drew it towards Prince Long's head! His power must not be weak.

In addition, he imitated the dragon prince's chopping dragon platform before, and when he kicked out, he crushed the air in front of him to form a special cyclone, which locked the opponent's body.

However, his cyclone was obviously not mature enough to fully lock Prince Long.

Prince Long's body suddenly moved, and his waist moved his calf, swung sharply, and took a note. Not only did he break Li Fan's cyclone, he also successfully countered at Li Fan, and kicked Li Fan's head again.

"Our day ..."

Li Fan opened his eyes again and returned to the real world.

"This **** is really amazing ..."

After Li Fan scolded, he was a little silent. It seems like he was scolded!

"No, I don't believe in evil!"

Li Fan once again entered his own consciousness world. Every time he came here, the figure in his heart would slowly rise.

"It's all myself, I still don't believe I can't learn this trick!"

Li Fan leaped up and mingled with Prince Long.

Li Fan did not know how many times he had been repelled by Prince Long, but he did not give up and continued to return to his world of consciousness to challenge Prince Long.

The time outside is obviously out of sync with Li Fan's consciousness time. As Li Fan grew stronger, his time of consciousness of the world became slower and slower. Now when the outside world walks for a day, his conscious world can walk for a year.

One year later, Li Fan was able to understand this trick to cut off the dragon.

"I don't have a time concept."

Li Fan stood again in front of Prince Long. He moved his muscles and said slowly, "It's been almost a year, this time, I won't lose to you."


Having felt Li Fan's war intentions, Prince Long snarled directly, exerting his instincts of martial arts, and came to Li Fan in an instant, a slashing of the dragon platform, directly locking Li Fan's body, facing his head. kick.

But this time, Li Fan was ready. He had long adapted to the cyclone blockade of Prince Long. He moved a position in the direction of the airflow, avoiding the opponent's calf. At the same time, Li Fan turned around and kicked his waist, driving the strength of his calf, picking up the power of a tomahawk, and splitting instantly!

Prince Long's body was stiff, this time, Li Fan's cyclone was over, and finally locked him!


Prince Long's head was kicked and flew out, rolling down to the ground.

Li Fan stood there, watching Long Taizi pick up his head again and put it back on his neck.

"Anyway, thank you. Next, practice the second trick!"

Li Fan raised his hand and gathered his energy in the palm of his hand.

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