1243 Nami clothing

Although I had a bit of a talk with the big fan before, Li Fan was still very curious, so I tested the reaction of the local Mike.

The Parker family does seem to be influential. But no matter what, even if the gods stop themselves, they have to get Liu Xiaowan back! Li Fan is a famous donkey character. Once a good thing is decided, nine cows can't pull it back.

"Dear Bigfoot, the human dumplings restaurant is here."

Hearing Mike's voice, Li Fan glanced out the window. Well, it's really a dumpling restaurant called "Human". This name is a bunker. Is anyone really going to eat dumplings here?

Li Fan looked inside, good guy, the dumplings were crowded and overcrowded, and the business was hot.

He wiped the cold sweat, good guy, there are really many heavy taste guys.

"Head dart, here we are. This is our branch."

Pull the car door with your feet and point it aside. Opposite the Dumpling House, there is still a small store with an extraordinary logistics sign hanging on it.

This small store is really small. It seems that it takes time to open the market in the United States.

"How to make such a small place."

"Hey, chief darthead, Los Angeles has so much land! Especially in Chinatown, it is almost overcrowded, and it is not easy to get such a store!"

He sighed loudly, "Especially in Chinatown, there are three Chinese gangs fighting. One Northeast gang, one Taiwan gang, and one local gang. The Northeast gang and Taiwan gang, I will not explain to you. Now, you all understand. This local gang is a gang founded by the local Chinese who grew up. Although the force is the weakest, other gangs in the United States are behind it. The three gangs are fighting in Chinatown every day to grab land. I want It ’s not that the Northeast Gang's leader is a little in love with him, even this small store can't get it! "

"So why bother in Chinatown, isn't it good to go out and make a bigger facade?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking, "We're not without money."

"Chief dart, you do n’t know this place in Los Angeles. The locals are very exclusive now, especially the Chinese. They are called the third class here! The second class is black, the first class is white! Only Chinatown, There is also a place for us. It is too difficult to make a big sale outside. Especially after this presidency, we are even harder. "

"That's it, I understand."

Li Fan nodded, and probably understood the situation here.

Just as Li Fan was about to enter the house with his feet, the back door of the dumpling house next to it suddenly opened, and a dozen Chinese with blades and pistols rushed out of it.

"Lao Biao?"

Seeing a buddy with a big back on his head, Bigfoot couldn't help shouting.

The other side also saw him, a little surprised.

"Crouch, big feet, when is your kid coming back?"

The leading buddy has a pockmarked face, speaks a Northeast accent, and holds a mountain knife in his hand.

"How many of you don't have time for you to drink, just order yourself! Wait for you to come back and drink!"

The look of Ma Zi's face in a hurry, anxious to fly away.

"What's the matter, don't worry about it at this moment."

Bigfoot is a more real person. He is pulling Mazi and will not let him go.

"Hey, I'm busy! The brilliant grandson grabbed our goods, I have to hack him today!"

"May I help you!"

Bigfoot hurriedly said, "You also helped me a lot. I can't watch you if something happens to you. Chief dart head, you rest here for one night. I will come to you tomorrow morning.

"Isn't it just cutting people, I'll go with you."

At this time, Li Fan could not sleep. He was anxious about Liu Xiaowan, let alone sleep, even if eating, it is not delicious.

Liu Xiaowan's safety should be no problem. She is definitely not in danger in her own home.

"Grass, I have forgotten that you are also a good hand to fight, get in the car!"

Mazi didn't care too much, opened the door of the van next to him, and got on with his big feet. Bigfoot did not dare to neglect Li Fan, and invited him first.

The others were sitting in other vans. There were a total of four vans, and more than ten people, hula lah, drove towards the depths of Chinatown.

This Chinatown is very long and is the largest gathering place for Chinese people. Li Fan sat in the car and looked at the surrounding scenery, the architectural style here, and this crowd of people, it felt like he was back in the city of G.

"Lao Biao, will you tell me now, what are you doing?"

Bigfoot asked as he wiped his machete.

Killing is nothing but a point. For a long-time dart master like Bigfoot, killing an individual or something is not a problem at all. The sharp knife around his waist was also sharpened and sharpened, and his hair was broken, which is not a problem.

"Fuck it!"

This old Biao with a pocky face, with a caliper head and a pocky face, was wearing an ordinary red vest and blue pants, so fierce.

"Glorious that forced me to take Lao Tzu's goods! This dog is alive, a bunch of puppies, if there are devils behind them, dare to play this set with me!"

"The chief dart head, Glorious is the leader of the Taiwan gang. It is said that there is an island gang behind him to support him."

"So ... the backing behind the Taiwan gang is the island gang, and the backing behind the local gang is the American gang ... what about our Northeast gang?"

Li Fan is a little curious.

"Our patron is the People's Liberation Army!"

Lao Biao yelled, "God's day, scare this group of grandchildren."

Li Fan wanted to laugh, but held back out of politeness.

"Bigfoot, who is this kid, your brother?"

Lao Biao looked at Li Fan twice, only to feel a little familiar, but he did not remember which one.

"Well, this is my boss."

Bigfoot hurriedly introduced, "He came to work in the United States."

"Become a boss at such a young age, a rich second generation?"

Lao Biao looked at Li Fan's dress. He was wearing ordinary white sportswear and could not see a brand.

Li Fan's sportswear is indeed not a brand, but it was made by Lijiadao's technology department to create a nano-suit for him. The fabric of this dress is soft, very elastic, and has a certain ability to repair itself. Although it is not a brand, the cost of this dress is more than one million yuan, which is very valuable!

And clothing comes with a temperature control system, warm in winter and cool in summer. And you can switch colors and patterns, this feature is Li Fan's favorite. With this set, the latest design styles of others' homes are copied directly, which is very convenient!

Li Fan heard that Bai Linluo mentioned to himself that the nano-suits should continue to be developed and strive to achieve a set of manpower. In the future, if you want to buy clothes, you don't need to go to the mall anymore. You can buy directly through the electronic network.

This saves costs and improves efficiency. However, this way, I don't know how many garment factories will face closure.

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