My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1337: Guanyin Palm

1337 Avalokitesvara Palm

Xia Ling asked Takeda to check Jiang Ye's injuries, but some internal injuries were not too serious. After taking Huichundan, it was obviously much better.

"Let me do the next one."

Jiang Ye asked again, "This time, I will definitely not care."

"You continue to heal, and you've fought one battle and can't fight any more."

Xia Yan, however, dragged Jiang Ye back, "This time, I should give you a lesson."


Jiang Ye also knew that he had disregarded the enemy this time, and Le Xiaohu had never made a mistake that she had made.

"Next, let me play."

As soon as Zhou Guifei threw her sleeves, she was about to go on stage. She wore a white gauze dress, a sleeve-sleeve, and fluttered over a distance of more than ten meters, landing on the contest. This woman seems to be an immortal, that peerless face and graceful figure, really a man who has lost his mind and doesn't know much.

In Qixia Villa, Zhou Guifei is the first beauty list. Although there are countless beautiful women in the Seven Knights Villa, compared with Zhou Guifei, they are dwarfed and overshadowed.

Zhou Guifei, Zhou Wanyi, a woman of all ages, is the first person to be beautiful. This superb beauty was willing to join Qixia Villa, but she also envied many people.

"Commander, please let me."

The white-faced scholar looked at Zhou Guifei, her eyes suddenly flashed.

"Zhao Le, do you think about it?"

When Jiang Feng saw Zhou Guifei, she felt a little daunted. This woman was not ordinary.

"Yes, sir."

Zhao Le stepped forward with a smile, jumped slightly on the contest platform, jumped onto this table, and looked at the opposite Zhou Guifei.

"Beauty, you are the undead evil Buddha. Seeing today, it really looks amazing on the earth! The little boy admired for a long time!"

Zhao Le also learned the appearance of Jiang Feng, holding a folding fan in his hand, a false smile on his face, a pair of eyes staring at Zhou Guifei.

Zhou Guifei did not speak, but appeared directly in front of Zhao Le, raising her hand was a slap.

Zhao Le was taken aback. He said that this beautiful woman would do what she said, and she didn't follow the rules! But after all, he is also a master at the master level, and almost opened the folding fan subconsciously, blocking himself.


Zhao Le was directly blown out by the fan, and his body slipped back more than ten meters in the air. It took a lot of energy to stabilize the body.

"Beauty, you are so anxious ..."

Zhao Le suppressed his inner interest and looked up at Zhou Guifei again.

Li Fan watched the excitement beside him, and couldn't help laughing. This Zhao Le is also enough. What kind of temperament is Zhou Guifei who can stand such an insult?

Zhou Guifei just raised her hand and a green light appeared on her palm.

Zhao Le stood there. He didn't feel anything, but his face changed quickly!

"This, this is ..."

Zhao Le felt that the internal force on his body was being continuously sucked away.

What kind of effort is this?

Zhou Guifei's kung fu has become a realm. Although the "Nine Buddhas Classics" that sensationalized the world was passed down by her, at this moment, she has already used this kung fu as a platform and tried her best.

For Zhou Guifei, raising her hands and feet is a move.

In particular, she now "six swallows of Buddha", remote masters' skills, which Li Fan could not do.

"It is indeed an undead evil Buddha, but don't underestimate the naughty!"

Zhao Le laughed, "Wait for the naughty to win you, and kiss Fangze again!"

"court death."

Zhou Guifei had a cold face, and at this time, she looked like jade face Shura, and her eyes glowed fiercely. But she immediately returned to normal, and said lightly, "It seems that this palace is not enough."

"Why, beauty, can't bear to say me?"

"I can't wait for Huangkou children, why should this palace have general knowledge with you."

"Beauty is really pitiful. What a pity, it is such a waste of beauty for you to be such a beauty."

He had just finished speaking, and a jade fox demon suddenly appeared behind Zhou Guifei. It blasted a green light at Zhao Le!


The ground trembled, and the floor of Wutai was lifted open, and a green light was flying away.

The powerful vibe hits all around, and it hurts the faces of those who are watching the liveliness! Good guy, it is indeed the undead evil Buddha who ravaged the world at that time. This kind of skill is really amazing!

When the green light spread, although Zhao Le was still standing there, she looked obviously a little embarrassed.

"You can humiliate me, but you cannot humiliate him."

Guigui Zhou looked again, "Today, you have to die!"

"Inadvertently, what do you think?"

Looking at Zhao Le, who was struggling to resist Zhou Guifei on the contest stage, Jiang Feng was not in a hurry to shoot, but asked the water around him.

"Leader, Zhao Le is afraid it will not work."

Shui shook his head involuntarily. "Although he has reached the rank of Grandmaster, he cannot be Zhou Wanluo's opponent. Zhou Wanluo was called an undead evil Buddha a hundred years ago, setting off a storm in the rivers and lakes. Now she is back in martial arts, whether it is internal force or experience Are not comparable to Zhao Le. "

"Yes, you're right."

Jiang Feng nodded. "But Zhao Le is different. How can the general I choose be worse than his Li Fan?"

He pointed at Zhao Le, "Zhao Le, stop playing, don't let the guests worry about you."

"Yes, sir."

Zhao Le stepped back two steps, patted off the dust on her body, and smiled at Zhou Guifei, "Sorry, beauty, our boss ordered it, it seems that it can only hurt you. Hey, you have to believe me, it's not that I don't take pity on Xiangxiyuyu It ’s really hard to do anything. "

Seems to be waiting for Zhou Guifei's response, but Zhou Guifei ignored Zhao Le at all, but made the figure of the demon fox behind him more condensed.

"watch out!"

Although Zhao Le and Wang Yi were both masters' strengths, they did not have much achievements in martial arts, so they did not understand how to use the true body of Wu Shen.

But he has dragon chips, so he has no fear. Zhao Le dragged his hands and threw out the fan in his hand. The fan hit Zhou Guifei in an instant, but was slapped and slapped by the demon fox behind her.

Zhou Guifei controlled the demon fox, raised a fox claw, and once again launched her Buddha to swallow six.

With the blessing of Valkyrie, her Buddha swallowed six powers two or three times stronger!

Zhao Le's blue light glowed from his body. This is what the internal force looks like. In a state visible to the naked eye, Zhou Guifei was sucked into the palm of the demon fox.

"Compassion Guanyin!"

Zhao Le, however, was not moved, but stood there with his hands folded. On his face, there was a sign of compassion! Seeing this scene, Donger couldn't help groaning.

"This ... is" Guanyin Palm "?"

Li Fan raised his eyebrows, lying down, martial arts he had never heard of?

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