1401 Long Liwei

"It's just ... these people can't pass."

Master Tianyin pointed at the other gods at dusk and said.

"Why? Old monk, you said it yourself, there is no limit to the number of people who pass through the level, now you regret it?"

Abel looked at Master Tianyin extremely unpleasantly, is this monk a little too annoying? Even if he regrets it is useless, he must take these cannon fodder to find the nine-tailed fox! Without these people, Abel didn't even feel comfortable restraining Li Fan. Five hundred million has been hit. If this Li Fan regrets it, it will be terrible!

"Amitabha ... you are not strong enough, even if you go, you will definitely die. I wait for the Buddhas, pursuing all beings, and it is important to surrender the devil, but how can you let your life go for nothing."

"Well! In short, rules are rules, but you are a monk, don't you say that your family can't lie?"

"Buddha said, I will not go to hell, who will go to hell."

Master Tianyin and his two younger brothers, Tian Que, Tian delusion, all three stood in front of the main gate leading to Feng Mou Qiu.


The eighteen monks also took out the sticks and aimed at them.

"Funny, want to stop us? Just you monks?"

Abel haha ​​laughed, he didn't take these monks into account at all. Now that the institutions are gone, what else can they do?

"Go on, let these ignorant monks know how great we are!"

Abel looked at these monks as if they were near enemies, guessing that they were afraid of themselves. He and Elizabeth took the lead and rushed through the crowd with everyone.

At this moment, these Wuhe people were excited again, all roaring, rushing towards the Master Tianyin. But at this moment, the original gentle eyes of Master Tianyin suddenly burst into two bright lights! In Li Fan's view, it was as if he saw two high-beam lights in front of the other's car at night, shaking people uneasily.


In the old monk's mouth, a lion roar suddenly issued, and a powerful internal force erupted, directly hitting these people!

With the exception of Abel and Elizabeth, everyone was blown out instantly and fell everywhere.


Abel watched his companion being blown around, his heart trembling. Not only these cannon fodder, but he himself was blown out and slid out several meters away. If he hadn't pierced the ground with a spear, I'm afraid he would have to fly out.

Elizabeth was also scratching the ground with gloves, and her finger had been inserted into the floor. The two glanced at each other, and both were surprised in each other's eyes.

Incredible ... Is this all right? The old monk is so fierce, what can I do?


Master Tianyin stood there and said, "Dear everyone, please stay."

"Li Fan, you collected the money!"

Abel had no choice but to turn to Li Fan again. He was also annoyed that he couldn't even beat a monk!

Li Fan really sees that this old monk is also semi-sacred, and his two brothers should be similar. The eighteen monks around should have the strength of a grand master, but together they seem to be a strange formation, which can strengthen their skills with each other. These people together seem to be dealing with themselves and Murong Ying. As for Abel, although their strength is strong, their combat effectiveness is not.

"Well, take people's money and fight for disasters."

Li Fan held up his Chunbo sword again, and Master Tianyin looked at Li Fan with a cautious look. "Donor, if you rashly shot, this sin will fall on you."

"Why? I just use money to do business."

Li Fan blinked, pretending not to understand.

"The donor's wisdom is like a torch, and he naturally knows what the old lady meant."

The old monk stared at Li Fan intently. "If you make a shot, you are letting them die. Why should the donor bear this sin?"

"Ha, didn't you just say, I won't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

"Amitabha ... the donor can speak well, and the old man can't reach it. But if the donor wants to forcibly break through the barrier, the old man will leave you, even if his life is spared.

"Why don't you let me go?"

"The two donors are free to come and go, the old man doesn't stop. But these people, really can't."

"Well, since that's the case, let me defeat you first."

Li Fan waved his hand, pulled his sword out of the sheath, and pointed his sword at the old monk. "Seven Chivalry Villa Li Fan, challenge your temple!"

"Amitabha, in this case, please enlighten me."

Master Tianyin took his own brother and eighteen monks against Li Fan together.

Holding Fan Chunbo's sword, Li Fan suddenly pulled himself forward, his body like a flash of lightning, and quickly headed towards Master Tianyin.


Master Tianyin Zen did the same, opened his mouth directly, roared, and roared a lion, launching an impact towards Li Fan!

However, Li Fan slashed his sword directly, and a powerful sword atmosphere was instantly brought up, even cutting the old monk's sound wave in half.

But Tianyin Zen Master seems to have anticipated this for a long time. He stood there and, with the two Zen Masters around him, issued a lion roar again!


The three lions roared together, the powerful internal force rolled up the sound waves, and the momentum came faster and fiercerly. His body was sprinted away by the lion roar, and fell into the distance. Behind him, eighteen monks have been waiting for a long time. The eighteen monks all roared, and the sticks in their hands were lumped together, and they slammed together towards Li Fan!

The eighteen monks made a move together, the momentum was amazing, with the sound of wind and thunder.


Li Fan turned around with a sword. In a short moment, he stabbed more than a dozen swords and slammed away all the monks' sticks. Then he turned over again, his body hanging from the monks' heads.

Dragon Flurry!

In the blink of an eye, Li Fan stabbed another eighteen swords, each of which accurately struck a monk's wrist, causing them to throw away the stick in their hands.

The eighteen monks stepped back in silence and did not speak again. They knew that Li Fan had been sympathetic. If he stabbed not his wrist but his throat, these monks would have gone to see the Buddha.


Master Tianyin couldn't help but praise, "The donor has a good swordsmanship. I don't know what kind of swordsmanship he practiced? What is the master?"

"Twelve swords of the dragon."

Li Fan smiled, "There is no master, it is a sword technique I created myself, which made the masters laugh."


Master Tianyin finally got a little surprised, "I didn't expect the donor to be so young, and he had such an understanding and created such a powerful sword!"

"The master has won."

Li Fan arched his hand. "Compared to the master's pure and heavy lion roar, this little trick is not enough."

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