My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1408: Passionate strength

1408 Amorous Strength


Affectionate eyes deepened, and then stared at Li Fan. Those eyes seemed to have hooks in them, and they dragged in Li Fan's heart.

Li Fan raised her internal strength and gathered her vitality over her eyes. She looked at each other passionately and did not evade her eyes.

"Little handsome, you are very smart. But often too smart, it will be miserable in the end. If you look at me, you will know."

"You seem to be clever?"

Li Fan held his sword and looked at the passion below.

"Perhaps, no matter how smart I am, I can't count it as sinister."

Passionate shrugs.

"You guessed it, freedom is nothing to me. I can create a ninefold avatar and escape the surveillance of these idiots casually to the outside world. But, like them, I also have a responsibility to be with me. . "

Passionately pointing at these dragon fighters, said.

"Destiny is so cruel. We bear such a destiny. Who can understand our bitterness?"

"Is it necessary to kill?"

Li Fan frowned and asked.

"Yes, you must kill."

Nodded passionately, "And regardless of young and old, regardless of men and women, all must be killed, one cannot stay!"

"That being the case, we are our enemies."

Li Fan said without hesitation, "Passionate, but don't show mercy."

"Rest assured, I never show mercy."

Amorous laughed at that moment, as if all flowers were in full bloom, making all men's eyes straight. Even the Master Tianyin, his eyes were slightly dull.

What a passionate female fox. How many people can have these thousands of styles?


Li Fan yelled at the dragon, pulling everyone back from the confusion.

"Unexpectedly, you still have dragon spirit."

Passionately looked at Li Fan, "You are the second special man I met."

"It seems that I don't need to ask who the first person is."

"So, it's too smart to be alone."

Affectionately hummed, "It's almost time now, all of you present, please make my birth offering!"

"Okay, come on."

Li Fan suddenly challenged.

"You devil, don't want to go out from here!"

Hongmei scolded.

"Why not?"

Passionately looked at Hongmei, "I can get rid of it from here."


Hongmei scolded, "We are also sealed here, if you escape, we will be shocked to death by the counter-attack formation!"

"That being the case, go and die!"

Passionately speaking, opened his arms, the surrounding forces began to quickly gather towards her! The Enchanted Hill is shaking, and even the whole island is shaking! It seemed that a magnitude-eight or eight-level earthquake had come, and all the people around him were afraid.

This, this is too exaggerated ... What kind of strength is this woman!


There was a howling in this passionate mouth!

"be quiet!"

Jin Ye stretched out his hands and took all his companions to urge the town's magic ring together!

Badaozhen's magic ring was pressed down, squatting passionately on the ground. But the amorous mouth sneered, and slowly ridiculed in his eyes, as if he didn't care about the oppression of these people at all.

"Witch, Hugh is going crazy!"

Jin Yan stared at him in anger, like King Kong and Lohan, with extraordinary powers. "There are eight of me here. You can think of it today!"

"Not just today, forever and ever, you have to stay here!"

There was endless anger in his voice, and all these years of anger erupted.

If this woman were not troublesome and did not destroy the world, they should have been a group of free people! Everything, all evil, because of this woman, this female fox!

"Passionate, thousands of years ago, you were sealed here, thousands of years later, you will still be sealed here!"

Jin Yan seemed to explode all his anger, looking at his passionate eyes, and had become blood red.

"Oh, how can you blame me?"

Passionately carrying eight golden town devil rings, sneering at the corners of his mouth, "It's your ancestors who threw you in this seal. You should blame them, too?"

"You are all guilty!"

Jin Mao's body could not help shaking, "No matter who it is, you have to pay for it! One day, after you have been thoroughly trained into flesh by this enchantment, we can leave! So, you are not allowed anywhere Go! Leave me! "

Jin Zhen urged his strength to the extreme, and the town's magic ring also dazzled with golden light.

"Everyone, come with me! Suppress the fox!"

There is a golden dragon faintly appearing behind Jin Yan, the spirit of true dragon! They are different from Li Fan, who already have half of the Dragon blood, so it is not surprising that they have this dragon spirit. Behind the golden urn is a five-pronged golden dragon, staring angrily, with the might of a dragon.

"Balong Town Demon!"

Hongmei and Huangshan have all urged their own strength to reach their limits. Behind them, the real dragon spirit also emerged. Behind Hongmei was a red crimson fire dragon, with flames in her mouth and fury. Behind Huang Shan is a light blue elegant water dragon, with a white cold on her body, and a deep gloom in her eyes.

Eight people, eight true dragons appearing behind them, and they are divided into four groups.


Affectionate knees were bent a little more, and there seemed to be some pain between her looks.

"Did you see? You demon fox!"

Jin Yan laughed, "This is your end! You are not the opponent of eight of us at all! Even without the arrival of the Four Saints, you will not do the same!"

"Really? I haven't recovered my power yet."

Passionate but laughed.

In the next second, eight rays of light suddenly appeared from the surroundings. In the light, there was a beautiful woman in white. They flew fast, like lightning, quickly rushed to the amorous side, and then one by one, integrated into her body.

"Don't think!"

Jin Yan roared again and again, and he and his seven friends pushed the strength to twelve points! Badaozhen's magic ring suddenly connected together and smashed into the passionate body.

The passionate body was smashed into the ground and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Fox! This is your end!"

The excitement of revenge flashed in Jin Yan's eyes!

But in the next second, his expression became panic! Because on the golden town magic ring, cracks gradually appeared one after another, as if the glass would crack at any time! At the same time, a huge magical energy also spread out, instantly filling the surroundings!

Those who were weaker than the semi-sacred, at this moment, all sluggish, their eyes became a little gloomy.

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