My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1244: Offensive Restaurant

1244 Offensive Restaurant

This nano-coat looks ordinary, and Lao Biao can't see any grade.

He froze and asked more.

"Buddy, come to Los Angeles? Listen to your accent. It's also Northeast. I usually entertain you to drink, but today I can't. I have to cut a few people first!"

"You're welcome, Biao."

Li Fan said lightly, "I'm here to find a woman."

"Grass, you are too real! Who came to Los Angeles is not looking for a woman. When I am busy with this, what do you want to find, tell my brother, I will help you find it!"

"A Parker woman."


Old Biao froze, "Your boy is crazy!"

Seeing Li Fan's eyes with big feet, he didn't dare to say a word, and froze everything he wanted to say.

"So, are you afraid of Parker?"

Li Fan looked at Lao Biao with a smile, and Lao Biao was a little puzzled. The boy looked at the young age, how could he be a sophisticated man, like a big brother who had been fighting on the road for decades? What an evil gate!

"Grass, who doesn't fear Parker's people on this land?"

When Lao Biao mentioned this Parker's house, he was very depressed.

"You do n’t know, the people of the Parker are extremely xenophobic, and especially hate us with yellow skin and black skin! They are pure white racists and powerful. Before, I was just a little brother in Chinatown, my big brother Dragon, the boss of the Northeast Gang, is extremely fierce and has the means to put down the treatment of Chinatown. There was no Taiwan gang at that time, and the **** was supported by the locals. Even the surrounding area was given by my brother Closed! Several other local gangs wanted to talk to my elder brother, and they were all served by my elder brother! "

"and after?"

"Later, the Parker sent someone and didn't know what to do. He killed my brother's whole villa villain alone, and my brother didn't run away. Really, I admire my brother most. When I hit the world before, With a gun on his head, he didn't change his face, and talked to people with laughter! But when he died that night, my brother's expression was extremely frightened. Did he see a ghost like him ... Later I became a Northeast Gang The oldest boss would not dare to provoke this Parker family. I used to hear about what kind of vampire their family was, but I think it ’s a joke ... but now I think it may be true. "

"That's it, I understand."

I have heard about Parker's family from several places. They are blood, and in all likelihood, it may be true. But before he came, he asked Bigfoot, he didn't know how to find the people of Parker's house, and he couldn't contact him. However, since this old Biao is so open in Chinatown, he may know some useful information from his mouth.

"Brother, do you know how to reach Parker?"

"Brother, I see that you are also a romantic seed. Which big girl in Parker's family do you like? You have to find them? You have to listen to my brother's advice, stay away from them! Come on, are n’t both legs one and the same? Looking back, Brother will help you find it, find two blondes, and let you fly! ”

"Good intentions, but I recognize this one."

"Grass, I'm looking at Bigfoot's face, and kindly advise you that you don't listen to jb fall, love to die!"

Lao Biao was kindly rejected, and seemed a little angry. Today, his goods were robbed, and he was not happy at all, and he encountered such a donkey!


Li Fan stopped Bigfoot again.

"Brother Biao, let's do this. Can you contact me with Parker's house, and I will help you destroy the Taiwanese and local gangs?"

Since the islanders and Americans are affiliated, they are not Chinese, and Li Fan is naturally polite.

"Grass, your kid's mouth is a cotton trouser waist, and his breath is so big!"

Lao Biao didn't take it seriously, sometimes he drank too much and loved to talk about it. This young man speaks two big words normally.

"What's wrong, Brother Biao?"

Li Fan was not angry, and asked slowly.

"Letter, you killed those two gangs for me. I'll help you find Parker's!"

Lao Biao agreed, and he was too lazy to talk to Li Fan. This big foot, why did you find such a unreliable boss.

"Just have this sentence."

Li Fan nodded, very satisfied, leaned on the backrest, closed his eyes and raised his head.

Crossing the brightly colored street, soon a few vans drove in front of a large restaurant. This restaurant is called Manhan Tower. It has four floors and is decorated with magnificence. It is not an ordinary place at first glance.

"Damn, smash in when you go in, and chop when you see someone!"

When Lao Biao saw this place, his heart was on fire. This is the base of their Taiwan gang, a restaurant funded by the islanders! Lao Biao opened the door and got out of the car, carrying a machete, rushed to the hotel door first, and kicked the door.

Some of the guests were eating, and when they saw a group of fierce guys, holding a machete, they rushed in with a pistol, screaming in fright, and they couldn't even care about eating.

"Glorious, you scolded the next door! Get out of Lao Tzu!"

After Lao Biao went in, he yelled. And the waiter behind the counter picked up a shotgun directly from the counter and fired three shots at Lao Biao.

Bang Bang!

The shrapnel was flying everywhere, and Lao Biao had been prepared. He kicked a round table with one foot in front of himself. The other brothers are all learning, and they are all squatting behind the table, seemingly going through battles.

The shrapnel hit the table, and the tables were all pitted, and many shrapnel were even embedded in it.

"Kill this forced!"

Lao Biao said, holding the pistol first, he fired a few shots outside. But the waiter hid behind the counter, changing bullets and waiting to continue firing.

From behind the railing on the second floor, several waiters also appeared, all holding guys. Some were pistols and some were shotguns, firing at them.

The proliferation of guns in the United States is indeed a problem. There was a black president who wanted to manage it before, but found that he couldn't manage it at all.

Li Fan stood in the rain of bullets and felt the feeling of a fierce battle in the United States.

"Bigfoot, is it okay?"

Li Fan put his hands in his pockets and asked about the big feet standing beside him. He had his shield on his big feet. Although he was a master, he had to hide behind a table.

"It's okay, chief dart, do you hide too?"

"No, you can hide, leave it here to me."

"Stupid, squat down, or you'll be sieved!"

Lao Biao saw Li Fan standing there and couldn't help yelling.

"You squat yours, I'm busy with mine."

Li Fan said, kicking himself on the chair next to him. The chair flew up, hit the railing on the second floor, and knocked the railing directly! Several waiters were leaning on the railings. They couldn't control it and fell off.

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