1565 Creating a Hero


Nine was asked again.

Yeah, what good is it to ruin this place? It's just a waste of energy.

"I don't know ... what to do."

On the 9th, I feel that this blonde girl is just to torture herself, and every question has left her no answer.

"That being the case, it would be better to be a hero!"

The blonde pulled her wrist number nine, "Become a real hero, guard here, guard justice, how?"

"Is there any benefit to this?"

No. 9 asked directly.

"You can get a lot."

Windsor thought for a while and then said, "I should be very happy to be worshiped and protect the city? Like me, the thought of exposing the Leicester family ’s sins and letting the public know their true ugliness, I just Can't help but be excited. "

"You are really touched."

Nine sighed. "That being the case, try it."

"Have you promised me?"

Windsor was so excited, "That hero, where do you live?"

"I'm not a hero, I'm a number nine."

Nine said coldly, "And, I don't have a permanent residence."

"Well, are you homeless?"

"Where you want to live, you live."

No. 9 snorted, "If anyone dares to disobey, I will kill him."

"No, no, this is not what the hero should do!"

Windsor felt that No. 9 was a new hero, and there was still a lot to teach him, so he made his own claim, "Well, starting today, you live in my house, I will teach you how to be a true hero!"

"Promise you too."

Nine held her arms. "But if I get tired, I will kill you and leave."

"Hee hee, being a hero is fun, how can you be tired!"

Windsor laughed happily. How could such a dream-like thing make her unhappy!

"Great God, you must have sent him to me!"

Windsor clasped her hands together, her face pious.

"You believe in gods so much?"

Nine finally couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, after all, God created us."

"According to your culture, the theory of evolution says that humans should not have evolved from apes?"

"Huh, evolution is pseudoscience!"

Windsor snorted, "In short, you are the best gift from the gods! Unfortunately, it is not Christmas today, let's pass it ahead! Let's go, we're home!"

Windsor said, went to the side of the road and opened a car door. Looking at the gray truck parked in front of him, No. 9 felt a bit big.

"Do you have to take a car ..."

"If you let you fly in the air, that would be too high-profile!"

Windsor held No. 9's hand and grabbed him into the car.

"As a hero, the first lesson is to teach you. Remember to keep a low profile!"


I don't know why, on the 9th, I especially eat Windsor. He was led by Windsor and obediently sat in the truck. Since No. 9 was born, I have n’t really been in a car or anything like that for the first time today.

"Hero, is this your first visit to Tell?"

"I said, I'm not a hero."

Number nine emphasized, "My name is number nine."

"Okay, number nine!"

Windsor hurriedly changed his mouth. "Are you coming to Tell for the first time?"


He nodded on the 9th, and he walked here casually.

"Then where did you come from?"

"In a laboratory in Los Angeles."

Thinking of the days before, No. 9 was expressionless.

"Lab? You're so humorous."

Winsor smiled, she thought the hero was really mysterious!

She talked to No. 9 in the car in a trivial way, but No. 9 seemed a bit annoyed, holding her arms, leaning on a chair, closing her eyes, and turning a deaf ear to her words.

Windsor said that the hero might be a little tired, so don't disturb him. So Windsor finally stopped for a while. She focused on driving, and occasionally glanced at the number nine, and was satisfied.

After more than half an hour, Windsor finally drove to her home.

In the impression of No. 9, Windsor's house should be a two-story villa or the like. In many cities in the United States, there are still many such houses. After all, the land area of ​​the US Empire is large, but the population is much smaller than that of Huaxia.

But Windsor led No. 9 into an apartment building, took him to the tenth floor, opened the door and walked in.

This should be a rental house. The house is a bit messy and littering on the ground, including Windsor's underwear and panties, are everywhere.

The room wasn't that big, it was about 40-50 square meters, because it was too crowded and looked very crowded.

"No, sorry ..."

Windsor blushed. "I usually live alone, so I don't clean much. I call the housekeepers to come and ask them to clean up."


As soon as No. 9 waved his hand, a gust of wind blew up in the room, blowing the garbage in front of him to both sides, and the room was cleared out of a large place, as if it was a lot cleaner.

"Yeah, that's convenient!"

Windsor couldn't help clapping. "If only I would."

"Unfortunately, I can't teach you."

On the 9th, she shook her head. "My strength is inherent and I can't teach you."

"It doesn't matter, you just have this power! You can just sit and be like your own home."

As Windsor said, he tucked his leopard corset under the pillow of the sofa.

"Is this ... where does one live ..."

Number nine frowned.

"Oh, this is the home! Come, you take a break, then we talk, your first step to becoming a hero!"

"Becoming a hero is so complicated? How many steps are there?"

"Of course, after all, dreams come step by step!"

Windsor took out a pen and paper, "Especially the first step is very important, so sloppy!"

"What is the first step?"


Windsor solemnly made No. 9 a little speechless.

"Going to fight and still have to pick out clothes?"

The number nine pointed to the coat on his body. "My suit that I just snatched from a person a few days ago is still fit."

"You are a hero, not a robber! You can't rob others, let alone wear such stolen goods!"

Windsor tapped his forehead lightly, "Hey, let me teach you a little bit! As a hero, you must have a tights that represents your identity! Such as Superman, blue pants, red cape! And big s on the chest! That's the sign! "

"It feels like sb ..."

Watching Windsor open a photo of Superman, No. 9 was immediately rejected.

"What pervert is necessary to wear underwear?"

"This is a long time ago design! You can rest assured that I have a better design solution!"

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