My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1559: Where's the assassin

1559 Where did the assassin come from

Li Fan's heart was tight, and he felt a little uneasy.

"Because ... you're gone, I have nowhere to eat."

The reason that Liang Ru threw out made Li Fan a little unconvinced. What's the reason ... I'm with myself just to eat rice? Although Qiu'er's food is really delicious ... but Liang Ru is too proud of it?

"In short, Miss Ben won't let you go."

"Liang Ru, there is a banquet all over the world."

Li Fan told Liang Ru, "Even if you have a good relationship, it will one day break."

"I don't care, you must listen to me!"

Liang Ru bit the same as Li Fan, "Miss Ben won't let you go, you can't go!"

"Can I sell it to you?"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Do you hate me?"

Liang Ru asked suddenly.

"No ... no ..."

Li Fan thought for a while, he didn't really seem to hate Liang Ru really. Although she doesn't like her barbarous personality, there is a reason Liang Ru becomes like this. And she's not bad by nature, and has changed a lot in recent times.

"Fart, you just hate me!"

Liang Ru stared at Li Fan's eyes and said directly, "I can see it all, you don't want to lie to me!"

"I didn't hate you, just ..."

"What is it?"

"It's ... it's true that the two of us are friends, but it doesn't have to be tied together every day, right?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "I'm not going to talk to you when I go back to school. Do we still have to hold the toilet every day?"

"Anyway, don't leave."

Liang Ru forced it.

"This must not work."

Li Fanyi said ruthlessly, "Do you remember, I told you that I have a girlfriend. She is in Modu and is still waiting for me to return."

"Do you have a girlfriend? OK, show me her picture."

Liang Ru took out the strength that she was not convinced, "I'd like to see, where is she better than me?"

"You're crazy, what is better than my girlfriend? You must be better than her, but she is the one who will accompany me all my life."

Li Fan said more and more dead.

"Girlfriend can go with you for a lifetime? You think so wonderful!"

Liang Ru froze, "It's impossible! Who can guarantee to accompany you to the end in this society?"

"Try it before you talk."

"get off!"

Suddenly Liang Ru said coldly.


Li Fan was not angry. He thought that Liang Ru was angry and it was also a good thing. Anger would be released, and after release, he would be relieved.

However, before Li Fan opened the door, Liang Ru suddenly pressed the lock and locked the door.


Li Fan is puzzled, what are you doing?

Liang Ru turned her head and stared at Li Fan again. She seemed very serious and seemed to make a decision.

"What are you doing ..."

Li Fan felt something awful, and he laughed twice. "Let me go down quickly, I won't disturb you to rest."

"Li Yun ..."

Liang Ru looked at Li Fan, Li Fan felt her word was on his lips.

Li Fan is very nervous. He thinks he should find a way to stop the other person from saying this! But Li Fan's mind didn't go that fast, and he couldn't find a suitable solution at one and a half!

At this time, Li Fan missed Lin Yuexian very much. If this little girl is in her brain, she must be able to come up with dozens of solutions in just a few seconds!

But you ca n’t do it yourself. If you compete, when the other party moves, you can instantly think of dozens of confrontation plans, how to see the move! But in this kind of thing, let's forget it, I'm really not good at it.

However, at this moment, a long sword suddenly fell from the sky, stabbed directly into the front of the car, and nailed the Cayenne to the ground.

Liang Ru was taken aback, and Li Fan did not hesitate to reach out and put everything on Liang Ru's neck. Liang Ru passed out immediately, and fell into Li Fan's arms.

A figure fell from the sky and landed in front of the car. He was in a black overcoat, covering his face, and could not see his identity. Before Li Fan asked, he suddenly frowned and reached out his hand.

With a bang, the window next to Liang Ru was broken, a full moon scimitar spun in and flew in, broke the window glass, and ran towards Liang Ru. And Li Fan just reached out and grabbed the full moon scimitar in his hand. His hands were like iron palms, a sharp full moon scimitar, he was pinched by Li Fan with three fingers.

Two more assassins in black clothes fell and landed on both sides of the car. The two assassins had no other weapons, but they seemed to be practicing the first base of iron claws. Two people reached out and grabbed each one on the door of the car, and then they pulled the door directly with a little force!

Then, an assassin's iron claws caught Li Fan, and another caught Liang Liang.


Li Fan sneered. He was here. The two assassins wanted to succeed?

Li Fan launched the dragon-snatcher, and the two assassins' bodies were directly dragged over by Li Fan, jumping over Liang Ru's body, and then being held by Li Fan in their hands, pinching the two's necks, and twisting them directly.

With a few murmurs, the two died directly.

Li Fan didn't care about killing two people at will, and the remaining one could be tortured. The man in black in front of him was still there. He dropped his hand, threw three flying knives, pierced the front glass, and ran straight towards Liang Ru.


However, Li Fan stretched out his hand again, and launched the all-round dragon catcher, and immediately sucked the three flying knives into his hands.

The assassin seemed to find Li Fan difficult to deal with. He didn't dare to hesitate and turned to try to escape.

"Where to go!"

Li Fan was just one palm away. The assassin screamed and flew out. He lay on the ground and slid out of the courtyard. As soon as Li Fan rolled over, he jumped out of the car and landed in front of the assassin.

After Li Fan left, Qiu Er's figure fell silently and stood beside the car. Li Fan really protected Liang Ru in all directions.

Knowing that Qiu'er had protection, Li Fan was able to come out of the car with such confidence and stand in front of the assassin. As soon as Li Fan was ready to ask, the assassin suddenly turned over, and then swept at Li Fan's throat.


Although the opponent is fast, Li Fan is faster. He kicked him on the body and kicked him to the ground.

"act recklessly!"

Li Fan made up another kick and passed the internal force into the acupuncture meridians of the other side, making the assassin scream in pain.

Li Fan's trick is really terrible. Even the most powerful man, I'm afraid I can't carry it. The same was true of the assassin. At this time, he was alive and painfully alive, screaming constantly, anxious to break himself.

"Say, who sent you here."

Li Fan pulled off his mask, this buddy is a Chinese assassin. But Huaxia's largest assassin organization, Yanwangdian, has been destroyed by its own apprentice. Who are these people?

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