My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1620: Niu Xueyan's Foreign Kung Fu

1620 Niu Xueyan's Foreign Kung Fu

The host is right, this is the contest.

Li Fan looked at a virgin who could control the enemy and couldn't help muttering. Good guy, I really underestimated this maiden. It seems that after she was separated from herself, she also had an adventure. However, the kung fu running on her body is a bit weird. I have never seen it, and the evil spirit is stunned. When I look back at Liu Zhu, I must ask him what kind of work it is. After all, it's a sage, maybe it's the magic trick that the teaching master Li personally passed on to her, right?

"What kind of work is this?"

The six majors were shocked. At that moment, the breath emanating from the maiden was as evil as Li only!

"Something was heard in the rivers and lakes ... Li Weiwei created his own merit alone ... Could it be that the terrible evil power cannot be achieved?"

The news of Wang Zhen was also well-known. He touched the moustache on his chin and guessed secretly.

"The fifth round of competition ended in blood, and I sincerely hope that this competition will be less blood and more peaceful. Of course, I also know that this is silly, but I watched the scene just now, I can't help but have such expectations. "

Li Fan couldn't help shaking his head after hearing this. This contest was related to the important true fairy tactic. How could it be possible without bleeding? If it weren't for such an international form of competition, I'm afraid the blood that had already hit the rivers and lakes would have flowed?

"Next is the sixth group competition. Let us see what kind of competition these two contestants will dedicate to us."

The big screen began to continue to select candidates. Soon, Jiang Feng, wearing the uniform of the commander-in-chief of the Royal Forest, appeared handsomely on it.

"Oh, oh, this is a celebrity in our China! Not only martial arts, even in the minds of ordinary people, his popularity is still very high. Because he is the chief of our Yu Linjun, only 25 , The handsome guru Jiang Feng! To be honest, if I were a girl, I might scream at this moment. "

There were girls crying in the stands, because Jiang Feng's handsome and cold appearance, he also has a lot of female fans.

And his opponent's photo was also played out, in Long Fangyu.

The zealous zealous lord is ambitious. But he was so unlucky that he encountered Jiang Feng during the contest.

"Oh, we just received the message from the Dragon player. He decided to confess to losing and voluntarily withdrew from the top 16. In this case, Jiang Marshal won without a fight!"

Female fans cried even more, but Li Fan frowned. Although Long Fangyu is very clever and cunning, he would not give up a game without even trying to test Jiang Feng's reality, would he give up the game? He should also have some hole cards. If he hits hard, he may have some influence on Jiang Feng.


Perhaps there is another possibility, that is, he has joined forces with Jiang Feng ... or reached some kind of cooperation agreement!

In this way, Jiang Feng won perfectly and saved his strength. Dragon Fangyu can also hide his hole cards and play them when they are critical!

"What two sly foxes ..."

Li Fan couldn't help grinning bitterly. If they joined forces, it would be a little troublesome.

"The next match will be Qingyi, the head of Qingcheng, and the other will be the head of Yingwumen, Niu Xueyan!"

The host announced the list of the next contest, "I don't think everyone is unfamiliar with the name Qingcheng. The Qingcheng faction is also a Taoist martial art. The faction is located in Qingcheng Mountain, Dujiangyan, Sichuan! And his opponent Niu Xueyan is also the only one. Brother Li Yun who was shocked by the four players! As the head brother, I am afraid that the strength of this cow player will be even more terrible, right? "

Niu Xueyan ...

Li Fan, holding his arms, wanted to see how good the cheaper brother was.

"In the eyes of everyone's expectation, the two came on stage! Wang Zhangmen didn't show mercy, and his shot was a masterpiece! Look at him, he grabbed the claws toward the cattle head, this should be their Qingcheng masterpiece Isn't it a dragon catcher? "

Qingcheng's advanced martial arts capture dragon, is said to have the power to drop the dragon and hide the tiger! However, his opponent was not a dragon or a tiger, but a martial arts fighter named Niu.

Niu Xueyan did not dodge, but took a step forward, then a clean straight punch, hit Wang Zhenyi's lower abdomen faster.


With a muffled sound, Wang Zhenyi's body slid out more than one meter away, and Niu Xueyan's fist was still slightly white smoke.

"The righteous fist!"

Seeing this familiar move, Li Fan stood up!

This is the boxing method created by Takeda Takeshi! This Niu Xueyan actually practiced the Kung Fu of the island country Takeda?


Li Fan wanted to scold others. Although people in the world practiced martial arts, a Chinese person took the island nation's martial arts and came to the contest.

Righteousness tactics are strong, Takeda's righteousness tactics have made Li Fan a headache for a while! And this Niu Xueyan used it, even more powerful! His strength is clearly in the generation of masters! Such a powerful master, no matter in Huaxia or in the island country, has never had a name, what's wrong?

"Dragon Chip!"

Li Fan clenched his fists, it seems that all of this is the role of the Dragon Chip!

I am afraid that the reason why Niu Xueyan is so powerful and comparable to the Grand Master is because of the strengthening effect of Dragon Chips on him!

"Wang Zhenyi, **** him!"

Li Fan has never supported Wang Zhenyi so much, this time is an exception!

But since he participated in the contest, he didn't even bring his proud sword, did Wang Zhenyi make such a mistake? Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that Wang Zhenyi is most proud of his "Qinglong Nine Swords"!

Too arrogant?

Wang Zhenyi was forced back with a punch from Niu Xueyan, but he didn't panic, but just rolled over in the air.

Ape climbing, this is the effort of Qingcheng! Qingcheng Mountain is steep and steep, so they practice lightly and can jump freely in the mountains. The same is true of Wang Zhen's body. He rolled over, fell from the air, and rushed towards Niu Xueyan.

Captain Dragon!

Wang Zhen grabbed Niu Xueyan's heavenly cover one by one with his claws. With his claws, he could crush even stones. But Niu Xueyan did not dodge or hide, took another step forward, and hit again with a punch.

"The righteous fist!"

This is the essence of righteousness that emerged from karate.

The punch came out and the air twisted along! Wang Zhenyi's hand grabbed it and twisted directly, and then he was shocked to fly out and fell to the ground.


Wang Zhen spit out blood, but it seemed impossible.

Li Fan frowned. Everyone was a master. Was Wang Zhenyi so easily defeated?

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