My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1618: Li Fan's Round of 16

1618 Li Fan's Round of 16

Parkson is a well-known black boxing champion. No one dares to underestimate his strength. It is said that even if he is a white tiger, he will be polite to three points when he encounters Parkson. This boxer's fist was quick and fierce, and he was called the king of bullets. In other words, his fist has the speed and power of a bullet!

At this time, Bosen played against an unknown Chinese warrior. Almost all Westerners' eyes were on Bosen. Even the Orientals themselves have no hope of Li Yun, a person who has never heard of Yingwumen. You know, Boxen's boxing matches, they often go to watch it!

They have seen the video with their own eyes, and Bosen punched a cow's head directly with a punch! No one can have this terrible arm strength? Especially when seeing Li Yun on stage, seeing his thin body, everyone couldn't help sympathizing with him.

This dude, it must be miserable!

Li Fan patted the dust on his clothes. In the voice of the host, he stood in front of the black and rough Baisen.

Although this Parson is not two meters tall, he is also one meter nine. His muscles are streamlined and very full. At first glance, he is a person who often fights, and he trains himself very well, and his body is still at its peak.

"Oh my God, our young martial arts player, even met the boxer King Boxen! He is really unlucky!"

The host uttered an astonishing voice, "I really don't know, our Li players can hold on for a while under Parkson's men!"

Parson's win rate against Li Fan is three. As long as Li Fan can persist for three minutes, he is the winner on the World Bank.

Only three minutes ... It seems that no one is optimistic about Li Fan at all.

"It's time for the match. Let's pray for Lee!"

Li Fan felt that the host's voice was a little bit noisy.

And Parkson shook his arm, stepped on the boxer's unique steps, and bounced back and forth a few steps. He seemed to be a powerful hunter, staring at his poor prey. Many fans of Parsons around, they are cheering for Parsons, shouting Parsons names in unison. This momentum is higher than that.

Wu Huang sat in his player's seat, looked at the scene outside, and hummed.

Although you changed your appearance, I could still recognize you at a glance. Li Fan, see? Even if you work hard for these people, they still don't care about you. Man is not for himself, and is destroyed by nature. These fools should let him lead and educate them.

The boss of Qianzhuang sat in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast with a sneer in his heart.

Poor Chinese monkey, soon you will become my cash cow.

The cue of the start of the game sounded, and fans of Parkson were ready to celebrate their boxing champion! And Bai Sen stepped forward quickly, he was extremely fast in a galloping state, and after a gust of wind blew, he came to Li Fan, and then took a quick punch, hitting Li Fan's nose!

Bosen is not polite. The Chinese in front of him, but the one who has blocked his attack! He is not weak and must not be underestimated!

In the eyes of everyone, Li Fan must have been blown out of the head by this punch and flew out. But they were wrong. Li Fan just stretched out a hand and blocked Parson's fist.

With a thump, Li Fan's palm burst into strength, and the strength of Bai Sen's fist was indeed not weak.

"Some skills!"

Bosen said, fist was drawn from Li Fan's hand, facing Li Fan was a series of quick punches!

"Bang, bang!"

The air made a squealing sound, and Parkson made more than 30 punches in the blink of an eye! But Li Fan had one hand behind his back and the other hand in front of him, blocking these fists!

"Oh my god, the King of Bullet Boxers is like his name, and his fist is as fast as a bullet! But Li is not inferior. He is thin and weak, but he has a draw with Parkson!

When the host was talking, Li Fan suddenly became sideways, then punched out with both fists, hitting Bo Sen's chest heavily.

Lohan hit the clock!

It was the trick Liu Liufan taught to Li Fan, and it was also the basic boxing technique in the Shaolin School. He even knocked the Bosen out and slammed to the ground, lying there.

"It's unbelievable! Li Yun actually knocked off boxing champion Boxen!"

Before waiting for Parson to stand up, Li Fan flew forward again, took a kick directly, kicked on Parson's head, kicked him out, and smashed outside the ring.

Parkson fainted there, motionless, and had lost his qualifications.

The audience was quiet, Parkson's fans were stunned, the audience in front of the TV was stunned, and the banker's boss was stunned.

Boxing Boxer lost?

"Oh yeah!"

Theresa was waving her little fist excitedly in the stands, and Liu Fanfan was all silly sitting not far away. My God, what's the situation, is he so strong? I still instructed others by myself, but it turned out that they were the real masters ... I have practiced Luohan Boxing for half my life, and there is no effect from my brother ...

Shame, it's too shameful!

Fortunately, his younger brother has a good character, and it is estimated that he will not laugh at himself. But seeing Teresa's ridiculous expression, he wanted to die again. But he didn't know that the boss who wanted to die at this moment was the banker.

"Damn! What magic did the Huaxia man use to defeat Parsons! Damn, I am miserable!"

Although it was not enough to hurt his muscles and bones, it also made him very painful!

"Yeah, there is a profit and a loss, let you lose it to me in the next game!"

The vicious light of revenge appeared in the boss of the banker's eyes.

"Really unexpected ..."

Li Fan could hear the host's drooling voice, "Our young Chinese martial arts champion, Li Yun, defeated boxer Boxen and won the round of 16. ! "

Finally, there was applause from the stands, and many Chinese viewers also called the name Li Yun.

Whether or not they support themselves, Li Fan doesn't really care. But Li Fan felt a little happy to hear everyone cheering for himself.

No matter when it is, it is always good to know that someone supports you.

"Dear, do you want to go back and celebrate? I'll stay with you!"

Li Fan received a WeChat from Teresa. This girl, who went to the countryside to follow the custom, came to Huaxia and registered a WeChat.

"No, I'm going to look at the next opponent ... you better see, you will have a new understanding of Kung Fu."

"Well, there is no fun man."

Theresa had to make a crying expression.

"The list of players for the next match is also available. Let's see who they are."

p.s Xiaobian missed the final exam in the afternoon, then I missed the time to pass the manuscript, then,

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