My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1569: Death Concerto

1569 Death Concerto

Just as Liang Ru was preparing to meet her death quietly, a hand suddenly extended from the side and grabbed Master Zheng's wrist.

Master Zheng froze for a while, and he was chopped up without any disadvantages! Moreover, the opponent seems to be so powerful that he can't move himself and can't even pull back?

"Li Yun ..."

Seeing that Li Yun, who had been sitting there silently, suddenly shot, Liang Ruzheng a moment.

"Stay behind me."

Li Fan dropped this sentence, and at this time, Master Zheng's other hand suddenly stretched over and grabbed Li Fan's wrist, as if he was going to use his muscles.

"Scarlet trick!"

Li Fan gave a cold hum. His body turned and followed, and the whole person made a circle in the air. Then, using the power of rotation, Master Zheng was also stunned, turned over, and then fell to the ground by Li Fan. Li Fan added a kick and kicked Master Zheng off the stage.

Liang Ru stood there, seeming a little stunned.

"Be assured, I won't make you dangerous."

Li Fan said, jumping off the stage.

At this time, the ceiling was suddenly broken, and the four beautiful swordsmen who astonished everyone fell from the sky and fell in front of Liang Ru, holding her.

"You are……"

Liang Ru felt a little dizzy, and Chuner gave Liang Ru a smile.

"Rest assured, being present will definitely not make you dangerous."

"Four big swordsmen?"

These quadruplets are also quite famous, after all, they are the signboards of Qixia Villa. Therefore, the ambassador couldn't help but exclaim as soon as they saw them.

"It was the man from Qixia Villa?"

He looked at Li Fan carefully, guessing Li Fan's identity. And there, Master Zheng jumped up again and looked at Li Fan angrily.

"My devil, I just made a three-point effort and was attacked by a nameless generation like you! Don't be too proud, I will pinch all the bones on you one by one immediately!"

"Try it when you can."

Li Fan gestured with crane strokes, "I only use the basic skills of this skill to deal with you, it is enough."

"Fart! You mainland dogs just like to talk big!"

Master Zheng yelled, "How can you **** and kung fu be compared to the authentic martial arts of Wanwan! Let me teach you what a real martial art is!"

With that said, Master Zheng pulled out of his body and once again performed his tricks, grabbing at Li Fan's key points. However, Li Fan stepped on the steps of the crane stroke, his body was as light as a dancing white crane, and easily walked around Master Zheng, avoiding Master Zheng's attack. At the same time, his hand kept waving and beating on Master Zheng's point.

At the beginning, Master Zheng only felt that his body was a bit numb. But as Li Fan hit more and more times, he felt that his body was slow. Soon, he became slow to even move, even raising his hand as if lifting a heavy load!


Master Zheng scolded, "What kind of demon method did you use?"

"This is the move in the crane stroke, crane beak, specializing in acupoints, breaking your blood."

Li Fan said with a smile, "Want to learn, I can teach you."

"You are Li Fan!"

The angel looked at the information in his hand and suddenly understood something.

"You're no Li Yun at all! You're Li Fan, the owner of Qixia Mountain Villa! Damn it!"

The sage wants to scold his mother, even in Wanwan, Li Fan's name is known to everyone! He won the island's first master with his bare hands! And also messed up with the US emperor, claiming to be on Li Fan's number one blacklist!

Huaxia is so cruel, should he send such a master to sit down in person?

"Mistaken! Master Zheng, quickly withdraw!"

The ambassador had to carry out plan b. He had planted a remote-controlled bomb in the concert hall of the Imperial University! Just detonate here, you can kill Liang Ru!

"Fart! Grandpa is the master of the lotus teaching! Grandmaster who splits his muscles and hands! How can he be defeated by an unknown soldier!"

Master Zheng vibrated with anger, trying to break through the imprisoned acupoint.

"He's not an unknown junior!"

The emissary reminded Master Zheng, "He is Li Fan, the owner of Qixia Mountain Villa!"

"Junior junior! How can it be compared with me!"

But Master Zheng still insisted on his own opinion, "I, Zheng, must complete the task of the leader today!"

Master Zheng can also be regarded as hard-hearted. He really rushed open the acupuncture point on his body, then leaned forward to make the fastest speed, scored a wrong hand and grabbed Li Fan's shoulder.

Master Zheng's mouth hangs a smile. As long as he exerts a force, he can remove Li Fan's shirt!

But Li Fan is Li Fan, and his crane stroke is a master of defense. When Master Zheng's hand was just grabbed on his shoulder, Li Fan's finger was already on the arm of Master Zheng's hand!


The internal force exploded, and Master Zheng's arm went numb, without any consciousness. At such a critical moment, Master Yang and Master Li did not dare to watch the excitement. The two left and right, jumping towards Li Fan.

Master Yang on the left, dressed in black, cut a gossip with a knife and went straight to Li Fan's neck. And Master Li on the right, wearing a yellow suit, kicked his feet, kicked his legs and ran to Li Fan's head!

Both moves are extremely fierce, and both masters have used housekeeping skills!

Li Fan, however, waved his left and right hands at the same time. Two crane beaks were hit on Master Yang's wrist and Master Li's ankle respectively. They poked at the acupuncture points of the two, beat them with a click, and stopped their attacks. They ate a secret loss, and their hands and feet fell into soreness for a while.

Li Fan fought three Wanwan masters alone, without falling into the wind.

It's over ... It's really over this time.

Li Fan, the name of this master, is indeed not groundless. It seems that these three masters can only give their lives for Wanwan's independent cause! Even if you are ... for a great cause, you die. After his death, the soul will surely enter the western bliss and see the real ancient Lotus Buddha.

Thinking of this, the messenger did not hesitate to press the remote control on his body.

In the previous design, the detonation bomb was only a last resort, and their evacuation time was considered. Therefore, there are still three minutes before the concert hall explodes.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

When the bomb started to count down, Li Fan suddenly moved his ears.

"There is a bomb!"

Li Fan understood it, but he did not speak up. There are so many people in the concert hall, if you let them know, it will definitely cause unnecessary panic!

Those three were also Grandmasters and heard the sound of a timer at the same time. Master Li and Master Yang seemed to hesitate a bit, but Master Zheng, who was arrogant before, laughed strangely.

"Hey, now you all have to die!"

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