My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1398: Zhiming Buddha

1398 Blessing Buddha

"Doors, please come with your elder sister."

Master Tianyin led these people into a meditation room. The zen room is very empty. There is only one organ, a bronze Buddha, which is placed in the center of the temple.

"This statue is a Zhiming Buddha dedicated to testing the strength of the challenger."

When Master Tianyin pointed at the bronze Buddha, "you can ask it for advice."

"You are joking?"

Elizabeth pouted, "This is scrap copper and iron, not even ai. How can I ask for advice? Monk, do you deliberately make fun of us?"

"Amitabha, the donor does not know, this is not scrap copper and iron, but an organ beast created by a former monk who has attained Taoism."

Master Tianyin said with a smile, "The organ beast is a Chinese magic, this ancestor is Master Luban. If you don't believe it, you can ask this Li Shizhu to prove it."

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Fan. Li Fan was slightly embarrassed. This time, he could only disappoint the old Zen master.

"Master Tianyin, I have heard of this organ technique. But you have been away from the country for too long and you don't know, because for various reasons, this magic technique has now been lost in Huaxia."


The monks in Tianlong Temple were surprised, and Master Tianyin praised the sound of the Buddha, and then regretted, "It's a pity, Huaxia's regret is also a cultural regret."


Li Fan was also very regretted, "Will the master know the art of this organ? Maybe pass it to me and let me bring it back to China."

Elizabeth heard it and rolled her eyes. This Li Fan is really cheap! What is there to learn about this broken mechanism? With so advanced technology in modern society, it is easy to make a machine. Do you still need to use these broken copper and iron? It's ridiculous!

"Old man also has this intention, but unfortunately, the senior master left only such a machine beast, but did not retain the method of making it. Lost, it seems to be completely lost ... Amitabha, sin and sin ..."

The old monk regretted his expression.

"Master Tianyin, let's talk about the challenge?"

Abel took a step forward and loudly caught the attention of the two. "The people here are all elites, but I have no time to play games with you. As the leader of the dusk of the gods, I will naturally be responsible for them . "

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded, "Monk, hurry up and test, we can't wait!"

"Stop being calm, let's start."

The Master Tianyin's voice aggravated a bit, "However, let's talk first. If you cannot pass the test, you are not eligible to enter the Hill of Demon Sealing. Please testify by two donors. If you don't have the opportunity, don't force it."

"Okay, we promise you, let's get started!"

Abel was also a little impatient. This monk is really embarrassing!

"Several people, the Zhiming Buddha is here. As long as you can pass the door behind it and reach another room, you will be considered a pass."

"Haha, this is not easy! Give it to me!"

A round table knight in England laughed suddenly. When he mentioned the iron box, the alloy iron box immediately began to change shape. Soon, a steel warhorse appeared under his armour.

"How can this kind of broken copper and iron be compared with the alloy war horse of my British Empire?"

The round table knight was riding on a war horse, holding a large sword in his hand, and exclaiming, "God bless me, there is no victory!"

With that said, he rode on a war horse, suddenly charging and accelerating, with a gust of wind, he rushed to the bronze Buddha in a blink of an eye. But it turns out that he really underestimated the Bronze Buddha.

The speed of the horse is extremely fast, and the Round Table Knights are also full of confidence, speeding up and rushing past. But at this moment, the bronze Buddha who was still there suddenly moved. It just waved its right arm, the wooden arm lifted, and then patted it on the running horse!

In the eyes of everyone, this is tantamount to praying with a praying arm, and it is estimated that half of the body of this bronze Buddha will be crushed!

But an amazing scene appeared. Not only did the bronze Buddha's arm not be broken, but the war horse was photographed and flew out. The Knights of the Round Table flew up from above, being held in the air by the Bronze Buddha with his other hand. No matter how the round table knights struggle, they can't get rid of the palm of this bronze Buddha.

A bronze light burst out of the bronze Buddha's mouth, hit the Knights of the Round Table, instantly knocked the Knights of the Round Table out, fell into the distance, and passed out.


Everyone was stupid, and Master Tianyin slowly said, "I forgot to tell you, this bronze Buddha knows his fate on a weekday, but he is the king of the king in battle."

Speaking, the bronze Buddha's head turned suddenly. It was originally a Buddha image of the treasurer, but there was a sloppy face behind his head! At the same time, the bronze Buddha slowly turned black, and two pairs of arms grew.

The six-armed king ... Li Fan muttered in his heart, Master Tianyin was really dark ... It seems that he also intended to give these gods a dusk off, but the master's intention was to dismiss, after all, his strength was low People, even if they went to Fengqiuqiu, they just added a few more helpers to the nine-tailed **** fox.

However, Li Fan was still wondering about another thing. Since it was the devil who destroyed the world, why did the people in the sinner's valley all vocally claim to call it a **** fox, not a demon fox, or a devil fox? Li Fan didn't find a chance to ask, let's talk when I have a chance.

Li Fan was not in a hurry to take a shot. He stood beside him, and wanted to observe more about the strength of this Ming Dynasty king.

These barbarians, they are too underestimated by Huaxia's mechanics, or they can give them some lessons. Isn't this demon hill a good place to make a group of teasers better than the past?

"Here, is this really a toy made of wood and copper?"

Elizabeth was also very shocked. From the time she arrived on Alcatraz Island, she did not feel comfortable! These Chinese people are really in a bad mood! I really wonder if they are in the same group as the sealed demon!

"Hum, burned you!"

Elizabeth's thoughts grew more and more annoyed. She simply raised her hands and opened them, throwing a crimson flame toward the six-armed king.

Even if the strength is strong, after all, it is wood, and it can still hold its own flame!

Under the control of Elizabeth, the flames condensed into a ball, and hit the six-armed Ming King like a cannonball. But the six-armed Ming Wang's six palms suddenly re-photographed together, setting off a powerful air flow, and instantly extinguished the flame!


Elizabeth couldn't believe her eyes. Why is this bronze Buddha so intelligent?

"Sorry, this female donor."

Master Tianyin explained, "Even when designing the Zhiming Buddha, the monk thought that someone would use the method of fire attack, so he laid out the countermeasures."

"Damn, what the **** is this!"

A bronze Buddha stumped the gods at dusk!

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