My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1449: The thief doesn't go away

1449 The Thieves Are Not Empty

The head of Emei Yu Ruoying heard this, his intestines were repentant!

I had known that Li Fan was now suffering from a loss of strength. He was still struggling. Why did he send his beloved apprentice to the Seven Knights Village? These six martial arts people forced the palace together, together with the strength of Jiang Feng and Long Fangyu, wouldn't the seven chivalrous villas obey?

Miscalculation, miscalculation this time!

Yu Ruoying wanted to stamp his feet, but given the eyes of the disciples around him, he could only hold back. I can only think of a way to bring my apprentice back!


Chun'er's eyes suddenly turned and his hands were behind his back, and he simply admitted it.

"I have suffered some internal injuries, so it is inconvenient to operate. Everyone, we have told you from the beginning. I have suffered internal injuries, so I have been healing. You have been unbelieving. Why, the truth is what you said. Forget it? "

"The owner was not injured, but the palace is still healthy."

Zhou Guifei was confident that she could protect Li Fan's comprehensiveness. She stretched out a finger and pointed at Jiang Feng. "Children, haven't you practiced the skill of Xiuluomen, and you have exchanged 30 years of life for infinite strength? Do you think it can be dealt with?

This words surprised Jiang Feng!

Even Zhou Guifei knew even the kung fu she practiced? It was indeed the undead evil Buddha who shocked Wulin that year, and it was a bit powerful.

"Hundreds of years ago, Shuramon's reputation became famous for a while. But the skill of this door was too weird. Disciples under the door never lived until thirty years old. The doorkeeper of that year also had some friendship with this palace, but later he made trouble Gong was unhappy and cooked him. "


Jiang Feng smiled with confidence, "Zhou Guifei, you are also a character. How can you tell me this lie?"

"You hold on to being immortal before the age of fifty."

Zhou Guifei once again gave Jiang Fengxin a fierce jump. "Maybe this effort is really helpless for others. But don't forget what the famous martial arts of this palace is. Don't believe you try it and see Can this palace ruin you?

Gui Guifei smiled sweetly, but Jiang Feng was shocked, and stepped back subconsciously.

He suddenly remembered that Zhou Guifei claimed to be the undead evil Buddha, and her martial arts fame was to draw internal forces! Some people even said that what Zhou Guifei absorbed was not internal force, but human vitality! If this vitality is drained, can I live?

"Mr. Jiang, you just get on."

At this moment, the head of the Qingcheng faction, Zhenyi, finally came out and said gloomily.

"Hundreds of years ago, our six martial arts fought with Zhou Guifei for countless deaths and injuries. Later, the predecessors of this faction worked hard and invented a set of kung fu, which was specially used to restrain this undead evil Buddha's" Heavenly Sutra "!


Zhou Guifei was a bit surprised, looking at Wang Zhenyi, "What are you talking about, but really?"

"Hum, Concubine Zhou, do you think your" Day Sun Rulai Heart Sutra "is truly invincible? I have been studying cracking methods for generations in Qingcheng, and today is the time for the ancestors to verify the results!"

Said, Wang Zhen shouted to Jiang Feng, "Miss Jiang, if you believe me, come here and let me seal your two points."


Jiang Feng frowned, causing people to seal her two acupuncture points, this is not nonsense! If one is wrong, it will never be the same!

"If Commander Jiang doesn't trust me, then forget it."

This Wang Zhenyi didn't force it. He could see that Jiang Feng was also interested in Zhenxianjue. Listening to the previous conversation, the man seemed to be less than fifty years old. In this case, Zhenxian Jue is the only hope to save him!

"Wang Zhangmen is also a well-known figure, why can't I believe you?"

Jiang Feng thought for a while that he was the tiger of Shura. If he didn't even have this courage, would there still be a foothold on the rivers and lakes? Besides, now that he is immortal, why not let this Wang Zhen toss a few times?

"Jiang Tongshuai is so brave!"

Wang Zhen patted Jiang Feng's fart calmly, now is the time to use Jiang Feng, there is no need to tear his face.

"Come, Commander Jiang, let me help you!"

As soon as Wang Zhen said, with a sweep of his hand, the qi in his body was fired, hitting two points on Jiang Feng's body. With this hand, Wulin colleagues nodded and marveled. It is indeed the head of Qingcheng, which has been famous for a long time. In these two ways, it is enough to see his power.

Two beeps, Jiang Feng didn't feel anything different. Wang Zhenyi's closed seems to be his two hidden caves.

The internal martial arts of this man of martial arts indeed operate according to the meridians. However, there are a total of 409 acupoints in the human body, including 361 acupoints on 14 meridians and 48 strange meridians. They practiced martial arts, mainly based on 14 main meridian points. By opening up these meridians and letting the true air flow through, you can develop internal force. The exception is the 48 eccentric acupoints. These points are not in the meridians, and even if they are opened, they have no meaning. However, some people have said that this strange point can be practiced as a hidden vein, but no one has found it yet.

Jiang Feng didn't know that Li Fan had actually found one, which was a venom. But no one knows this except himself.

But Jiang Feng noticed that Zhou Guifei's look seemed slightly changed.

"It seems that the palace has indeed slept too long."

Gui Guifei nodded. "The six major schools of the rivers and lakes also have their advantages. Wang Zhenyi, you have done a good job."

"Thank you for your compliment!"

Wang Zhen's face was very attractive. As long as these two acupuncture points were sealed, Zhou Guifei's Day Sun Rulai's Heart Sutra would lose effect!

Jiang Feng stood back in front of Zhou Guifei, very confident.

"Zhou Guifei, are you at a loss?"

"Jiang Feng, wouldn't you think that the name of this palace is all over the world, and there is only one way for the Heart Sutra to come?"

Zhou Guifei's unpredictable smile made Jiang Feng feel dazzling. As a mastermind, Jiang Feng hates encountering enemies the most. In front of him, he could not see through. Zhou Guifei was a big devil who changed its color hundreds of years ago. Even now, no one dares to despise this martial arts supreme.

But myself is the tiger of Shura, Jiang Feng, and occasionally brave and straight forward!

Although Jiang Feng's creed is not to fight unprepared battles, things have reached such a point that they can only push the boat smoothly.

"Friends from the rivers and lakes, today Jiang is willing to seek justice for you. I ask you for forgiveness for any offenses in the past."

"It's all over, what else do you say!"

"We all support Mr. Jiang!"

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