My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1373: Alcatraz crisis

1373 The Alcatraz Crisis

"Is this safe?"

General Ran looked around and found that there was no one around the kiosk, and he was a little worried. I knew it would be better to send all his guards and surround this place.

"do not worry."

Li Fan patted his palm, and suddenly there were twelve Qixia sword guards flashing from the surroundings. There was no breath in each person. General Ran was a little surprised, but Murong Ying had already noticed it, but there was no accident. At this time, Chuner stepped forward, poured citron for the three people, and stood next to wait.

"Here you are, Longtan Tiger Cave."

General Ran couldn't help but say.

"For the enemy, it is naturally a dragon-tan tiger."

Li Fan grinned, "But for you and me, this is Xanadu."

Murong Ying sat beside him, looking at Li Fan, her eyes were a little confused. This little man has grown so much in just a few years. Now, he chats with the generals of a country, as if it were commonplace, he doesn't seem to take the identity of the other person into mind at all.

He grew up ... and in a state he could never imagine. Now he is extraordinary and mighty, and he is no longer the young man who needed his own protection.

The wings are full, and they fly into the sky. This is now Li Fan, Li Zhuangzhu.

"Try the tea in our villa. This batch is new tea, which is better than the last time you drank."

Li Fan seemed unhurried and recommended his new tea to General Ran.

"If it ’s delicious, remember to help me. Those elites in Beijing do n’t always spend a lot of money to buy those expensive teas. In addition to the price concessions, the tea here has the effect of prolonging life. Herbal tea. "

These teas were cultivated by Luo Xiaofeng himself. After all, they are the talented disciples of Yaowanggu. It is not difficult for him to cultivate some medicinal tea besides alchemy. After all, Li Fan runs such a large villa. In addition to tourism, he has to think of other ways to make money.

This herbal tea is still the way Donger thinks for himself. Although this girl was taciturn and indifferent, she was well-informed and had many ideas.

"Tea is good ... hey!"

General Ran dropped the cup suddenly, "I didn't come to talk to you about tea! I will recommend it to you later! There is a big thing right now, you have to help!"

"Big deal? What's the big deal right now?"

Li Fan pretended not to know. In front of General Ran, he gently held Murong Ying's little hand, causing Murong Ying to blush.

"Sakura and I managed to get together, but we had to spend some time together. That was the big deal."

Murong Ying shakes off Li Fan's hand and glances at him coyly. This guy was also very anxious in his heart. He wanted to pretend in front of General Ran. Maybe I want some benefits.

"You two close the door, you can do it!"

General Ran was a little anxious and couldn't take his army into account. He said bluntly, "According to the government's observations, soon there will be a terrible guy born! By then, I'm afraid we really need to be alive! "

"Who is so powerful?"

Li Fan didn't take it for granted, "Longshen No. 1 is in the sky. Your status in Beijing should be as good as that in the sky. Who else should you be afraid of?"

"This guy ... but not even Dragon God One can handle it."

General Ran laughed bitterly, "Do you know the millennium disaster?"

"The millennium disaster? What the hell?"

Li Fan continued to pretend to be stupid. He had already received information from Bai Linluo on these matters. But now it must be installed to the end to achieve the purpose you want.

"It is said that every thousand years, there will be a major disaster in the entire world."

General Ran opened the door and saw nothing. He said immediately, "Do you know Alcatraz Island?"

"Slightly heard, I heard that three people entered the island that year. One of them was Mr. Yang, and later he joined the parliament. The other was a prophet, who followed our government to set up a power bureau. Another one, to create a golden empire, Claims to be the God of Creation. "

"Yes, it's these three people who have strayed into Alcatraz Island and got the power on Alcatraz Island."

General Ran nodded. "Everyone thinks that Alcatraz Island is a blessed land. In fact, this is not the case. This Alcatraz Island is a huge seal formation with a terrible demon on it. Every thousand years, the demon will leave the island and destroy the world once And rebirth the world. "

"Myth, if that's the case, where did Huaxia's 5,000-year history come from."

Li Fan shook his head, as if he did not believe General Ran's words.

"We originally thought so ... But later we learned that since the beginning of five thousand years, humans have joined forces with the four sacred beasts to seal the demon. Then the four sacred beasts fell, and humans depended on the four sacred beasts. The heirs, the law circle is sealed once every millennium. But now, the heirs of the four holy beasts ... the strength is not as good as the year. It is said that this time the law circle is sealed, they are already powerless. Out. "

"The four saints now are nothing but scum that relies on the legacy of their ancestors."

Li Fan snorted, "These guys are still screaming to come and kill me and the Dragon Girl, haven't they moved yet?"

"Well ... the four of them have been retreating to seal the French formation."

General Ran explained, "Now that we are about to leave the customs, we have almost found the position of Alcatraz Island and are ready to set off to fight the demons."

"You found the location of Alcatraz Island?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. He thought that no one would find the Alcatraz Island except himself.

"It's all a loss to you. Help us study the physical body of the God of Creation."

General Ran patted Li Fan's shoulder with relief. "We have studied his brain and found the approximate location of Alcatraz Island from the memory of the brain waves left in it."

Technology ... is terrible. If the creator **** knew that his body had been "developed" in this way, I'm afraid he would be angry.

"It's not just us. With the news we intentionally released, major countries are also preparing to go to Alcatraz Island."

General Ran looked dignified. "This is a very important task. Li Fan, you must complete it."

"I'm not going."

Li Fan waved his hand, "I don't care what kind of Devil is a demon. I will leave it to you, the big men. By that time, throw a few atomic bombs on the island, will it be solved?"

"If the atomic bomb can solve it, what else do you want ..."

General Ran rolled his eyes with Li Fan's words. "The island is protected by inexplicable magnetic fields, missiles cannot be locked, and planes cannot fly over the sky! The US emperor has secretly lost a nuclear bomb before, but the nuclear bomb reached the island. But disappeared without a trace. "

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