My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1641: The price of the championship

The price of the 1641 championship

If this trick is hit, I'm afraid Li Fan will be beaten as a fool if he doesn't die. However, Li Fan exhibited a trick of falling from the ground, and fell suddenly.

He landed directly on the ground, avoiding the palms of Wuhuang.


Like Zhong Ming's voice, Wu Huang's palms were shot together, bursting into a strong shock wave, spreading out! And Li Fan took a homeopathic support to the ground, kicked his feet upside down, and hurled directly to the Emperor Wu Huang above his head. The Emperor Wu was kicked directly, and his body more than four meters tall flew up to a height of more than one meter, and then fell towards the ground.

"Dragon even teeth!"

Li Fan supported the ground with both hands, and continued to kick continuously against the falling Emperor!

Bang Bang!

There was a continuous squeal in the air, and Wu Huang's body was kicked constantly, unable to fall. Li Fan kicked dozens of feet in a row, and the Emperor Wu finally finally grasped his own center of gravity. He immediately gave a shot and shot it according to Li Fan.

It was loud again, and a huge pit with a palm print appeared on the ground, and Li Fan was beaten lying in it.

The attack was not weak this time, and Li Fan felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. But the Emperor Wu was also uncomfortable. After he fell down, he took two steps backwards, and spit out blood.

The two men fought for a long time, and they still seemed to win or lose. But the energy of the two was almost exhausted. The Emperor Wu dare not delay any more time, he immediately raised his palm and poured all the power into his palm.

"Kowloon Divine Palm!"

Wu Huang growled, and a golden dragon rose from behind him again. The dragon mouth of Jinlong is wide open, and the Emperor Wu is standing inside, both palms launch a golden shock wave from Longkou!

This shock wave seems to be breaking the whole world, and it hits Li Fan! Li Fan did not budge. He stood there, took a step forward, stepped on the ground, and hit his right fist from the waist. He also performed his strongest move!

Ray Extreme Dragon Fist!

A thunder passed by, and the huge shock wave of Wu Huang was directly penetrated by this punch! On his lower abdomen, a fist-print with thunder was printed, and the whole slipped out, and the dragon head behind him disappeared. Li Fan was also affected by Yu Wei of the shock wave, and his body was shaken out more than ten meters away and fell on the edge of the ring.

The Emperor Wu stood there, his chest suddenly opened, and the power contained in this fist still penetrated his lower abdomen. But the Emperor Wu has become a true immortal. He is physically strong, and he has not died even though he has penetrated the lower abdomen. However, he also temporarily lost his fighting ability and stood fainted on the ring.

A group of medical staff rushed to help Wu Huang and check his injuries. And Li Fan stands on the ring, obviously, he is the final winner.

The electric light on his body gradually disappeared, and his body returned to its original appearance. And in his ears, he could hear the host cheering for him.

"You won, lord."

A gray robe elder from Tianwu Pavilion came over and handed a simple wooden box to Li Fan, "This is your prize."

"Thank you."

Li Fan spit out a sulky breath, and after a great battle, he was indeed a bit weak. However, he still won the final victory of the game, followed by the martial arts leader. What he wanted was the third page of this true fairy tale. He opened the wooden box and glanced at the true fairy trick in it, which seemed to be true.

"You, Martial Master, I can't do it. So, the position of the leader, let Murong Ying, the ex, do it, she has more experience than me."

Li Fan announced this aloud, "Moreover, the martial arts of the Emperor Wu is no longer a martial art, so his victory over Murong Ying is not counted!"

The six majors were a little surprised. How did this person give up the position of the leader? By the way, all he wants is that true fairy trick! With this, are you worried that you cannot rule Wulin? What is the leader of the alliance? After learning Zhenxianjue, he will become as powerful as Wu Huang! By the way, this man is as strong as Wu Huang ...

The audience had already retired, Wang Zhenyi suddenly stood up, pointed at Li Fan and said, "What Li Yun, I think you are Li Fan, right?"

"Oh, don't let us get Zhenxianjue, just don't want us to be as strong as you two, right?"

"Insidious Seven Knights Villa, you really practiced the true magic!"

A group of people in the martial arts began to scold Li Fan. And Li Fan was too lazy to use Yi Rongshu, he returned to his original appearance, standing on the already messy platform.

"You are an overseas martial artist, but not our Chinese martial arts martial artist. We cannot identify with you."

Long Fangyu also stood on the stands, leading the crowd, and said loudly, "Today, just like the martial arts colleagues are here, we have to get back the justice of the Chinese martial arts fighters. Li Fan, read that you were also a Chinese martial arts artist We can give you a chance. As long as you return the true fairy tale, we can let you go! "

"Yes, it's our Huaxia martial arts! Give it up!"

Yu Ruoying, the head of Emei, finally found an opportunity. She immediately pointed at Li Fan and said, "Give up the two pages of your fairy hand!"

Who doesn't want to be as strong as Wu Huang? Who doesn't want to live forever?

"Do you want true fairy tricks?"

Li Fan and these people didn't want to talk nonsense, he raised the wooden box in his hand, "Go in the dream."

With that said, he crushed the wooden box, and used his internal force directly to make the inside of the music sheet useless!

"Do not!"

Many martial arts wailed, but Wang Zhenyi pointed at Li Fan and reminded everyone, "Don't be afraid, he must have written it down! Li Fan is the living true fairy tactic, grab him and let him dictate Really magic! "

"Yes, seize Li Fan!"

"Let him hand over the true magic!"

Everyone said almost in unison.

"Oh no, are you all crazy?"

Theresa could not help but stood up from the stands and shouted at the people in the martial arts, "He is the champion, he has the right to dispose of his prize!"

"Barbarian woman, when is this right to speak here?"

"Did you see that? This guy really joined forces with the barbarians! He wants to spread our Chinese magic to foreign countries. This person is a traitor to our Chinese martial arts!"

The crowd's shouts became more and more unpleasant. Theresa was a little dumbfounded. Did she come out to speak for Li Fan with good intentions, but did something wrong?

"What are they doing ..."

Windsor couldn't stand it anymore, and remembered to speak for Li Fan, but was caught by No.9.

"Don't worry."

"Why? You're a hero, don't you care about this kind of thing?"

"I'm not their hero."

On the 9th, he said straightforwardly, "These people don't need heroes. What they need is a demon."

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