My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1567: Heroes and Bodyguards

1567 Heroes and Bodyguards

"What should I do?"

The number nine didn't understand.

"Save people!"

Windsor was anxious. She pointed at the sea of ​​fire and looked very flustered. "The firefighters have no choice but you can save them!"

The crying around was louder, mixed with the sound of the siren, and playing a life-hunting soul song.

"Can only I do it?"

Number nine raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, only you!"

Windsor looked at No. 9 with certainty.

"it is good."

No. 9 didn't talk much, he took two steps forward, and the police still stopped him.

"Dangerous ahead, irrelevant personnel are not allowed to approach!"

Looking at the dress worn on No. 9, the policeman still despised him. In the society, there are these guys who seem to be sore, still eating government subsidies, and wasting taxpayers' money in vain!

"Come on!"

The police tried to drive the No. 9 off, but at this moment, No. 9 bent her knees slightly, then kicked at the foot, and the whole person instantly rose off the ground, jumping seven or eight meters high!

"my Lord!"

"How is that possible? Spider-Man? Or Superman?"

The crowd's eyes almost fell out, and No. 9 fell on the wall of the building. He inserted one hand directly into the wall, and the palm of No. 9 seemed to be made of steel, and it was easily buckled on the wall, allowing his body to hang on the wall. No. 9's arm was lightly forced, and then pulled up three or four meters high, and then buckled into the wall with the other hand.

In the stunned crowd, the No. 9 trick was reapplied, and it was easy to reach the tenth floor where the fire was burning.

He jumped into the sea of ​​fire, and the sound of a crying child came from his ear. On the ninth glance, he saw two adults guarding a child, hiding under a table, with angry flames beside them. These flames surround them, seemingly waiting to consume their last bit of hope, and then devour them completely.

"Mom, mom ... wow, where are you ..."

The child kept crying, and the two adults next to him coughed and seemed to be suffocated by the smoke.

Humans are too fragile.

No. 9 shook his head, and then he took a deep breath, and sighed at the sea of ​​fire in front of him.


It is said that wind helps the fire, but if it is too strong, it can block oxygen and let the flame dissipate. The wind made on the 9th was so strong. A storm passed and immediately suppressed the sea of ​​fire here.

All the fire was blown away in an instant, and everyone outside was dumbfounded.

"Oh my **** ... is this guy impossible?"

"Superman, come out and see Superman!"

Many people began to take pictures. For a time, a man wearing a No. 9 black suit with a scarlet cape appeared in the form of photos and videos on Meidi's Twitter.

Nine is like holding a little chicken, sandwiching three people, large and small, jumping straight down from the tenth floor. The rapids blew from his ears, and the three people caught in his arms were almost scared.


Nine landed on the ground, and his feet stepped out of the ground with two deep footprints. Cracks spread across the ground, spreading like spider webs.



"No, it's a god!"

The crowd was cheering. On the 9th, they looked at the eyes they cast, listening to their applause from the heart, and suddenly felt a little strange in their hearts.

Seems like ... happy?


Windsor came up and flew directly to No. 9's arms, holding him tightly. On the 9th, he froze, feeling the embrace and softness of Windsor, and the warmth and body fragrance, only feeling that something in his heart seemed to pull hard.

"I knew, you must be fine!"

Windsor is excited to introduce the number nine, "Please remember this person, he is the hero of our city of Tell, he is called number nine!"


Imperial University.

"Hey, still ignore me?"

As soon as Li Fan went out, he bumped into Liang Ru. The little girl put on a ponytail, changed into a pink clover sportswear, and wore headphones, as if she was about to go out to exercise. When she saw Li Fan, she turned her head and chose to go down the stairs.

"Wipe, do you hate me so much?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly. Since she had returned the fainted Liang Ru to the bedroom without any problems, she woke up and ignored her.

According to Li Fan, when they were driving, they were hit by an oncoming truck, and Liang Ru passed out. The driver of the accident escaped and was arresting.

There was no way, Li Fan could not find a suitable excuse, and the quiet side also cooperated with sending two police officers to learn about the incident with Liang Ru and determine the matter.

But to Liang Ru, she seemed to have a knot, and started to keep her distance from Li Fan. Li Fan couldn't help it, but that's okay. There is less than a week left. If this continues, he can leave here without any care.

However, the last time Wanwan had a crazy attack, who knows if they gave up the assassination. Li Fan felt that in the past seven days, he should guard against death and prevent those assassins from the bay from having a chance. Li Fan asked the four swords to hide in the four directions of the Imperial University, and no matter where there was anomaly, they could arrive at the first time.

"Classmates, there is an outdoor class today."

When Li Fan arrived in the classroom, the female teacher suddenly said to everyone.

"Outdoor class?"

Everyone talked, and the female teacher went on to explain that students who were originally music students would go to the school's concert hall to listen to a real concert.

Every year, the school conducts such an event, which is funded by the music department. The famous musicians who have graduated from the college are invited to return to school to start this concert. The purpose is very simple, that is, hope to be able to inherit the past and give the new students a perfect guide.

And this concert, from another perspective, also gives students a chance to worship. No matter how high the teachers of the college are, it is impossible to bring out so many students by themselves. However, if musicians fancy these students, one by one, depending on each other's level, and connections, will definitely make the college students go further on the road to music.

"Teacher, will all music students participate?"

Li Fan remembered Liang Ru, that girl was a violinist, would she also come?

"Yes, there are nineteen students in the music department, and there is no shortage of one."

The female teacher nodded, confirming Li Fan's idea.

Li Fan muttered in his heart, and it seemed necessary to meet this time. Listening to the tone of the female teacher, this concert seems to be very important! Liang Ru, how will she face herself then?

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