My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1631: Martial arts qualification certificate

1631 Martial arts qualification certificate

No. 9 should have a rigid time of at least four or five seconds, but he suddenly moved when he was about to land. His tail swept behind and stuck directly on the ring. He stiffened his body stiffly. At the same time, he grabbed Li Fan's body with both hands and slammed him on the ground.


The ground was smashed again and Li Fan was lying inside. On the 9th, Li Fan was furiously beaten. His fists, feet, and tail attacked together. Li Fan had no ability to fight back.

Jiang Feng looked at the battle below, and murmured in his heart. Faced with such a difficult number nine, what should Li Fan do? Can you beat him without revealing your identity? I'm afraid it's difficult. Even if you are yourself, if you do n’t need Shura to change, I am afraid that you are not the ninth opponent, let alone defeat him without killing him?

Li Fan, Li Fan, I have to see, what can you do?

"Hit! Kill him!"

The boss of the banker shouted wildly in front of the TV, and the attack on the 9th became more and more fierce! The surrounding ground was shocked with a cobweb pattern, and No. 9 finally opened his mouth, ready to fill Li Fan with ice!

At this moment, Li Fan suddenly jumped up, kicked his feet on No. 9's chin, kicked No. 9 upside down, and a frost spit directly into the air!

"Benlei feet!"

Li Fan took out the kung fu in the deer stroke, his legs with electric light, kicked continuously on No. 9's body, and kicked No. 9 continuously backwards, his body also fell into a slight paralysis state.

Li Fan is best at using a series of serial skills. After kicking his legs, he turned around and kicked the white deer to kick the door. He heeled on the head of No. 9 and pulled him to the ground , The ground was smashed out of the pit again.

"Dragon throws beads!"

Li Fan condensed a ball of silver-white light in both hands, pushed into the pit, and blasted on No. 9!


The ground trembled, and No. 9 finally spit a large mouthful of blood, which did not hurt him badly. Although he has a dragon skin like steel, he has no effect under Li Fan's deadly attack. For a martial artist, Li Fan's use of power is almost easy!

"The bear king lifts his head!"

Li Fan once again grabbed the huge body of No. 9 and lifted it into the air. Subsequently, Li Fan's arms thickened a section, muscles skyrocketed!

"Papa Bear Pile Driver!"

Li Fan grabbed No. 9 and jumped up high, then turned his head upside down and smashed into the ground!

On the 9th before the reaction came, Li Fan remembered that the wild bear hugged the tree and pulled him out of the ground and put it in front of him.

"Ape King Cannon!"

Li Fan took a step and made another palm again!


The No. 9 body turned into a cannonball, and immediately flew out, smashing heavily outside the platform, smashing a row of gullies on the ground.

Nine jumped up and roared!

But this time, he has lost!

"Come back, number nine, you have lost."

Windsor's voice rang again and passed into No. 9's ear. Nine immediately lowered her head, and some redness was restored in her blood-red eyes.

Windsor was relieved. Fortunately, No. 9 was impulsive!

"It looks like the last quarterfinal match today ended with a defeat on the 9th."

The host's voice rang again and surrounded the audience. On the 9th, he looked at Li Fan twice, then slowly changed back to human appearance, and walked towards his own player's bench.

"It's a wonderful fight! Our ring platform has also become shabby. Let's take a day off tonight. Let's look forward to tomorrow's semifinals and finals! This is the Huaxia contest, thank you all for the wonderful contest, thank Jiang Commander's commentary, thank you all for watching! "

Before the live TV, the boss of the bank had killed himself.

Li Fan walked towards his lounge, but a staff member stopped him.

"Mr. Li, your room has changed. Please go to the fifth floor. This is your room card."

The staff handed the room card to Li Fan. Li Fan was a bit strange. Why do I change rooms every day?

He came to the room on the fifth floor, went in and found out that it was a luxurious suite with extremely modern facilities, almost six-star level.

"The convention is really extravagant, but the wool comes out of the sheep."

Thinking of the daily ticket price and the right to live broadcast online, Li Fan knew that the organizing committee would definitely not make less money this time!

However, what a good house is, to Li Fan, it doesn't make much sense. He sat on the sofa and immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. And just then, the phone rang in Li Fan's room. Strange, who is looking for yourself? And how did you find your room?

Li Fan saw a remote control next to it, and there was an answer button on it, so he pressed it.

The TV screen in front lit up and a man appeared on the screen. The man looks like he's in his forties, a little thankful. He sat at the table with his arms crossed, a little proud, and looked at Li Fan solemnly.

"For the first time, I'm the director of the Wushu General Administration. Just call me Director Niu."

After the other party said, it seemed to be waiting for Li Fan to compliment first. But Li Fan was sitting there, just shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, Niu Ju, are you looking for anything?"

Director Niu frowned slightly, and seemed very dissatisfied with Li Fan's attitude.

"What is your attitude, this is the director of the General Administration!"

There is also a man with glasses like a secretary in the picture. He immediately reprimanded Li Fan, "Is that how you treat your superiors? I really don't understand etiquette!"

"That's interesting."

Li Fan grinned, "I'm not working under your hands, why should I respect you? You are a great leader? Don't forget that you are also the leader chosen by the people. Why, will this be on the shelf with the people?"

"You! Stop talking nonsense!"

The secretary tried again, but Director Niu waved and stopped him.

"You are indeed not my subordinate, but since you are a martial arts person, you should be under the control of our General Administration. Otherwise, the General Administration will not recognize your legal status of Seven Knights Village and will not issue you a" Warrior Qualification Certificate. " ""

Martial arts qualification certificate, this is also a particularly wonderful method come up by Director Niu. As the so-called new officer took office, the chief director Niu directly put forward several reforms to today's martial arts. The first is the establishment of this Yingwumen, the so-called propaganda of the orthodox Huaxia national arts, but the head of the Niu Xueyan is a wonderful martial art of practicing island nations. The second fire is to regulate the status of each sect. All sects must be registered with the General Administration. For the old sects, if a restriction order is issued without registering within one month, they will be disqualified and their sects will be disbanded immediately. And this last fire is to do so-called martial arts qualification certificates for martial arts!

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