My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1411: Waiting for death

1411 Waiting for Death

"Yes ... you are the real savior, master, to save the poor red plum."

Hongmei crawled over again and hugged her affectionate feet again, "Great you will definitely take me out of here. Hongmei is willing to serve you all your life, even as your dog!"

"Where is such a cute dog?"

Passionately reached out and caught Hongmei's small chin. "It's enough for someone to stay with you. However, they have a little problem now ... can you help others ..."

"Great master, what can you do, despite orders! Hongmei is willing to be your sword!"

Hongmei pointed to the dragon fighters who had slaughtered in a ball, "Are you going to kill them? Hongmei will go!"

"Waste! Stupid!"

Passionately took Hongmei to the side again, "This seat is to know, how can this **** ring of evil be taken back!"


Jin Yan was curled aside, and when he heard this, he burst out laughing.

"Demon fox, I thought you were awesome! But you still lost to me! Once the heaven and earth demon ring is released, it will smelt all the gods in the array into ashes within 749 days!"

"What are you laughing at? This seat will not die, only you will die!"

Passionately ridiculed, "One of the tails of this seat is the undead soul! Although this seat hates the woman, she does spoil this seat and help this seat to practice this immortal method! Although the magic ring of Qian Kun is powerful, Seal this seat for hundreds of years at most! After a few hundred years, the body of this seat will condense again, and then leave here! And you, it will only become the rotten bones here! "

Hongmei was scared and pale, and hurried to step forward, hugged her passionate legs, and begged hard.

"Master, great master, you must save Hongmei, Hongmei doesn't want to die!"

"Oh, what are you afraid of? People naturally don't want you to die."

Squatting down passionately, stroking Hongmei's pale cheek affectionately, "So, you have to tell people, where is the line of sight of this demon ring?"

"Don't tell her!"

Jin Min was startled, and hurriedly shouted, "Even if you die, let this woman be buried for us!"

"shut up!"

Hongmei suddenly appeared next to Jin Yan, slap directly, fanning Jin Jin's face. Blood flew out of Jin Yan's mouth with teeth.

"You idiot, dare to anger the master! If you want to die, you go! Hongmei doesn't want to die, Hongmei wants to live!"

"You are an idiot!"

Jin Ye wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, "If she goes out, all of us will be killed! No one will keep her alone!"

"Hongmei is not a human, Hongmei is a dragon, her pet!"

Hongmei said without hesitation, "But you must die! The master hates you! Hongmei hates you too!"

"Crazy, really crazy!"

There was hate flowing in Jin Yan's eyes, "Nine-tailed demon fox, even if I die, and turn into that grieving spirit, I won't make you feel better!"

"Haha, have you ever seen you in this eye?"

According to Hongmei's instructions, the nine-tailed fox had already walked to the side of a town's magic sword, looked at the towering sword, and pressed his palm against it.

"Soon, you will die."

"Damn demon fox! Stop it!"

Jin Yan's eyes were all red, but the hands of the nine-tailed **** fox had already glowed golden light.

"It's too late, handsome half-breed."

With that said, the power in her body exploded and passed down the palm to the great sword!

The only ring in the ring of Qian Kun is this great sword! If you hit it wrong and break the other swords, then this big array will become stronger and the array eyes will disappear with it!

"Da Yao Sun Palm · Breaking Army!"

A special golden sun print appears on the sword!


This huge town magic sword was directly broken!

The broken blade fell in the dissipated golden light. At this moment, the dragon warriors seemed to be waking up, all of them put down their hatred, and at the same time took up their weapons and rushed towards the nine-tailed fox!

"Da Yao Sun Palm Bliss!"

Nine-tailed fox smiled lightly, her palm pressed down.

Li Fan, who was far off the cliff, felt a terrible coercion, and he couldn't help raising his head and glancing at the sky.

The clouds in the sky spread, a huge palm of flame fell, and slammed on this magic hill!

Li Fan's eyes narrowed into a seam. The power of this woman is a bit dangerous!

God level ... is this God level? Between her actions, she seemed to be able to destroy the world!


The earth shuddered again, and the island continued to shake, and all the villagers outside looked pale. They saw the flames of flame just falling, and they knew that the end was coming.

Nine-tailed fox was finally born. Her angry flames will come to this world. This small island is just the beginning.

When the flames spread, a huge palm print was left on the ground. The hillock had disappeared completely, and the whole was razed to the ground. Only the black smoke rising from the pits of the flames showed that there had been a terrible disaster here!

All of them were ashen-faced, some were kneeling on the ground, some were lying in pits, and some had even become coke.

Obviously, this trick of the nine-tailed **** fox has caused terrible lethality.

Even these dragon fighters with holy strength are not her all-in-one enemy! The gap between God level and Holy level is so huge!

"Master, you are too great!"

Her companion died, but Hongmei was very happy. She was dressed in red, standing in blood and flames, but her eyes were full of hope.

"Ah, master, let's take Hongmei away. Hongmei is fed up here. Ah, Hongmei seems to see the scenery outside, there are so many people, so busy ..."

"Relax, they will take you away."

Nine-tailed fox said, came to Hongmei's eyes, looked at Hongmei's eyes, but suddenly raised a palm of her hand, and patted her Tianling cover.

"Big Yao Sun Palm · Breaking Soul!"

A ray of soul flew out of Hongmei's body, and was shattered by shock.

This red plum turned out to be a ghost.

"Hongmei ..."

Jin Yan's eyes were bleeding with tears.

He couldn't help but smash his fist to the ground.

The eight dragon fighters, dead and wounded, can still wake up and speak, only themselves. But soon, he will die. Because once the nine-tailed foxes leave the Hill of Demon Sealing, they will be back bitten by the formation method, and thus die!

"This seat is leaving. Who can stop it?"

Nine-tailed fox said, one foot had already stepped out of Fengmu Hill. In Jin Yan's desperate eyes, she finally stepped out of the bounds of this magic hill.

Jin Mao waited for his death.

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