My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1383: Interview with the Lord of the Night

1383 Night visit to the leader

The two masters around Long Fangyu, one left and one right, grasped the beauty in white with the ultimate dragon claws! One person grabbed at the beauty's Tianlinggai, and one grabbed at the beauty's Tanzhong Point, even thinking that this beauty was dead!

But at this moment, the beauty in white suddenly moved. To be precise, her hair was moving!

Her long hair spread out, and two strands of hair suddenly turned into two sharp swords, stabbing directly from Long Yilong Er! Ryuichi's throat was pierced directly, and Ryuichi escaped his life, but was still pierced by the sword and flung to the side. When everyone saw this scene, they were frightened. Two guru masters, were actually beheaded between Xu Xi? This beautiful white-dressed beauty looks so hot!

"Oh my god, it's really annoying. I've stained everyone's hair."

The beautiful woman in white gently wiped off the blood from her hair. Her long black hair was scattered behind her, as if she had never become a murder weapon.

"How are you so many big men willing to bully me for a little girl?"

Talking, she glanced at the men present. Almost all men came up with the idea, this woman, she was begging herself. Well, she needs herself, she should be like a man, protect her, and make her crazy for herself!

For a moment, all the men present raised their internal forces subconsciously, and wanted to fight for this charming girl.


Li Fan burst out laughing, but it sounded like a magic sound in the brain, which instantly penetrated the eardrums of all the people on the scene, shocked everyone, and liberated the beautiful woman in white.


The beauty in white fell on Li Fan's body, and seemed a little surprised. But immediately she was full of tenderness and tenderness in her eyes. In a blink of an eye, she appeared beside Li Fan, and gently touched his cheek with one hand.

"This handsome brother, you have something special. People like you."


Li Fan grabbed the hand of the beautiful woman in white with a smile, "Sorry, I'm a very conservative person. Why don't we understand each other first?"

"That's boring, everyone is unfamiliar, so it's exciting!"

"It's so exciting, it's not good for the heart."

"It's okay to try it occasionally."

"I think you still stay. It's better for everyone to learn more."

"That won't work, people like something more exciting ..."

The beautiful woman in white said, her hands suddenly pulled out, and then appeared behind Li Fan. At the same time, the long hair behind her turned into several sharp swords and stabbed at Li Fan.

Li Fan, however, stretched out his hand and sucked a sword of Qixia Jianwei, holding it in his hand. Tinker bells, the hair of white beauties were blocked, and even Fan Li could not be shaken!

"Little handsome, your great sword is so good!"

The beautiful woman in white said with a smile, "Just work harder, others want to feel deeper."

"Okay, then you have to enjoy it."

Li Fan grinned, and then his sword came out faster!

Dragon and Phoenix Yin Yang Sword! Li Fan was alone and exhibited the Longyang Sword! This dragon and phoenix yin and yang sword can make Li Fan out ten times faster than before!


The crowd did not see Li Fan's shot, but Li Fan's shoulder had been stabbed with a sword by Li Fan. The beautiful woman in white immediately pulled back, flew upside down, slid out more than ten meters away, and landed on top of the rockery next to it.

"Little handsome, it hurts so much."

The beautiful woman in white covered her shoulders and looked at Li Fan with some resentment in her eyes.

"Anyway, people are also girls. Are you so cruel, isn't it good? You don't care about Xiangxiyu."

"Maybe you are disappointed. I like violence."

Li Fan holding his sword and looking at the beautiful woman in white, "But if the beautiful woman can return things, I would consider being gentle."

"So stingy."

The beautiful lady in white waved a heroic command in her hand, "It's so-called to take people short, so people let you get three points. If you get them back, you can't keep them."

"You don't have to keep your hands, hi."

Li Fan carrying the sword, he wanted to see how powerful this woman is. This girl's kung fu is so weird that she practiced it on her hair. Her hair is like alive, it can be attacked and defended, not like the Central Plains martial arts, but like some magic. But the world is too big, there are many masters, and the skills are strange. The specific strength of this woman, I have to test it more.

"It's not necessary anymore. Today I just took things. If I get them, they will leave!"

The beautiful woman in white looked at Li Fan twice, "People are waiting for you on Alcatraz Island."


Li Fan frowned slightly.

"Goodbye, little handsome guy!"

The beautiful woman in white said, with a wave of her hand, she just flew upside down and swept down the mountain instantly.

"Don't worry, talk again."

Li Fan grinned, stretched out his hand, and seized the dragon.

A strong attraction immediately drew on the body of the beautiful woman in white. With Li Fan's skill, even mountains and stones can be sucked and pulled over. But the beauty shook her hand and even broke Li Fan's skill directly, and then walked away.

Li Fan stood on the mountain and looked at the escaping girl, but did not catch up. Jin Jiumao wanted to chase him and was stopped by him.

"Forget it, poor Kou Mo chase."

Li Fan Shen said, "This person is at least half-strength and you are not opponents."

"Semi-Holy ..."

Everyone was stunned. Isn't half-sacred worth recently? Everywhere?

"Such a powerful woman ... where did it come from?"

Xia Xuan could not help asking, "Will it be the palace of the Emperor Wu Huang?"

"No ... the people in Wuhuang Hall use the" Five Emperor's Treasure Hall "."

Li Fan thought for a while, "Wait at Alcatraz Island, naturally you will know it."

"Li Fan ... I'll take care of the heroic order."

Luo Xuewu had no choice but to ask Li Fan for help.

"Well, I try my best."

Li Fan looked back and looked at the falling snow dance, "But you should also tell me. This heroic order, I am afraid, can not only order the people in the world alliance, right?"


Luo Xuewu hesitated, "You come to my room ..."


Li Fan froze, come to the room? I wipe, today is my night in the cave!

"Want to know, just come."

Luo Xuewu threw down a voice, and people went back to the room.

"Dragon Alliance, please go down the mountain."

Xia Xie had already begun to drop off passengers, and Longfang didn't say much. He was ambitious and hurried down the mountain with Long Yi's body.

The villa was cleaned up, and Li Fan hesitated again and again, and walked into the boudoir of Luo Xuewu.

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