1416 Slash Fox

Death seemed to say hello to himself just now.

Nine-tailed fox couldn't help sweating coldly and flew out for a distance, re-examining this different Li Fan.

"My dear, you are really strong, and people are getting more and more surprised. Everyone's careful liver is fluttering."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Li Fan disagreed, "Let's fight again!"

With that said, Li Fan, holding the dragon and phoenix swords, again attacked the nine-tailed fox. His attack speed is very fast, even with two swords and stabs, even in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, you can only see the afterglow of Li Fan constantly flashing, approaching himself again and again!

But after all, Jiuwei Shenhu was a god-level master. She couldn't stop it, so she stretched the nine tails behind her. These nine huge white tails descended from the sky, and fell suddenly in front of Li Fan, inserted in the soil, forming nine huge walls, connected in a row, blocking Li Fan's attack.


Li Fan's dragon and phoenix swords hit on it, splashing red Mars, and marking the tail of the nine-tailed fox with a sword mark.

"My dear, you can't beat it. Their tails are protected by indestructible gold body. Unless you have a magic weapon, they will not hurt others."

"Boy, you just want to defeat this seat? Imaginary dream! The nine magical powers of this seat can be freely transformed, and now the tail of this seat is undefeated gold body, stronger than King Kong, how do you crack?"

Nine-tailed fox is quite proud of her nine magical powers, which almost made her invincible!


However, Li Fan stretched out his hands, and the dragon and phoenix swords came out directly, and flew out in an instant, controlled by Li Fan's internal force, swam around in the air, then bypassed these nine tails, and instantly came to Jiuwei Shenhu Behind his head.

"Da Yao Sun Palm · Shan Lan!"

Frightened by the nine-tailed fox, she quickly raised her palms and tried to block the two swords. But she had no time to block Feng Jian, but Long Jian passed everything by her shoulders!


Nine-tailed fox burst blood on her shoulder, and at the same time, frost had formed on half of her body.

"My dear, you will be very sad. You see, their hearts are cold."

"You hurt this seat! This seat will pinch you!"

The look of the nine-tailed fox was very complicated, and she didn't seem to think that Li Fan even hurt her ability. She is an undefeated fox, and even the **** of the sky and heaven have no way to take her!

And Li Fan had already taken this opportunity to get around the nine-tailed demon fox, while holding the dragon and phoenix swords in both hands, his body with the afterimage, and continued to stab.

Nine-tailed foxes were able to cope at the beginning, but after a while, they were slowly at a disadvantage. They were suppressed by Li Fan with two swords and began to retreat.

"Little handsome, let's not fight well, let someone serve you well, right? People's tongue is very flexible."

"Damn! Get out of this seat! How could this seat be defeated by a small character like you!"

Nine-tailed fox is very unwilling. She just came out of the seal. Most of the power in her body is used to crack the seal! Although she completely suppressed Li Fan at the beginning, as the fighting continued, another group of monks recharged Li Fan. Now that the power of the nine-tailed demon fox consumes seven hundred seventy-eight, Li Fan is still full of warfare, as if he does not know the tired war God!

Especially his set of swordsmanship, weird and brutal, almost reached the pinnacle of martial arts speed and strength! Jiuwei Shenhu even believes that if this man learns Xianjia Gongshu instead of martial arts mind, he should now be strong enough to kill himself ...

Damn, what are you thinking, how can a human being have such a powerful strength? Is it that he is not as talented as Liu Yi? No ... I heard the master said that Liu Yi's talent was not high. He could finally become a cosmic god. It was made through a series of adventures and hard training in Shura Road! The human being in front of him, He De He Neng, is on a par with Liu Yi.

But how could he lose to him! This unscientific! Neither should!

"Break this seat!"

She roared, the strength in her body was pushed to the limit, and her palms continued to hit, trying to force Li Fan away. However, Li Fan even closed his eyes, relying only on his internal force, walking downstream, constantly avoiding the attack of the nine-tailed fox, and stabbed his double sword again and again, each time he went straight to the nine The tail of the **** fox comes.

The large caves of the nine-tailed fox are all within the striking range of these two swords.

Soon, the nine-tailed fox finally couldn't bear it. The power in her body began to run out, but Li Fan was fighting more and more bravely. In the end, one sword penetrated the meat palm of the nine-tailed fox, and the other sword penetrated the nine-tailed **** In the throat of the fox.

Nine-tailed fox stood there, fluttered, kneeled on the ground, looking at Li Fan's gaze a little dull.

But Li Fan knew that the nine-tailed fox at this time was not dead yet! There is an immortal soul in one of her tails. If she does not find some magic weapon, she will not be able to kill her.

But when did you have that magic weapon in your hands?

"Hee hee ... you still can't kill people."

"This seat is immortal!"

Nine-tailed fox stood up again, and the golden light gathered again. It was a divine light, a symbol of her power.

"They are really a little weak now. My little brother, can you let them go? They can't cater.

"What can you do without the magic soldier? Wait for the strength of this seat to recover and make you worse off!"

Nine-tailed fox continues her schizophrenic role.

"A magic weapon ..."

Suddenly Li Fan remembered something and looked up towards his hometown.

What she said ... should help herself. And for such things, General Ran couldn't say anything.

Li Fan held out his right hand against the sky. Dragon Girl, if you hear the call, please help.

The nine-tailed fox was still proud and was restoring his strength with peace of mind. But the next second, her face changed.


She raised her head, a golden sword in the sky cut through the sky, and stabbed in front of Li Fan's feet.

Shang Fang Sword!

This sword gave out a dazzling brilliance, and the nine-tailed demon fox was lost for a while.

"This is a sword passed down from the human era, and it should be enough to deal with you."

As soon as Li Fan reached out, he pulled out the Shangfang sword and held it in his hands.

"I'm so scared ... Don't kill others, they are willing to be your **, and wait for you in bed every day, my master."

"How could this seat die! There must be something wrong! It must be! You must have designed all these dog thieves, heaven and earth! Roll down this seat! You bastards!"

She seemed to be yelling at the sky, but the surroundings were extremely quiet, except for her own voice, there was no one to respond to her.

"It seems you are completely crazy."

Li Fan shook his head and looked at the nine-tailed fox, "I seem to be sympathetic to you, but ... you should die before you say it."

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