My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 124: Eat soft rice

124 eat soft rice

"Excessive! Excessive!"

Wang Qiang sat in the KTV and drank a large mouthful of red wine angrily. The two beautiful women next to him were leaning on his arms to pamper themselves.

"Master Wang, don't be angry. Come, let's drink with you."

The beauty on the left kept delivering wine to Wang Qiang's mouth and was pushed away by Wang Qiang.

"Go away, don't bother me!"

Wang Qiang kicked the woman away. The woman lowered her head and didn't dare to say a word. After all, here everyone knows that Wang Qiang is not easy to mess with, let alone shit, sometimes these people get angry and fan their mouths and can only endure.

Some women can't bear it, but those women are destined to make no money here.

The first lesson that their mother gave them was how to be patient. Tolerate can make money!

And Wang Qiang lost his temper, sitting next to a noble son, an elegant French brand, playing with a bunch of good Vajrayogini in his right hand, and did not know where he came from.

"Wang Qiang, why is your mood so bad today? It's rare to bring you a good place."

The noble boy cuddled up a pretty girl, enjoying the pretty girl's kiss, and asked.

"Too bullying, really!"

Wang Qiang kept complaining, "Yang Gongzi, you don't know! I can't stay even if I've been bullied!"

"Oh? Master Wang is also quite famous in City A. His family background is so hard. Still my friend, who dares to bully you?"

"It's also depressing!"

Wang Qiang said indignantly, "We don't know where a fan named Li Fan came up in our school. I worked hard. I found a few people and he was cleaned up! Now he seems to be the new bully in my school! He cares when I pick a girl, and even beats me up at every turn! You said he was not a bully! "

"It's just a reckless husband, don't care."

Yang Gong laughed, "Let me give you two good hands at home to help you get him, don't you get it? Say, do you want one hand or one leg of him?"

"Yang Yang ... this kid does have some work!"

Wang Qiang hurriedly said, "I hired a professional thug last time, it was useless!"

"Please fight? No no no, not elegant at all."

Yang Gongzi grinned, "There are a hundred elegant ways to deal with such people."

"Is Yang Yang willing to avenge me?"

Wang Qiang immediately became happy, "If that's the case, that's really great! In City A, Yang Gongzi can't make anyone!"

"That's too much, I said the same thing as the emperor."

Yang Gongzi said, poured a glass of red wine on the breast of the next sister's paper, wet her placket, and revealed the purple underwear inside.

At the suggestion of Yang Gongzi, another sister paper rode on her, and then licked the wine on her chest with her tongue.

Watching these wild moves of these two sisters, Yang Gongzi was very satisfied, as if he was watching a movie, watching the two sisters lick there.

"Tomorrow, I promise to let that Li Fan disappear on your campus."

"Thank you in advance, Yang Gong! I respect you!"

Wang Qiang raised his glass and was very emotional, "After getting this kid, I can chase the new director of our school ... This woman is so energetic, it is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! I can fight with her! Cannon, ten years less live is worth it! "

"Look at your success, everyone has come out to play, what beautiful women have never seen."

Gong Yang smiled, "For example, my fiancee, even if it is a little beautiful, what's wrong? Which woman is not pretty around me, these women are used to it."

"Yang Gongzi ... you haven't seen that woman ... really, I have played a lot of women in these years, but it's the first time I've seen this ... that kind of energy, the best of it! "

"You, sooner or later, die on a woman."

Yang Gongzi sarcastically said, "OK, I promise you to be beautiful!"

"Then by Yang Gongzi Ji Yan!"

Wang Qiang had a patron and was so happy that he just waited for Li Fan to be killed by himself!

At this time, Li Fan was shopping with Lin Yuexian!

Said to be shopping, in fact, just accompanied Lin Yuexian out to buy a cake.

"What does my aunt like, I am a prospective son-in-law, do I have to give something?"

Li Fan followed behind Lin Yuexian and asked in a fake manner.

"Oh, yes."

Lin Yuexian was looking at the assorted cakes in the cabinet in the cake shop. He heard Li Fan's words and said without looking up, "My mother likes money, just send her money."


Li Fan didn't know what to do next, it was too straightforward!

"I know ... Auntie is a little bit worship ..."

"Correct you, isn't it small, is that very good?"

Lin Yuexian did not hide this, "I myself particularly admire it, how can my mother worship the gold! Especially in the past two years, every day, my ears raised their lives and made me marry a rich local tyrant. My ears will grow calluses."

"Ah ... how can I get into the eyes of my aunt, such a poor man!"

"You know what you know."

Lin Yuexian said so, but took out a small original, and recorded a new score on it.

"Because I'm not confident enough, 2 points are deducted."

"I wipe!"

Li Fan hurriedly said, "Where am I not confident enough! Am I awakened by my handsome every morning?"

"Excessive narcissism, another 2 points."

"Did you add extra points for tofu?"

Li Fan is about to collapse. How can this be played?

"You can have extra points."

Lin Yuexian selected a 6-inch cake, and took out a few hundred brand new pieces from her pocket.

"Look at your performance."

"Suddenly you feel so rich!"

"The make-up fee just issued today."

Lin Yuexian was a little bit proud. "It's that junior high school student. His father likes me quite a bit, saying that I'm very good, which improved his son's performance."

"Mr. Kobayashi's level, do you still use praise?"

Li Fan hastily slapped, "Don't say that we are in the private second middle school, how many better scores are there in the whole city than you? This joint exam, you are expected to take the first place! Every time I think of such an excellent girl My girlfriend, I can wake up happy when I sleep! "

"Sweet talk is pretty good, give you a point."

Lin Yuexian added a little more to the small book, Li Fan faced bitterly, "Cooperate with the mouth that I said is dry, just add 1 point!"

"Why, too much?"

"No, no, no, I will work harder!"

Li Fan hurriedly said.

"Well, that's right, more and more like a boyfriend."

Lin Yuexian nodded with satisfaction. "But you are too ridiculous. Let's go. I have plenty of time to take you to buy clothes."

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