My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1538: I am the only

1538 I am the only one

The president looked at the secretary of defense as if he were an idiot.

"Did you forget, who is No. 9? He is a criminal! A true SS-class criminal!"

The president warned him, "Do you know what the consequences will be once he is released?"

"But it can only be done now ..."

However, the Minister of Defense insisted on his own view, "It's a very unusual period, it's very policy. It's him who catches Liang Ru."

"I ... I'm thinking about ..."

"Sir President, we don't have much time."

The Minister of Defense in turn reminded him, "Who can pose a threat to Li Fan except on the 9th? If the 9th shots, and Jiang Feng should respond, we can do it! Otherwise ... there are endless troubles!"

"Did you even have time for consideration ..."


The Minister of Defense kept going up, "President, have you forgotten that there is still a huge threat on the sky, staring at us all the time! Dragon God One is the fortress of the Chinese people and their sword! "


The president seemed to be said to be emotional.

"I sometimes wonder, is this Liang Ru ... really so important?"

"The times are different, my lord."

The Secretary of Defense sighed, "Now China, to Wanwan, that force can be recovered if it is recaptured. Once they unify the two sides of the strait, we will have no foothold in the Asia-Pacific region, and at that time, there will be no way to split Huaxia's plan is over. And if Wanwan is successfully recovered, it will undoubtedly inform the international community that our US emperor will not be able to protect these places attached to us. By then, our powerful system will fall apart! "

"Okay, stop talking, I know."

The president is a bit tired and weak, and times have changed. They are no longer the hegemonic empire of the year. The rise of Huaxia made the US emperor feel tremendous pressure. If Huaxia is allowed to continue to develop in this way, it will definitely be very unfavorable to the future of the US imperial! If you want to pull back this game and suppress Huaxia, you can only rely on this task.

"Do you really want to rely on the number nine ..."

The president couldn't help laughing at himself, "It's too embarrassing, it's really embarrassing."

Nine is a super criminal, and he is also a clone created from Li Fan's genes. But unlike the previous works, the No. 9 has too much fighting power, but also has arrogance and arrogance different from ordinary people! After he was born, he destroyed the laboratory that made him, and disposed of the first eight clones. In the end, the US emperor sacrificed a lot, and then reluctantly held No. 9 and kept it in a Jedi prison below the Atlantic Ocean.

"Let Elizabeth run with you."

The president considered it for a long time, and finally made a decision, "Everything is up to you."

"Leave it to me, Your Excellency the President."

The Minister of Defense nodded, "All for the glory of the empire!"

A day later, in a deep-sea trench in the Atlantic Ocean, a submarine was slowly approaching here. The submarine's light shines in this dark trench, and above this dark trench, a huge underwater prison is built! The submarine drove over, and the prison opened an iron gate, letting the submarine in.

After entering a closed room, the room began to drain. Soon, the submarine stopped in front of a small port, and Elizabeth accompanied the Secretary of Defense and stepped out of the submarine.

"Dear Secretary of Defense, I look forward to your visit."

The prison was full of respect, and went out to meet the Minister of Defense in person.

"No need to be so polite."

The Secretary of Defense is very serious, "Hurry up and do business."

"Nine can't run, let me have dinner with you first ..."

"I'm here to work! Have you heard?"


The awful look of the Secretary of Defense made the warden a little afraid. I wanted the flattery to flatter, but I didn't expect the **** to slap on the horse's leg. Although in this prison, he is like an emperor. But where this bird doesn't shit, he has long been bored. Now he just wants to leave here and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air outside!

Therefore, the warden wants to use this opportunity to try to please the Minister of Defense and transfer him from here. This dark life ... who would like it? Although he is the warden, he sometimes feels that he is also a prisoner in this deep sea prison!

The warden did not dare to think too much at this time. He obediently led the Minister of Defense and the imperial Elizabeth, who came to the deepest part of the dungeons.

There was a rancid smell in the dungeon, and Elizabeth could not help covering her nose. This place, I don't know how many people have died. The legendary number nine seems to be locked in this place.

They took the elevator and continued down, not knowing how deep they got down. Soon, a huge metal lid appeared underground. When they fell below, the metal lid slowly opened, exposing a cage full of tempered glass inside.

A man with loose hair fell to his knees in a cage, with super-alloy shackles on his hands.

"Can he be trapped with superalloys?"

The Secretary of Defense could not help asking.

"Of course not. The room is full of anesthetic gas."

The warden explained quickly, "With these narcotic gases, we can guarantee that No. 9 has been in a weak state and has no strength to break out of the cage."


The Minister of Defense nodded, and he squatted down, speaking through the microphone, toward the number nine below.

"Nine, are you still alive?"

Nine raised her head slowly, revealing a thin face. Sure enough, he looks exactly like Li Fan, but he needs to be thinner, and his eyes have some evil charm. He looked at the Secretary of Defense's eyes with disdain. That look was like looking at some tiny bugs. This makes the Secretary of Defense very uncomfortable.

"be honest!"

The warden tapped the glass. "This is the Secretary of Defense!"

"So what? Just pigs and dogs."

No. 9's attitude did not improve in the slightest. He was still calm in jail, as if he were the emperor in this jail.

"You bastard, electricity ..."

The warden just wanted to punish him, but the secretary of defense spoke.

"I came to talk to him, you step back."


The warden had to step aside honestly, but No. 9 laughed.

"Ha ha ha, people have their way, dogs have their dogs! Warden, you are not good when you are a human, but when you are a dog it is natural!"

The jailer's mouth twitched, but he put up with it.

"You don't seem to be scared at all?"

The Secretary of Defense asked.

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