My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1511: Liang Ru's difficulties

1511 Difficulties

"You lean in, I'll tell you."

Itogawaro seems to have given his fate, and he decides to explain everything. Li Fan leaned over, and at this moment, Itogawa Lang suddenly flashed a fierce light, he spit out a silver needle in the air, stabbed directly to Li Fan's temple!

Itokawaro is proud of this move, his trick is his killer, once it is displayed, the other party will surely die! Rely on him and kill a lot of powerhouses.


Unexpectedly, Li Fan reached out and pinched the silver needle in his finger.


Itokawa's eyes widened and he didn't respond for a long time. Doggo, his killer has failed?

"The needle has been poisoned?"

Li Fan watched the silver needle with blue light in the sun and couldn't help whispering, "You kid is so cruel, no wonder you dare to do it in broad daylight. Let's talk, who is the master behind the scenes, say, I stay You are alive. "

"Li Fan, Liang Ru has already called the police, and the police will come soon, so hurry up."

Remind Li Fan quietly.

"Okay, I see."

Li Fan looked at Itogawaro and still didn't want to explain. He stretched out his finger and poke Itokawaro himself. Li Fan's research on acupuncture points is very deep. With such a little, his internal force immediately penetrated into Itokawaro's body, just like a worm, and instantly crawled through the eight veins of Itokawaro's strange veins, flowing in his In the blood vessels.

Itokawaro has only one feeling! pain! It hurts!

As a notorious mercenary, Itokawaro is also a tough guy. In the past, even if the neutron bullet was cut out with a knife, it was silent and so resolute. He screamed for mercy just now to lie to Li Fan. But this time, under Li Fanqi's hands, he had to recognize the counseling, the painful **** flowed, and cried again and again.

"Be quiet, you'll get the police in a while."

Li Fan had already seen two police cars approaching from a distance. He nodded his finger on Itogawaro. This severe pain immediately deepened. Itokawaro wept, and he couldn't carry it.

"I said, I said! I said everything!"

"Look at you, why is this so good? It's so good to say that you don't have to eat this bitterness."

Li Fan poked his hand and unlocked the points on Itokawaro's body. This buddy has been washed by cold sweat, and the whole person is just like being just taken out of the water.

"I, I don't know what his name is ... I only know that his code is a, and he is a beautiful emperor."


Li Fan frowned. Sure enough, there was a US emperor behind it? I'm afraid it's not simple. Now, China's Dragon God No. 1 is in the sky, and a huge protective barrier has been formed in the air. The US continent's intercontinental missiles and satellite surveillance have all lost their effect on China. But if they embrace Wanwan ’s opportunity, several countries secretly support Wanwan ’s independence, and China ’s domestic energy may be empty, and the people will be turbulent.

During this period, the whole international situation was overwhelmed by a little girl, Liang Ru. Although a little cruel, Liang Ru was born into such a family after all, this is her destiny.

"This person is expected to find out more secrets."

Li Fan felt that Itokawaro could not be executed first.

"Well, and he is an international wanted man and must be taken into custody!"

A quiet sound came from the headphones.

"I see. Where shall I deliver him?"

"There is a van at the back door, Wuling Light, just throw him in the car."


Li Fan worked lightly, grasping Itokawaro, hiding all the way, successfully sending him to the back door of the school, and throwing it into a parked van. The driver was not someone else, it was Xiao Chen.

"It was delivered, and I went back."

"Well, hard work."

The two briefly communicated, and Li Fan returned to school again. As for what kind of interrogation this Itokawaro had to go to in the 9th place of Guoan, that was not to be said later.

Shan said Li Fan returned to the school and hid beside him, watching Liang Ru communicate with the two policemen.

"I mean, why don't you believe it?"

Liang Ru, this little girl, was very angry. "You people's police, don't you believe what the people say?"

"This classmate, what you said is a bit too wild."

A policewoman looked at Liang Ru with a sneer and smile. "Who can go up and down? I think you're studying art, don't you have too much thought?"

"How do you say that?"

Liang Ru was unhappy, "I can't bluff you so well! Besides, there is no such thing as a high-rise man, isn't that Li Fan of Qixia Mountain Villa?

The two police officers did not know Liang Ru's identity and were impatient with her.

"Then Li Fan is indeed a high-rise man. Isn't Li Fan the one who saved you just now?"

The policewoman was a little sarcastic, but another male policeman patted her arm.

"Be nice."

Then, he took over his colleague, and continued, "We will log on to this matter first. If there is any new situation, please remember to contact us."

The police stopped and Liang Ru stomped.

"The police, don't do anything, I hate it!"

Liang Ru shouted, but he had no choice but to let them go.

"Mom? You are so busy, do you remember to call me?"

Liang Ru returned to the apartment, but immediately received a call from his mother. Li Fan was sitting next door, and his inner strength was really good.

"I'm dangerous? What's wrong with me. Go to the Emperor? No, I'm fine here. I said, don't go if you don't! What's so good about the Emperor!"

Li Fan heard that Liang Ru was noisy over there, with a lot of emotion in her heart. Although Liang Ru's parents were in good condition, they divorced early. The values ​​of the two were at odds with each other. In the end, Liang Ru's mother left the Emperor and left Liang Ru behind. Although she spends a lot of money each month on Liang Ru, she hasn't felt the taste of motherly love for a long time.

"In short, national affairs, don't try to make peace with me. My dad is the leader, and I am not!"

After speaking, Liang Ru hung up the phone, and was quiet for a long time next door. Although Li Fan couldn't understand Liang Ru's inner thoughts, she could feel her sadness. Why isn't he like this, his parents left him like this, the old couple traveled around and lived a very smart life. Not long ago, Li Fan also sent a letter to them asking them to settle on Lijia Island, but the old couple once again rejected Li Fan on the grounds of traveling around the world.

Compared to Li Fan, the two of them seem to be relatives of gods and relatives. Li Fan doesn't know when he can unburden himself and join hands with beauties to take a good tour of the country.

Just as Li Fan muttered, the door was knocked again.

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