My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1626: Fight fake?

1626 fake fake?

"Shangfangbaojian! Ancient sword returns to the soul!"

Liang Ru pushed the power of Shangfang's sword to the extreme!

The Shangfang sword floated in front of her, shaking it gently, as if all the forces around it were being pulled, all gathered towards Liang Ru. The sky was originally clear, but at this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds! In that cloud, there was a thunderous throbbing, as if it contained some powerful and terrible energy!

Even ordinary people can feel this trick is different.

The host touched a cold sweat and asked Jiang Feng around him.

"This ... Mr. Jiang, what is this move? I feel so terrible ..."

"I'm afraid Liang Ru has launched a peerless school."

Jiang Feng also felt a lingering fear, even for him, he was distressed in the face of this power.

"It is indeed the heir of Shang Fang's sword. Once he has given all his strength, it is still very scary."

"Is Murong Lord dangerous?"

The moderators are a little worried. If they go on like this, they won't be fatal?

"what are you worried about."

Jiang Feng laughed, "She is the leader of the martial arts, and perhaps the strongest woman in the world."

When talking, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, clicked, and fell on Liang Ru's body! But Liang Ru was safe and sound, and the golden light on her body became even more dazzling. At this time, Liang Ru was wearing a golden armor, suspended in the air, and stepped on the Shangfang sword.

"Can't Sword Fairy?"

The host was finally shocked.

"It's just a way of using internal forces."

Jiang Feng can see Liang Ru's internal force, wrapped around her sword, so that she can float in the air.

"A little stronger."

Murong Ying nodded, "It's some master's posture."

After the second outbreak, Liang Ru brought his strength to the level of the guru.

But Liang Ru didn't care, because she knew that Lian Wu was not opportunistic! Even though Liang Ru mentioned the master's strength, she is still not her opponent. Relying on the experience of those ancestors, but not her own experience!

With a wave of Liang Ru, nine swords appeared around her, constantly spinning around her. Each sword is made of huge energy. Liang Ru reached out and pointed at Murong Ying, one immediately flew over and shot towards Murong Ying. Murong Ying's brows frowned slightly. When she raised her hand, a wall made of cherry blossoms immediately rose up to a height of two meters and stood in front of Murong Ying, stopping the sword!


The sword fell on it, but like a missile, it exploded fiercely!

Murong Ying's cherry blossom wall was blown up directly, and she herself slipped out more than a meter away and slowly stabilized her figure.


Even Murong Ying couldn't help but praise it.

"carry on!"

Liang Ru's condition can not last long, she immediately launched a sword, and continued to chase Murong Ying shot.

"Boom boom!"

One sword after another exploded around Murong Ying. But Murong Sakura is Murong Sakura. She used her unique advantages to let the cherry blossoms protect her and keep off the bombing of these swords!

Even if Liang Rubao's sword is more powerful, she will only have nine!

After Liang Ru bombed for a while, she had three swords left, hovering around her, waiting for the next round of attack.

"You are like a kid with a pistol."

Murong Ying sighed, "There is power in the air, but I don't know how to use it. Go back and practice."

Said, Murong Ying suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Liang Ru. After all, he is a master with more than half a holy strength. Once Murong Ying moves, she is the opponent.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Murong Ying, Liang Ru almost unconsciously launched three swords together, and Qi shot at Murong Ying! With Murong Ying's figure, she wanted to avoid these three swords, and she was relaxed. But Murong Ying prefers to be rigid and rigid, and speaks with her absolute strength!

Murong Ying condensed the dragon and phoenix swords, held them in her hands, and stabbed three swords instantly.

"Boom boom!"

Liang Ru's three swords exploded directly in the air, but the explosion wave was swept away by Murong Ying with sword gas!


He found that his moves did not have any effect, and Liang Ru felt a little powerless. And Murong Ying poke two points in a row on Liang Ru's point. Liang Ru felt the power of her body loosen immediately, as if there was a funnel on her body. She couldn't stop it if she wanted to stop it, and felt the power flow down 3000 feet.

The gap is too big ...

Liang Ru finally understood this, but she was still reconciled, especially uncomfortable!

"Sooner or later ... I will defeat you ..."

"It's really coming to this day."

Murong Ying put away the surrounding cherry blossoms, then pushed her hand, Liang Ru flew out of control uncontrollably, and fell out of the ring.

"Thank you both for sending me a wonderful round!"

Like the audience, the host is very enjoyable! The battle between the two beauties is full of beauty and full of strength!

"The final winner is still Murong."

Jiang Feng smiled, "If you have a chance, I really look forward to fighting her."

"The first eight rounds ended with the victory of Murong's leader!"

The host announced loudly, "Let's congratulate the leader of Murong, and please give applause to the young Liang Ru player. She also performed very well today!"

There was thunderous applause from the stands, and everyone was convinced. The competition between these two people was full of highlights! Even girls are not inferior! Some female audiences who were present were even more excited. Who said that women are not as good as men? Isn't there a heroine Murong Ying?

"The list for the next game is also available! Let us see."

The host looked at the big screen, and then exclaimed, "Oh, this second game turned out to be Commander-in-Chief Jiang, who is in charge of Niu Xueyan, the head of Yingwumen!"

"I'll just leave for a while."

Jiang Feng bowed to the audience, then jumped down from the ten-meter-high platform, stepped lightly, and slowly landed on the platform, screaming female fans and applauding by the male audience.

Li Fan couldn't help but praise it, Jiang Feng really did play well.

"Jiang Feng will lose this game."

Li Fan received the voice of the maiden in the ear.

"Oh? Why do you see it?"

Li Fan also spread his voice into the secret and sent it to the contestant's seat. This communication method is more convenient than qq WeChat within a certain distance.

"That cow head, is it really that strong?"

"Niu Zhangmen is not strong, I don't know. But Jiang Feng is a member of the government, and the government does not want him to win Niu Xueyan."

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