My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 156: Young master

156 Master

His falling speed suddenly slowed down, staying within a manageable range. Li Fan's body flipped in the air, and then landed firmly on the roof of a Cayenne. The Cayenne didn't know which rich man's car was stepped on instantly, and issued a harsh alarm scream.

Fortunately, no one was around, Li Fan spat out his tongue gently, and then disappeared into the night.

At this time, Yu Xi, a master of Jinyiwei sitting in his room, suddenly opened his eyes.

He returned, and Li Wenzhuo's breath had disappeared.

Yu Xi's remaining eye was still beautiful, and there was another kind of light in her eyes, then she stretched out her hand and pointed to the wall next to it.

Suddenly a wooden nameplate flew down and fell into the palm of his hand.

Yu Xi threw the nameplate to the ground, and immediately came out of a figure in the corner, lying on the ground, and picked up the sign on the ground.

"Yan Kai ... sir, do you really want to send him?"

This figure is Yu Xi's steward. Yu Xi usually cherishes words like gold, and it is basically difficult to hear her. The old housekeeper's name was Uncle Zhong. He had broken one hand and one foot and was disabled. But he has been with Yu Xi's side all the time, waiting for Yu Xi, be regarded as Yu Xi's mind.

"Although this person is good at kung fu, he has an uncertain personality and is difficult to grasp."

Uncle Zhong said rather worried, "If he is allowed to perform the task, the old slave is worried that he will be biased ..."

Yu Xi waved his hand, and Uncle Zhong nodded. "The old slave understands, then the old slave goes to inform the person."

He crawled backwards, and Yu Xi closed her eyes again. She was seriously injured that time, and she needed to rest and adjust her breath for a while. If Li Fan could not be removed anymore, she would consider it necessary to take her own shot.

Jin Yiwei will never let go of any goal!

Early the next morning, Li Fan rode in a car to pick up Lin Yuexian. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came downstairs to Lin Yuexian's house, he saw Lin Yuexian standing at the door and waved straight at himself.

She looked nervous, as if she was afraid of something.

Could someone bully Lin Yuexian fail? Li Fan's temper immediately came up, good guy, how do you say Lin Yuexian is covering herself up now, and even someone dares to bully her, isn't this too old to break the ground!

Li Fan rolled up his sleeves and was about to find who was bullying Lin Yuexian. Just then, Lin Yuexian's house was pushed open and her mother Yuan Chunli didn't even go to work. The middle-aged woman saw Li Fan at a glance, picked up the mop rod in the house, and rushed out when she came out.

"Auntie, you, what are you doing?"

When Li Fan saw this battle, he was a bit numb.

"Little bunny, how dare you lie to your mother! Posing as a rich second generation, and drinking my Maotai, my mother killed you!"

Yuan Chunli didn't know how to recognize Li Fan's identity. Li Fan can't always do anything with Lin Yuexian's mother, but can only dodge in a hurry. He also said, "Auntie, you have misunderstood, listen to me!"

"Lao Niang listen to me! You also sell sports brand, you also sent Lao Niang to Xin Matai travel! Lao Niang even bought a bathing suit! Little cub, I will not kill you today, Lao Ni and I surname!

"Mom, don't fight, you can't blame Li Fan for this, it's all my fault. I told him to tell you so."

Lin Yuexian stepped forward, but was pushed away by Yuan Chunli.

"Little bunny, what kind of ecstasy soup have you poured into my daughter! My aging mother is such a daughter. You dare to attack her, and my aging mother will be with you today!"

Li Fan cried and laughed again and again, who was the one who provokes him, and why he had such a thing when he returned home.

Many neighbours around were shocked and came out to watch the fun.

"Little bunny, don't run! Stop for the old lady!"

Yuan Chunli seemed to be crazy, and chased Li Fan with a mop. While evading, Li Fan was thinking of countermeasures.

What to do and how to deal with Yuan Chunli?

Just as he was thinking, a black Bentley suddenly drove over and shocked everyone.

How can there be a Bentley parked in this small broken place? Is the developer here? Impossible, the developers always let their subordinates come and open an Audi every day. This Bentley, with its black license plate, is definitely not affordable.

The Bentley's door opened, and Yufeng stepped down and bowed respectfully to Li Fan.

"Master, sorry, I'm late."

Li Fan frowned, looked at him, and said to his heart what happened to this guy?

And Yuan Chunli froze. The driver in Bentley's car, called Li Fan as the young master?

No, she suddenly remembered yesterday as if she had seen Li Fan before, and was wearing the uniform of No.2 Middle School. So she went to the No. 2 Middle School to check the list of students, and found that Li Fan was indeed a student in the school! And I heard from a few classmates that he was a bully in the school, not a rich second generation!

This is the reason to make Yuan Chunli angry. After living for so many years, she was cheated by a little rabbit!

But at this moment, the black Bentley seems to have upended her worldview again.

"Master, are you in trouble?"

Yu Feng asked.

As soon as Li Fan's eyes turned, Liu Yanan owed him 60,000 yuan! Originally, I was going to send Yuan Chunli to Xinmatai. Isn't it right now?

"This is my aunt, Yuan Chunli, Ms. Yuan."

Li Fan immediately winked at Yu Feng, "I didn't tell you, let you pick up Ms. Yuan today and go to Xin Matai for a lap? How come?"

"I'm sorry Master, let's arrange for Master."

Yu Feng called, and Li Fan said to Yuan Chunli with guilt, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I did lie to you. In fact, I was not a college student, I was just a high school student. I was afraid you were worried, so I came here. I'm really sorry to make a bad decision. "

"Ah, no, it's okay ... son, don't you say it earlier ..."

Yuan Chunli only felt that the world was changing too fast. She didn't wait for her reaction to understand. Another Mercedes car slowly opened up. Yu Feng opened the door for Yuan Chunli.

"Ms. Yuan, please get on the bus, and we will arrange the following matters to ensure you have a wonderful trip to Singapore and Thailand."

"So, then I take two clothes ..."

"We have prepared everything for you to follow along. Just enjoy your trip. We will go to the airport first. The special plane to Xinmatai is already waiting for you."

Yu Feng deserves to be a professional bodyguard. This set of answers makes Yuan Chunli feel a little dazed.

Lin Yuexian was also a bit shocked, and Yuan Chunli had been invited to Mercedes.

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