My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1441: Five Elements Warrior

1441 The Five Elements Warrior

Jiang Ye suspected of having him, immediately fluttered together, crossed the small lake, and landed on the pavilion.

"Jiangye, why don't you panic?"

Li Fan said, the immature little hand rested lightly on Jiang Ye's wrist.

For a moment, Jiang Ye felt that Li Fan had a huge suction force in his hand, and even sucked in the internal force of his body! Although Jiang Ye was surprised, she didn't make any movements, letting Master absorb the power in her body.

What is it to **** your own internal force? Even if Master wants his own life, he will give it!

But just a few minutes of effort, the internal force flowed back from Master's hands! And the internal force returned to his body is more pure and thick, as if he has improved another grade!

Jiang Ye felt so comfortable that she couldn't help but make a noise, which made her blush immediately.

In front of Master ... how can this be so shameful ...

"This is the ability for the division now."

Li Fan released his hand, and the internal force in Jiang Ye's body had been renewed.

"Master ... you're exaggerating ..."

Jiang Ye didn't know what to say, so he tempered the internal forces in his body ... What is this ability, Master?

"Naughty, dare to laugh at the teacher, and not push his **** up and beat him!"

Hearing the familiar scolding sound behind him, Jiang Ye turned his head and found another Li Fan standing there, glaring at himself.

"Ah, Master, Tuer, Tuer was wrong ... eh?"

Suddenly remembered, this seems to be played by sister Chuner ...

Even the sounds are exactly the same, which is awesome.

"Sister Chuner ... you joke at me ..."

"Hee hee, Jiang Ye is so cute."

Chuner held Jiang Ye in her arms and rubbed her hair gently. If it wasn't for the soft embrace and scent of the nose, Jiang Ye would have mistakenly thought that Master was holding himself. This kind of beauty is not real, it's a shame ...

"Okay, let's go and rest. It's fine."


Jiang Ye blushed and nodded, but she said again.

"Master, please forgive the disciples for their filial piety ... After Jinpen washed his hands, the disciples would like to go out and practice."


Li Fan did not force Jiang Ye to stay. "When you arrive on Lijia Island, you will naturally have no chance to experience it. Although you are worried about the suffocation on your body, you cannot be tied to you. More experience may be you There is still opportunity for change. "

"Thank you, Master."

With such a caring master, Jiang Ye is really happy.

"Master ... then Jiang Feng still poses a potential threat to you ... I suggest you remove him!"

Jiang Ye suddenly spoke.

"How to say he is also your only brother."

Li Fan waved his hand. "What's more, Murong Ying said that Jiang Feng was going to leave it to her."

"But, Master ..."

"I'm done. Go and rest."

Such a child waved his hands so well. Jiang Ye had no choice but to give a salute to Master, and then left the lakeside pavilion. When she went outside, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Liu Zhu clutched the folding fan in her hand and looked at herself with a smile.

"what are you going to do?"

Jiang Ye frowned and asked.

Subconsciously, she doesn't like this Liu Zhu.

"Theoretically, you come back thousands of miles, I shouldn't bother you. However, I still want to ask one thing, do you want to go on like this, or become a sword for your master?"

"What do you mean ..."


Liu Zhu said, "If you want, follow me. If you don't want to, then forget it."

After speaking, Liu Zhu turned around and left, walking towards the depths of the villa.

Jiang Ye always felt strange, and she stood up and left. What kind of medicine do you sell in Liuhu?

Jiang Ye went all the way deep, turned to the back of the villa, and came to a cave. In front of this cave, Chen Junhua was dancing his big sword, and seemed to be practicing.

"Elder Chen? Why are you here?"

Seeing this man, Jiang Ye was a little surprised.


Chen Junhua replied lightly.

"It's quiet here, it's a good place to practice."

Jiang Ye nodded. "But tomorrow is the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference. There must be a lot of trouble for Master, especially those of the hypocritical six martial arts. At that time, Elder Chen has also asked for more help.

Chen Junhua belongs to the dull and hard-working school in the villa, and rarely shows up in the villa, generally practicing kung fu.

But Jiang Ye believes that he will come out to help at a critical time.

"That's natural."

"Jiangye, I ask you, are these six martial arts very abominable?"

Liu Zhu asked very directly.


Jiang Ye doesn't like the people of the six majors. "Although there are some good people, the whole is rotten and dying, guys who can't get shit!"


Liu Zhu nodded. "They all **** it! But Li Fan is more kind-hearted and soft-hearted. He is not willing to deal with these people, so someone must always do dirty work."


Jiang Ye vaguely understood something.

"And I, Chen Junhua, is Li Fan's secret sword! No, it is a dagger!"

Liu Zhu's fan flew, and the sharp blade bounced out of the fan page immediately.

"If anyone is against him, I will kill anyone. Li Fan is light, and we are darkness!"

"Do you want to pull me in?"

Jiang Ye looked at Liu Zhu, "How can you and him be enough to become Master's darkness? Especially you, it seems that Wu Gong is not so good!"

"I don't rely on martial arts, not the mind. And the person responsible for the action is naturally not me, but them."

After Liu Zhu spoke, he snapped his fingers.

Jiang Ye suddenly felt a gust of wind, and she turned around subconsciously, not knowing when five figures stood behind her.

These five figures are all wearing black strong clothes, but they are all wearing masks of different colors. They are gold, green, blue, red and black.

These five people stood there, not knowing whether they were male or female, as if fused with heaven and earth.

"what is this?"

As Jiang Ye was close to the enemy, he subconsciously pressed his hand on the hilt.


Liu Zhu snapped his fingers, and the five of them suddenly turned around and hid in the surrounding mountains and forests. They disappeared as if they had never appeared. But the murderous spirit they left lingered in Jiang Ye's heart, and it stayed for a long time, as if he left a dagger in Jiang Ye's heart!

"They are the Five Elements fighters I have cultivated by the methods of the Holy Ghost."

Liu Zhu introduced, "their names are Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu, and they are Li Fan's darkness!"

"What are these people ...?"

Jiang Ye could not help asking.

"Five people are the strength of a generation of grand masters, and they can continue to be cultivated. I think it is possible for half-sacred people to take time."

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