My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1521: Visit late at night

1521 Late night visit

Li Fan was in the bath, drank the instant coffee in his hands quietly, and couldn't distract himself, staring at the screen. There are a total of eighteen screens in front of them, with the picture of room 503 above. There is also a hallway in front of 503 doors, and surveillance pictures of elevators and stairs.

Liang Ru's safety is so important that he must not miss anything at all. If you ca n’t even protect a little girl, what else can you talk about regaining it?

In another computer, it is a top view of the entire hotel, which is directly fed back from the monitor of Dragon God One. Some agents in the Ninth Division of the National Security Bureau have been secretly arranged around them. Director Hou still does not believe that Li Fan can protect Liang Ru. In the mind of Chief Hou, Li Fan was very unreliable.

At this point, Director Hou was busy following Li Fan's small report.

"Why? How can such a special agent who doesn't follow orders command?"

On the contrary, Director Hou was scolded by the people on the phone. She was very wronged and directly protested.

"In short, if he continues to perform this task, then I apply to withdraw from the operation."


The voice on the other side of the phone was very cold, leaving no emotion at all.

"You will take over the work with Chief Yang of Bayuquan."

"You, you guys want to get away from me?"

Chief Hou was surprised.

"I have paid so much for the organization. Why do you do this?"

"This mission is very important, and you are still doing some small moves, the leaders are disappointed in you."

The other side criticized Director Hou, "We don't think you have the ability to perform the work of Nine Offices. Just after the meeting, you have decided to temporarily cancel your position. You must wait at home and wait for organizational arrangements."

Director Hou was stupid, and he worked hard, but it turned out to be this way?

Li Fan! It's all that Li Fan hurt! You have to get revenge on him! The woman's revenge was crazy and terrible, and Li Fan naturally did not know that he had provoked another enemy to himself. At this time, he was busy dealing with his personal hygiene.

There is a large bathroom in the toilet. Li Fan puts hot water and takes a comfortable bath. A TV and refrigerator are also prepared in the bathroom, where Li Fan continues to enjoy his night.

And quiet is bitter, while constantly drinking coffee, strenuously, staring at the screen.

"Li Fan, when will you finish washing?"

Quiet yawned and asked.

"I'm taking a bath."

Li Fan said lazily, "The bath here is too big, too comfortable, and you can watch TV and drink. It feels so good to drink hot water and drink iced champagne. Hey, I think I'm going to be corrupt. "

"You bastard!"

Quietly yelled, "I am still drinking bitter coffee and staring at Liang Ru, but you are enjoying it there! It's not fair! Come out soon!"

"I also have a rare rest."

Li Fan was also a bit ashamed. "So, how about taking a hot spring after I finish my task?"

"A word?"

"It's all right, do you want to hook?"

"Che, I'm not a kid ..."

Quiet suddenly stopped talking, Li Fan put down his glass, "Someone coming?"

There are too many people outside the hotel, and come and go, with Li Fan's own perception, it is difficult to find out who is the enemy and who is the guest. Therefore, in such a place, he can only rely on the help of quieting them.

"A waiter has gone upstairs."

Quietly said, "But at this time, the waiter shouldn't be walking on this floor. And, no guest will ask the hotel for room service."

She had information on the hotel, and Li Fan had understood it.

"I'll go out and see."

"Well, don't ignore all possibilities."

After speaking quietly, Li Fan has stood up from the bath. The internal strength of his body rose, and the heat evaporated the water vapor from his body. Li Fan put on the shorts provided by the hotel and walked out.

At this point, a waiter in his early twenties had opened the door lock and walked in. He was pushing a dinner plate in front of him. The waiter opened the dining car, picked up a Colt pistol with a silencer from the plate, and walked into the room.

He is very professional and walks silently like a cat. He went to the living room and saw a person lying on the sofa, covered with a blanket, without hesitation, raised his pistol and shot two shots at the sofa.

"Piu! Piu!"

Two beeps, the goose feathers flew out.

The waiter frowned, hurried forward, raised a blanket, exposing a broken pillow below.

"A good goose feather pillow is broken by you."

A voice suddenly flew from behind him, startling the waiter.

"Remember to compensate."

The waiter turned back sharply and saw a Chinese man wearing only five-point pajamas sitting on a vase next to him, smiling at him with a smile.

The waiter almost subconsciously pulled the trigger.

He fired three shots in a row, and went straight to Li Fan's head. The waiter has been trained for many years and is very confident in his marksmanship. But at this moment, Li Fan's right hand suddenly made a few afterimages, flashing three times in the air.

The waiter was almost a flower in front of him, then Li Fan sat there unharmed, his hands loosened, and three Huang Chengcheng bullets fell down, and they fell to the ground.

The waiter widened his eyes, but Li Fan laughed.

"You said you, bring this as a gift when you come tonight? Isn't it too rude to pay a few dimes for a bullet?"

The waiter saw that Li Fan was not easy to deal with. He suddenly grabbed a helmet from the dining car and put it on his head.

"Oh! Sure enough!"

Li Fan looked so happy that Zhengchou couldn't find anyone, didn't he come to the door!


With a wave of the waiter, Li Fan's body suddenly flew up, and then slammed heavily on the back wall. The waiter held the gun in his other hand and was ready to rush into the bedroom. But the next second, a flower bloomed in front of him, Li Fan didn't know when, standing in front of the bedroom door, holding his arms and looking at him with a smile.

"Friend, where are you going? I haven't talked to you yet."

Li Fanyi pointed at the helmet above the waiter, "Talk about the helmet, what about it?"

The waiter ignored Li Fan, and pushed his left hand against Li Fan again.

But Li Fan stood there, holding his arms, as if taking root under his feet, motionless.

The waiter was a little surprised. He looked at Li Fan twice and waved again. Li Fan remained still, letting the other party dance there. And in his headphones, Quiet still kept asking.

"Li Fan, what happened? What happened?"

When the waiter came in, the monitoring in the room was cut off, so Quiet became a "blind."

"Rest assured, I'm talking to this friend."

Li Fan's lazy voice reassured quietness.

"But this friend has a bad temper. I'll talk to him."

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