My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1622: Women are coming

1622 Women are here

It goes without saying that Jiang Feng's source of information is that he knows all about the East and the West. At this point, he was willing to explain to everyone, certainly to make the host grateful to Dade. The host is sitting here, and he feels that he is nothing like an audience. The whole game is sending out my words. It ’s incredible and incredible!

"The orc you just said ... is that orc as we understand it?"

"Roughly the same."

Jiang Feng nodded and continued to explain, "their genes are different from ordinary people and belong to a special race in the West. They are usually no different from ordinary humans, but they can be beastized, just like white tigers. After they were beastized, they , The ability has been greatly enhanced, even more than the real beast! "

"So ... they exist as underground organizations?"

"That's right."

Jiang Feng said with a smile, "Anyway, everyone has seen it with my own eyes, and it should be okay for me to reveal it. These orcs have had several large-scale battles with ordinary humans in the west before, and the two sides suffered heavy casualties. So the royal family of the orcs decided to Mankind has reached a peace agreement, and the orcs must not infringe on humanity, and the government must guarantee their right to live normally. I think that this time the white tiger has blatantly transformed in front of the public. Even if he can defeat the Emperor Wu, I am afraid that after returning to China, he must Be punished by royalty. "

"Pray that our white tiger players can be safe ... what about the Emperor Wu? Is he really using immortality?"

"It can only be regarded as an upgrade of martial arts."

Jiang Feng didn't want to cause any panic in Huaxia. Although he knew some secrets of the Emperor from Li Fan, as the commander of Huaxia's Yulin Army, he could not openly cause turmoil here.

"In our internal skills, when the internal strength is extreme, we can release it and fight in some form. You see, I can do it."

Jiang Feng said, condensing his internal strength, a black tiger man more than three meters tall stood up from behind him slowly and roared.

"This is our way of letting go inside and out. It's not an immortal method. Don't be fooled by that guy who talks a lot.

Li Fan, who heard these words at the contestant's seat, couldn't help but praise the cunning Jiang Feng. This guy hated the people in the martial arts very much, but he was kind to the mortals of the ordinary world. In order not to cause confusion, the concept of the real body of Valkyrie was used to confuse.

"It's amazing, I'm an eye-opener today!"

The host Gao claimed praise, "It seems that there are some real strong men in both the East and the West!"

"Yes, the last round of 16 was wonderful."

"Which one is more optimistic about Captain Jiang?"

"Well, I am a Huaxia person. Subjectively, I am naturally more optimistic about the Emperor Wu."

Jiang Feng smiled, "But even if Wu Huang wins, I will beat him personally in the next game."

"It is indeed Commander Jiang, let us wait and see!"

During the discussion between the two, the white tiger returned to the orc form and attacked again against the emperor. He jumped up, rushed to the Emperor Wu from the air, grabbed the dragon's tail directly, and threw the dragon into the ground. The Emperor Wu fell on top of the ring, and stabilized his body. The white tiger has fallen from the sky, and the two claws are tearing together towards the body of the emperor.

Wu Huang, holding his arms, continued to stand there. The Shenlong bite on the white tiger and bit the white tiger's legs directly!

Among the crowd's screams, the Emperor Dragon's dragon had a mouth and spit out the white tiger's half body. Thanks to his strong physical body, he was still alive under such attack! The medical staff hurried up and carried him down!

The boss of Qianzhuang was pale and sat back in his chair with only one butt, feeling only that his body was weak and sweaty.

This time, most of his family's property went into compensation, and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy! These **** Chinese people, why are they so strong?

"Boss, don't worry, we still have a chance!"

The actuary's voice was also a bit stubborn. If he counted again, I'm afraid the boss would have to kill him!

However, like he said, they still have number nine! The powerful Nine will definitely defeat these opponents and win their final victory!

"Long bets, bet money on No. 9!"

The boss can only bet! On the 9th, they are the heroes of their emperor, and they will never let him down!

At this time, he still had some regrets. If I had listened to the Chinese actuary at that time, it would have been great ... I have been planning for so many years, I have experienced many storms and waves, and this time I missed! On the 9th, my net worth lives, but it all depends on you! You are a hero, you can save me, right?

At this moment, in the arena, the top 16 games have ended. The audience was still thinking about it, but at the time of the intermission, they started looking for places to eat, waiting for the start of the afternoon game. In the afternoon, the quarterfinals, this audience ticket is even more expensive, it is almost difficult to find! A normal station ticket costs a thousand yuan a piece, which is not yet available! When did they see this exciting competition in their lives, this is a battle that really belongs to the strong!

"Dear, congratulations on your successful promotion."

In Li Fan's lounge, Teresa came to him with red wine.

"What's so happy, it's rare to be behind."

Li Fan hurriedly ate his lunch. Like breakfast, he was delivered to his room by a special person.

Before the competition, try to avoid players meeting, this is right.

"I don't think it's difficult for you."

Theresa thought that Li Fan won easily, "You can definitely pass the semifinals."

"I hope so ..."

Li Fan just wanted to drive Teresa away, but Teresa said.

"Don't do this, dear, the bathroom in my room is broken. I still have to stare at the sun to watch the game in the afternoon. Can I take a bath with you?"

Li Fan thought that if he refused even this, he would be a bit unfriendly. Anyway, Teresa is also an international friend, and she can't humiliate the Chinese masters.

"Just taking a bath, of course."

"Hee hee, dear, of course it's just a bath. I'm not just a casual person. Without red wine and music, without romance, people wouldn't just makelove whatever!"

Are you still casual? Shit!

Li Fan rolled his eyes, then pointed at the bathroom next to him, "Go, don't delay too long, I still have the quarterfinals in the afternoon."

"Rest assured, people will be quick."

Theresa went to wash the fragrance. After she went in, she took off her clothes, including her underwear, and threw them out with a small white hand.

This woman ...

Just when Li Fan was going to count her two words, a familiar voice came from outside.

"Li Fan, can I come in?"

Li Fan stunned, lying down, is a maiden?

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