1249 Bad Way

"I ’m a jade praying mantis. I ’m particularly picky. I only eat the best beef and mutton, and I do n’t touch the water. I feed it and it is very hard. If I only eat beef and mutton, I will recognize it. What you like is still human flesh. "

Li Fan said with a smile, "What do you say is delicious about this person's meat, especially the meat of you foreign devils?

The corner of Anthony's mouth twitched. He didn't want to give in to the yellow-skinned monkey, so he endured the fear in his heart.

"Xiaoyu, how about you taste it first. If it's not delicious, remember to spit it out, don't dirty your mouth."

Li Fan's words were humiliating. To deal with this kind of racist guy, Li Fan has no need to show mercy. If it weren't for some intelligence to come out of his mouth, Li Fan had solved this silly comparison together.

Anthony felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, followed by a slight chewing sound.

He wanted to scream, he was really scared!

However, you must not give in. There is a damn, inferior yellow man in front of you, how can you scream in front of him!

"Eat slowly, don't worry."

Li Fan looked at his jade praying mantis very much, like a lover.

"Someone told me before that the best part of human flesh is a piece of meat on the neck."

"Devil, you are a demon!"

Anthony's psychological defense has collapsed, and he screamed again and again, "Let this thing roll down! Hurry!"

"Don't bother him, Xiaoyu, you eat yours."

Li Fan's words fell, and Anthony felt a piece of meat on his neck torn apart. He lived in pain, his eyes darkened, and he could not wait to die!

But he did not have the courage to die, nor the strength to resist Li Fan.

"Eat slowly, Xiaoyu, don't yell."

Li Fan took out his mobile phone and turned on "Glory of the King". "I'll play a set of King's Glory first, and see if I can get gold, and enjoy it slowly."

Although I don't know what is "Glory of Kings", Anthony thinks it should be some kind of mobile game. My God, when he finishes playing the game, will he be stunned to the bones?

"Stop playing, I said, I said!"

Anthony admitted.

"Oh, why didn't you say that, I just opened a set."

Li Fan sighed, "Twenty minutes, I'll push as fast as I can."

In the ear was the sound of the little mantis chewing the meat, and with the tear-like pain, Anthony's entire heart collapsed, anxious to hit him to the ground.

But his lower body was frozen, and he couldn't even die. Tongue kill yourself? He didn't have the courage.

"I beg you, I say, I say everything, I beg you, let me go, please!"

"What a bad man like me, what are you asking me to do?"

Li Fan rolled his eyelids. "Wait for me, I'm such an inferior person, I just know how to play games."

"I was wrong. You are not an inferior person. You are an angel, a god, and a great creation god! Please, save me, let me go, just blow me as a little bug!"

"Look at you, why are you crying ... Oh, my nose is coming out, it's so inelegant."

Li Fan sighed, "But I don't want to force you, it's the most impolite thing to force someone alone."

"No, no, you didn't force me, I was mean, and wanted to tell you about Parker's things!"

"Well then, I am a soft-hearted person who likes the beauty of adults."

Li Fan nodded. "Say, how can I find Parker's?"

"I, I will take you ..."

Anthony cried and cried, "Great you, please, give me this opportunity to do things for you!"

"No problem, then I promise you."

Li Fan nodded, "It was so happily decided."

"Praise you!"

Anthony was grateful to Dade and could not wait to kneel down and give Li Fan two kisses.

Li Fan was very satisfied with his attitude, patted his head affectionately, and then collected the jade mantis back.

"Well, seeing your urgency, let's set off quickly."

Li Fan waved at Lao Biao, "Brother Biao, then I'll go with this friend first, you go back to Chinatown."

"Well, brother, just leave it to me!"

Lao Biao blossomed, this time, Chinatown is basically no problem.


Li Fan used his vitality to evaporate the ice on Anthony's body, and by the way sealed his bloodline, lest he die too much blood. After all, it was a person who needed it temporarily. Li Fan also threw him a rejuvenant to let him eat in his stomach and treat his trauma. The jade praying mantis was also very decisive in his mouth, and none of them was fatal and did not cause major bleeding.

"Wipe the blood and hurry up."

"Yes, sir, you are too kind. My admiration of you is like a river that flows endlessly ..."

After getting on a Mercedes-Benz car, Li Fan handed Anthony a towel. Anthony was so agitated that he took the towel with both hands and sent himself on his knees to lick Li Fan's toes twice.

"Brother ... Can you concentrate on driving?"

"Yes, sir, I was wrong."

Anthony hurriedly turned his head again, looked at the steering wheel, and drove intently, afraid to be distracted.

"Ask you something."

"Master, you ask! I was born to serve you!"


Li Fan can't stand it anymore, is this guy still made a pervert by himself ...

"Okay, that's fine."

Li Fan motioned to him, "Tell me, do the Parkers really have vampires?"

"Sir, I really don't know this."

Anthony hurriedly answered with a look of panic, "I'm just a small character below ... I only know one person from the Parker family, and he usually arranges for me to work. I have heard about the legend of the Parker family. I have never seen it with my own eyes. "

"Well, it's okay, don't be afraid. Then tell me, Parker, which one have you seen?"

"His name is William Parker."

Anthony replied without hesitation, "I heard that he is an illegitimate child of the Parker family. Because the Parker family requires pure blood, he can't stand on the table, and can only do some dirty work for the Parker family in private. He is in charge of Chinatown. Want this street and fight for some status for yourself. "


Li Fan already knew in his heart. Since it was an ambitious guy, it was easy to handle.

Dealing with the enemy is not necessarily a means of violence. Sometimes, some sideways are also very useful.

"Sir, the villa where William lives is in front."

Anthony pointed forward, "He is very vigilant, and if he sees me, he will be questioned for a long time. If you believe me, please hide in the trunk, I will definitely bring you to William! "

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