My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1434: Little story before meals

1434 Little Story Before Meal

Yu Ruoying, sitting at the table, blandly announced that he had cancer.

But instead of letting her disciples be sad, she slowly announced another thing.

"Emei's secret?"

These female disciples have speculated, why have they never heard of any secrets after so many years in the martial arts? At this moment, they have forgotten that the person in charge is suffering from cancer, but Wang Yue'e is still sad for this. She didn't care about the secrets or anything. But Master ’s body is the most important.

"Our Emei faction has been hiding a shocking secret, only the head of the family will be passed down from generation to generation. But now that the Emei crisis is imminent, the teacher will no longer keep to this rule, so I will tell you.

"Master ... your body ..."

Wang Yue'e had just said a word, but was glared by her own master.

"Shut up and listen to the teacher!"

Yu Ruoying's face was positive, and he continued to say, "This matter is very important, even the life of the teacher!"

Wang Yue'e then held back her heartache and continued to listen to Yu Ruoying.

"Now there have been rumors about heroic orders, do you know?"

The disciples nodded again and again.

"In this heroic order, there is a phrase of" True Fairy Tale ", but you do n’t know. Actually, I have an Emei and a meridian map to assist in the cultivation of this magic law. Ordinary people, if you practice this phrase, You can wash your bones and marrow your bones, and you can practice qi at the beginning. But if you are practicing corresponding to the meridian map, you can realize the real state of heaven, and you can drive away all diseases and increase your life for 100 years! "

Yu Ruoying's eyes lightened, "In other words, as long as I can get this heroic order and get the formula, as a teacher, I can practice this true fairy formula and enter the realm of qi training. It will be solved. "

Yu Ruoying said, looking in the direction of the chief, "But this heroic order is currently on Li Fan's body. This person is called a bully, and he is cruel and cruel! If a teacher wants a heroic order, I'm afraid he It will not be handed to me. Besides, there are many masters of the Seven Chivalry Villas. With our Emei's strength, even if we want to grab, they are not their opponents. "

"Master, you mean ..."

A female disciple was more clever. When she saw Master's face, she instantly understood something.

"Yes, I need a disciple for the teacher to sneak into these seven chivalrous villas, and help the teacher get the heroic formula."

Yu Ruoying said, his eyes fell on Wang Yue'e, and he had a deep meaning, "The teacher just scolded you just now, not only to discipline you, but to show it to the people of Qixia Mountain Villa. Yue'e, you said, Do you hate being a teacher? "

"Don't hate ... Yue'e doesn't hate ..."

"That's right, although you are a little bad, but you have the kindness to nurture you as a teacher. As a decent teacher, you should treat your teacher as a parent's filial piety. Now they think you have been wronged, and you can Enter the Seven Knights Village along the way and follow them overseas. "

Wang Yue'e's eyes widened, she didn't expect that Master would give her such a task!

"The small bully Li Fan, the rivers and lakes have rumored that he loves women. Now when he arrives in this villa, he thinks what he sees and hears. There are so many dogs and horses in this place, and there are many women. Li Fan's **** should be true.

"Master ... you, you let me ..."

Wang Yue'e's pretty face changed slightly.

"Yes, you can stay here with peace of mind. It's my life as a teacher, but I'll leave it to you."

Wang Yue'e was silent, but Yu Ruoying did not give her a chance to object at all. The woman slammed the table directly and made a bang. This time, the loud audience heard it.

Everyone stopped to eat and drink, looking at the head of Emei, not sure what she was doing.

"Don't cry, you bully your ancestor!"

Yu Ruoying pointed at his apprentice's nose and cursed, "From today on, you will no longer be my disciple of Emei!"

Everyone is uproaring, good guy, this Emei leader is too strong and competitive, is the apprentice losing than the sword, and he is about to drive the door out of the mountain?

"Master ..."

Wang Yue'e cried and couldn't stop crying. The sisters next to her muttered in their hearts, this little girl's acting skills are really amazing! But a few of them knew that Wang Yue'e was not acting, but she really wanted to cry. She has been in Emei for a long time and has feelings. Although Master likes to scold her, but for so long, Yu Ruoying is indeed her backbone.

But at this moment, she had to leave Emei and go to another place where her life was unfamiliar. How could she not be sad. What's more, Master is seriously ill again. If he can't steal the true immortal formula, Master will not be saved. And the small overlord Li Fan is also lascivious, he might be hit by his poisonous hands, staining his innocence.

Why do you suffer so much ... God is too unfair to you ...

"Yu head, just lost once, do not need to be expelled from the door, right?"

Zhou Guifei sighed softly, stepped forward and asked.

"Senior, this is just my housework in Emei."

Yu Ruoying arched his hand and said.

"Also, let this palace follow your mind and accept her."

Zhou Guifei whispered a word, shocked Yu Ruoying.

"From today on, you are my disciple. Just like Yin Zhouzhou, you are also a generation of disciples. Go back and let this palace think about what kind of work you should pass.

Zhou Guifei said, led Wang Yue'e and walked aside.

Yu Ruoying sat there blankly, and seemed to be a little bit brain-dead.

"This palace knows that you are sent by the master to steal the true fairy trick."

After pulling Wang Yue'e to her side, Zhou Guifei didn't hide it, and sent a voice to the little girl, which filled Wang Yue'e's eyes with fear.

"But don't worry, Honmiya will not say it. You have a good talent, and Honmiya appreciates it. If possible, Honmiya wants to pass on your martial arts in person."


Wang Yue'e froze immediately, and learned from the undead evil Buddha? Be a disciple of Zhou Guifei? This, this is what every martial artist dreams of ...

The little girl's eyes rolled slickly, and she could not make up her mind.

"Well, from now on, you will follow this palace."

Zhou Guifei suddenly laughed and shocked everyone, "You should be fortunate. If it was before, the means of Yu Ruoying, compared with this palace, is pediatrics."

Wang Yue'e didn't speak, her brain was so confused, she could only sit there crying silently. Guigui Zhou did not force her, waiting for her to understand.

The dinner was messy for everyone, and many knights got together to push a cup and exchange a cup for a friendship.

However, Jiang Feng has never been around, so he sat there with a few masters of Yu Linjun, eating with a stuffy head.

Jiang Feng was not at ease, he suddenly put down his chopsticks and asked loudly.

"Elder Xia, my righteous brother Li Fan, why not come out to eat with the big guy?"

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