1340 Suraman

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree. Even though some martial arts fighters have just arrived in Qixia Villa, they have the confidence to see Li Fan standing here.

"Third brother, you see, your popularity is so high. I'm a bit jealous of being my brother."

Jiang Feng reopened the folding fan and looked at Li Fan.

"People are doing it, heaven is watching."

Li Fan was standing there with his hands on his back, surrounded by the four beautiful women's swordsmen, but it added a lot of style to him.

"If second brother you do more personnel, I think it will be popular."

"Isn't it a good thing to do what you say, it doesn't matter if I say it, it doesn't matter if I say it."

Jiang Feng did not eat Li Fan's set, "wait for future generations to evaluate."

"It's really good to make Wulin like this?"

Li Fan yelled at him, "Did you not see that this group of foreign devils have bullied us? If my Qixiashanzhuang is gone, these grandchildren are afraid to ride on our heads and shit."

"so what?"

Jiang Feng did not take it seriously, "Even if they were driven away, where is it going? Where are they going? These people will fight day and night. In the end, if you fight, you will die, and you will lose your life. These people will come , Beat us again and step on our heads. "

"I can't argue with you about internal fighting."

Huaxia has loved internal fighting since ancient times, and Li Fan couldn't explain it. "But your method is too extreme!"

"So don't judge me by good or bad, let it be for future generations."

Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan with a smile, "Where can you go with your method? Is it right for you to hold my most important family?"

"Jiang Feng, Jiang Ye, I don't want to mention it."

Li Fan avoided the topic, "I don't want to make her sad, so you better not mention it again."


Jiang Feng nodded. "Let's talk about this contest. Everyone has competed so many games before. Although the people in your villa have won more. But that is also bullying these guests into far-flung land. Count. "

When Jiang Feng's words landed, there was a screeching sound all around.

"shut up!"

Shui whistled a whip and made a crackling sound.

"No one speaks for you!"

Although this was a bit hurtful, everyone had to admit that it seemed to make sense.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?"

Li Fan is the backbone of the villa. With him as the master, they all relax. As long as Li Fan stands here, no matter what kind of enemy they are facing, they will not be afraid.

"Look, you are the owner of Qixia Mountain Villa, or a sword of Shangfang. And I am the commander of Yulin Army, and we can be considered as equal.

Jiang Feng pointed out the two of them with a fan. "It's better to compare you to me in the last game. How about our success or failure?"


Li Fan responded with a sip, and Jiang Feng was so strong now that he wanted to try it for himself.

"I want to fight with the commander-in-chief.

Shui jumped abruptly without any intention, and the whip in his hand was pumped toward Li Fan.

When you say hit, hit no mercy! And Li Fan's body was gently on one side, avoiding the whip with no intention of water. With a snap, a crack was pulled out of the ground next to Li Fan's feet.

"Get your life!"

Wang Yi and Zhao Le, the two generals, had no manners and attacked Li Fan!

The two cast a silent knife and appeared silently on the left side of Li Fan. The fast knife was chopped down with the afterimage. The other shot hundreds of palms, densely packed, blocking all the retreats of Li Fan.


The people in the villa shouted, and they were too late to help.

Li Fan looked as usual, and even stopped a few swordsmen who were ready to shoot.

With a record of Lei Long banging in his left hand, Li Fan directly cut off the sword with Wang Yi in his hand. Then he took a dragon capture in his right hand, a powerful internal force, instantly dissolving the palm of Guanyin, pulling Zhao Le in front of himself.

"Battle Dragon Roar, Eight Success!"


Li Fan finally added a battle dragon roar, Qi Lang directly lifted the two bodies. The water in the distance was not spared, and was hit by the blown-out waves, which shocked and flew out, or was Jiang Feng holding her back behind to stabilize her body.

Easily, with just three moves, all three generals who attacked him at the same time were subdued!

"Okay, great ..."

"This is the Seven Xia Zhuang owner?"

"Much stronger than before ..."

"it is good!"

Jiang Feng applauded, "It is indeed my third brother, martial arts has progressed to this level! This is interesting! My three men are impulsive, I'm really sorry, I must go back and teach them well!"

Those three generals were originally sent by Jiang Feng to spy on Li Fan. Seeing the power of Li Fan's shot, Jiang Feng also weighed his weight again.

After disappearing for a while, Li Fan's strength broke through again. This kid is indeed a threat, but he has also improved and will not be compared with him!

"Don't say anything extra."

Li Fan's voice chilled, "Different ways are not the same, and you and I are destined to have a fierce battle. I see that you have made a lot of progress, so you might as well divide it up and down today! Only on life and death, regardless of success or failure!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Feng's eyes were also bright, he was waiting for Li Fan.

Li Fan, as a Shangfang sword, naturally has the power to kill! But he is the commander of the Yulin Army, and he has the right to cut off first and then play!

Today, the two of them will be separated from each other!

Jiang Feng has full self-confidence in himself, and for this day, he is even willing to drop Shura!

The strong Shura Qi is lifted from Jiang Feng's body! The energy on his body was constantly changing colors, starting with blue, then purple, then red, and finally on black.


Jiang Feng did not move, but the ground under his feet cracked, and the gap was like a cobweb, scattered around.

"This class of exercises ... I have never seen ..."

Donger pondered for a long time and finally sighed, "It seems that my knowledge is not enough."

"Donger doesn't have to worry, he must have created his own effort."

Li Fan calmed Donger, and then asked loudly, "Second Brother, can you tell me, what is your self-made effort?"

"Oh," Suramon! "

Jiang Feng was even more proud. "My efforts are divided into" Sura of the Shura "and" Sura of the Shura! "

"It sounds amazing."

Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng's black energy all over his body and began to figure it out.

Jiang Feng sneered, at this time he was extremely confident. This "Sura of the Heart" has nine layers, and every two layers can let his Shura Qi evolve once! From the original blue Shura, to the current black Shura. It's just that he hasn't been able to practice on the ninth floor, so that he can practice white Shura. At that time, he is naturally invincible!

"How about, Li Fan, how dare you fight with your Qixia Boxing?"

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