My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1306: Martial arts

1306 Subdivided Martial Arts

"Then, Li Zhuangzhu either lives deeply in Qixia Mountain Villa or travels thousands of miles away. He is not a very close person. It is really difficult to find him."

"makes sense."

After Song Ying heard it, he could n’t help but nodded, with a little regret, “It seems that it is very unlikely that I want to get a signature.”

Seeing Song Ying's look a little regretful, Li Fan couldn't bear it, and comforted him.

"Don't be discouraged, I think you have a good luck. Maybe one day, you may meet Li Zhuangzhu."

"Ah? Really? Can I meet him?"

"Yeah, Li Zhuangzhu likes to walk around, maybe he will come to you and eat hot pot with you."

Li Fan squeezed her eyes at her.


Song Ying couldn't help laughing, "How can I have that blessing, then who is Li Zhuang, a fairy-like figure, how can you meet me and eat hot pot together?"

"It's hard to talk about fate."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled and didn't break.

"It's almost practiced today. You have to prepare for these days. Let's rest early."

As soon as Li Fan said it, he regretted it. This seems to be ambiguous. Fortunately, Song Ying is a relatively careless girl, and did not hear the mystery.

The martial arts hall is very large, and the two of them break up. Li Fan lives in the guest room, but the room is not small.

Li Fan sat cross-legged on the bed and began to adjust his breath.

For two months, Murong Ying delivered the internal force, and Li Fan's internal force was not lost. The point I brought back to Yuandan, all ate up. Li Fan wants to restore his internal strength, and really needs to take good care of him for a while.

He adjusted his breath for a long time, then stretched out his left hand, a strong cold gathered on the palm.

Xuanlong Bingzhang, this trick is Li Fan's unique skill, although the power is not as good as Lei Long Tianyi, but it has great potential, you can slowly cultivate and become more and more powerful. Two months of practice in the freezer has made Li Fan's Xuanlong Ice Palm really improve a lot, but there is no doubt that there is still much room for improvement.

Li Fan adjusted his internal strength while letting his vitality flow into his left hand, practicing this Xuanlong Ice Palm.

In the past two months, Li Fan carefully divided his own martial arts. Among them, the small four styles are the dragon cutting platform, the dragon catcher, the battle dragon roar and the dragon descending sword. Among these four skills, there are 36 strokes in Cho Long Tai, each of which has different changes. Although he is already proficient, it is still slightly complicated to give to the apprentice. And the dragon sword is better. Only the twelve-way swordsmanship can be achieved with strong internal forces and the ability to control vitality.

The remaining two doors, one is a dragon catcher, and the other is a battle dragon roar. These two are based on strong internal forces. It is not complicated to practice, but it needs to be learned and used. It can be used as a killer when it is critical. It is two skills.

The small four style is already so delicate, but the really difficult one is the large five style.

In these five styles, the stunt is the golden body of the true dragon, which can be released by extraordinary vitality. The stronger the internal force, the longer it can support it.

Longyou Jiutian is a light effort, with a total of 72 steps. After learning, even if you can't beat the enemy and run the road, Li Fan believes that no one can catch up. At that time, the old Murongbo dog, as well as the candidate of the day, could not be traced by himself.

The other three skills require some real understanding to practice.

Among them, the Supreme Dragon Boxing has only one punch. It is divided into three layers, and each layer can deepen the damage of the boxing method and the speed of punching.

The Thunder Dragon has three palms. They are the Thunder Dragon Booming on the upper lane, the Thunder Dragon Mountain on the middle lane, and the Thunder Dragon Dangling on the lower lane. There are only three levels in this Thunder Dragon Templar. Every time you practice one level, you can learn a trick. If you don't practice this level, even if you have learned the moves, it will be nothing.

The most powerful and also the most proud of Li Fan is his own Xuanlong Ice Palm!

Xuanlong Bingzhang is the real big trick. Li Fan subdivided into six layers of palm power, and each layer of palm power can practice a subtle skill. The first layer is the "Xuanlong's head" which is devoted to the road, and it is deadly; the second layer is the "Xuanlong drinking water" which is somewhat similar to the dragon capture; Later "Xuanlong Tuzhu"; after reaching the fourth floor, Xuanlong Ice Palm doubled in power! First, it can absorb the enemy's internal force, "Long swallow all things"; then the fifth layer is the "fantastic sea" that can break through one enemy; in the last move, it is the "frozen Kyushu" that can break the magic!

Li Fan is now practicing, this is the trick "Long swallow everything!" Two months of hard work allowed him to practice Xuanlong Bingzhang to the third level. Now he is preparing to break through the fourth floor. Li Fan was able to absorb the skills of others, relying on the dragon toad in one stroke toad to absorb water! But this trick, ten successes, after sucking it in, can only be used for 10%!

In the fourth move of Xuanlong Bingzhang, Li Fan changed the way of using this move again. If 10% is sucked in, only 10% is used, which is too wasteful. However, he is exquisite in practicing his own skills, and the internal force of the other person is sucked into himself, which is harmful and useless. Li Fan thought about it for a while, and decided to do it the other way and give it to him!

As much energy as he can absorb, he will give it all out and return it to the other party.

In addition, Long Xiang Vientiane also has the ability to reverse and apply its skills to each other without loss. In this case, Li Fan can pass on his internal strength to others. When you need it, it will always come in handy.

Li Fan has a high chance and is very young. After only three years of cultivation, he relies on his unique vitality to make breakthroughs. In the blink of an eye, he has already reached the semi-sacred state and has about fifty dragons.

He casually imparts some skill to others, but it's nothing more. For example, by giving Song Ying a tiger, she can enter the realm of integration and then set foot on the road of real martial arts.

However, this is equivalent to hurt Song Ying.

Without the blessing of Qixia Mountain Villa, Song Ying would definitely not be able to survive.

Martial arts ... Martial arts today are really pitiful. It is ridiculous to be so hardworking.

Li Fan slowly opened his eyes and looked at his left hand. The entire left hand was already frosty, crystal clear and white.

"My Xuanlong Ice Palm has also trained to the fourth floor, which is not bad."

Li Fan was very happy. When he reached the sixth floor, he would have invincible strength in the world. At that time, even if Liao is out of customs, he won't be afraid of him!

But Li Fan didn't know, just then, a small boat was quietly approaching the pier.

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