My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1423: The Secret of Zhenxianjue

1423 Secret of the True Fairy

Qixia Villa has been very lively recently.

Because in the last few days, the owner Li Fanjin washes his hands. This is indeed a major event for the entire martial arts.

"Sangong, do you really want to withdraw from Wulin?"

At this time, at a small lake in the villa, Chuner and Donger were making tea for Li Fan.

"Yeah, what's wrong, is Chuner unhappy?"

Li Fan reached out and squeezed this pretty girl's nose gently.

"It's not like it ... Chun'er is Xianggong's swordsman. If Xianggong wants to do it, people will do it."

"It's clear that you can't bear being lonely, like this red dust."

Donger spit out his own sister next to him, "I think Li Jiadao is good, and the world is like a paradise. We live on it, and it's good to stay away from this vulgar dust."

Donger's personality is cold, a bit like a little dragon girl, emotionally pure and clean, her personality is not shocked. She and Chuner are indeed different. Chuner loves to be lively, but she is happy.

"You girl, come and tease me."

Chuner gently touched Donger's forehead with his fingers. "The four of us are used to staying in the tower, whether it be lively or indifferent, it's all a passing cloud. But Xianggong is different. It's time to do a great job vigorously! How can he be withdrawn from the forest at his age? Chuner doesn't think it's appropriate. "

"Rest assured, even if I arrived at Lijia Island, I would not be considered a retreat."

Li Fan grinned and saw the two girls quarreling, but it was very interesting.

The two girls who are exactly the same, don't have any style when they quarrel. And two of them are beautiful girls. If such a woman is already in the world, now there are four of them, all of whom are by her side.

"Lijiadao is also a nice place, with beautiful scenery and many people accompanying us. When I got there, Qixia Villa is also there, and I will continue to practice and hone my strength."

Thinking of his gap with Jiuwei Shenhu, Li Fan was a little reconciled. However, he did not find a heroic order, nor did he get the so-called "True Magic". It seems that these will be known only when the nine-tailed fox wakes up.

"Xiangong, although the island is good, it is also an overseas island. How can it be compared with the vast land of China?"

Chuner reminded Li Fan, "Also, don't forget, the old master once told you one thing, you haven't done it yet."

"Do you mean challenging the Four Sacred Towers?"

Li Fan snorted. "The four saints escaped from their responsibilities and did not hide in the tower. Even without Miss Bai Hu's orders, I would go to them to calculate this account!"

Qinglong had troubled himself that year, and it is estimated that he will come again in the future. Li Fan is not an indecisive person. I didn't have the opportunity to toss them before. Now I have done everything myself, and the nine-tailed fox has also received it. After Jinpen washed his hands, talk to the four guys.

"But the four holy towers are all in Huaxia. Xianggong, you left here, how do you deal with them?"

"Ha, I can't go back to Huaxia, you little girl really likes to worry about people."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled and pinched Xia Chuner's nose again.

"When you look at Lijiadao, you will fall in love there."

Li Fan introduced his Lijia Island. "You will find it beautiful."

"Well, no matter where Xianggong goes, we will stay in step."

Chuner said immediately.

"Donger, I want to ask you something."

Li Fan suddenly thought of the nine-tailed fox, so he set his eyes on Dong'er.

"What's your son, just ask."

Donger replied while washing tea.

"You read a lot of books, know ancient and modern, can you know a secret method called" True Magic "?"

"Donger knows it."

Donger is indeed a small encyclopedia of Li Fan ’s cheats. "The" True Fairy Tales "is rumored to be a method of cultivating immortals passed on to mortals by Lu Dongbin when he descended from the earth. But I heard that this secret law has been lost, only the world leader Liu Jinchan knows a general formula. "

"Well, he engraved the general formula on the heroic order, but was taken away by the nine-tailed **** fox. So I just wanted to ask, did you know what this formula was?"

A single formula can make people cultivate the Tao? To be honest, Li Fan is still a little unconvinced.

"I really don't know this winter."

Donger shook his head, Li Fan was slightly disappointed.

"But the son doesn't have to worry about it. The" True Fairy Tale "has a total of nine phrases, plus a set of acupoint maps. Even if the total recipe is obtained, it is only the first sentence. It can only let the son cultivate to the heart of the first layer. Law. Although it is considered to be on the road to cultivation, it is not very useful. "

"How to say?"

Li Fan is interested.

"My son has no idea. If mortals cultivate immortals, they will have to practice from one heavy sky to nine heavy sky. This heavy sky can only adopt the vitality of heaven and earth. In addition, it has a little effect of increasing life. After training, it will probably make people live longer. Double it. "

"Double? In other words, can you live to be 200 years old after practicing the first layer?"

"Almost, after all, it absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Naturally, it can wash bones and marrow, and improve human body function."

"Oh, I see."

Li Fan suddenly realized, "This general formula, in addition to being regarded as a path to the road of cultivation, is actually a method used by martial art masters to improve their physique!"

Wash bones and marrow and absorb the vitality of the world! For Xiuxian, these may be just the foundation. But for martial arts training, it is a unique advantage!

My pure Yang body, after practicing the exercises, is much faster than ordinary people, I do n’t know how many people are damaged by envy! An immortal body is used to practice martial arts.

No wonder the fat man in Long Fangyu so anxious for this heroic order seems to pay such attention. With this formula, it is equivalent to quickly train a group of martial arts masters.

After a martial calamity, Ze Ma Xiao's west wind also damaged a lot of talents, so it is urgent to create more talents. How can we build troops and cultivate immortals?

Li Fan frowned slightly, so to speak, this hero is still a hot potato. Luo Xuewu has left the villa with the person leaning on the sword. Li Fan couldn't ask her, who leaked the heroic order? Prior to Yi Jian also held heroic orders, but did not provoke other martial arts. Later, I was known by Long Fangyu ...

Suddenly Li Fan began to wonder. Could there be a spy inside the sword? This is quite possible, but it can be done by means of Longfang.

"The landlord, Monk Shaolin, please."

A swordsman knelt by the lake and passed the sound with internal force.

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