My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1643: Bloody rain

1643 Bloody Rain

What Jiang Feng asked made Li Fan laugh.

"You guys are so interesting. Don't be stubborn. Just snoring if you want to fight. I am afraid that you will not succeed?"

As he said, he waved his hand, "Brothers who rely on the sword, I'm glad you helped me! But I also ask you to rest first and give a testimony for me. See if I come here as a champion Deserved!"

As the words fell, Li Fan lifted up his inner strength. The debris around him flew upside down, and arcs of thunder fluttered in the air, crackling.

"Li Fan, you really want to be the enemy of the world!"

Jiang Feng looked sad, but sneered at the corner of her mouth. Everything is in his calculations. As long as everyone has to deal with Li Fan, then Li Fan has no chance to stand up.

"Since your decision is over, I won't talk about brotherhood anymore! Yu Linjun obeyed the order and surrounded the venue. Don't let anyone who supports the rebel Li Fan!"


Around this battle station, stood up one by one the Royal Forest Army immediately. Each of them held a pistol in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand. After Jiang Feng took control of the Royal Forest Army, the people of the Royal Forest Army began to practice the "Imperial Doctrine" and "Immortal Sword" to enhance their ability to fight together. That's not enough. At the same time, they were equipped with the set of anti-martial weapons developed by Huaxia. The pistol in their hands was created by this technology, and the bullets shot can directly penetrate the martial arts house's body gas!

Under Jiang Feng's order, everyone aimed their pistols at the people below Li Fan and the Sword Alliance, and seemed to be preparing for an annihilation battle!

"You said you, before you die, you have to drag some people down."

Jiang Feng pointed at Luo Xue and danced with them, continuing to stimulate Li Fan.

"Miss Jiang, this is not true."

Ye Yulou's legs have been cured. He stood there, folded his hands in his sleeves, and responded with a smile to Jiang Feng, "Oh, we are willing to live and die with Li Zhuangzhu. After all, things like betraying friends and ingratitude You can do it, we can't rely on the sword. In our alliance, betrayal of friends is the first felony! "

"It's a good night's work, you're sharp."

Jiang Feng's eyes fell on Ye Yulou's body, with some appreciation, "All say that you have a good united night command and proper command. If you can really live to Lijia Island, it will add a lot of strength to Lijia Island. It's a pity that all of you are here to lay down the law. Really, I am very sad. "

"so far so good."

Ye Yulou laughed even more happily. "Fortunately, your commander-in-chief Jiang is not a beautiful girl. If you have a heartache, I don't need to show mercy."

"Yes, pain makes men grow!"

Zhan Xiaotian waved his one-armed arm and laughed, "Master Jiang, congratulations on growing up!"

"I'm not afraid of pain!"

The silly Guo Mingming also grinned, "I'm afraid of hungry!"

"Brothers who rely on the sword to laugh at the breeze, let these friends from the rivers and lakes see our morality!"

Luo Xuewu held up his sword, and about a dozen people around the Sword Alliance all took out their own weapons, preparing to fight with Li Fan.

"Li Fan, I'll ask you one last time!"

Jiang Feng also raised internal forces on his body. The black Shura spirit continued to rotate around his body, and he also entered the state of the black emperor. His voice was like a bell.

"come on."

Li Fan also let go, "Who is afraid of whom?"

"it is good!"

Jiang Feng shouted, "There is no amnesty to kill!"

As soon as his voice fell, a sharp tweet came suddenly from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads and glanced into the air. I saw a white object heading into the air.


Everyone asked such a question, but the next thing suddenly exploded! The glare of white light instantly blocked everyone's eyes! Even Li Fan had to close his eyes to relieve the pressure on his eyes. At this time, a voice appeared in his ear and whispered.

"catch me."

It is a maiden. Li Fan knows that she has come to pick herself up as promised.

However, Li Fan rejected the maiden, no matter how worried the maiden was, Li Fan still remained motionless. After three or four seconds, the eyesight had been restored, and Jiang Feng held her arms and looked at them with a smile.

Li Fan still stood there, with a woman beside her.

"Is it a maiden?"

"What a Li Fan, even hooked up with the demons! What a scumbag!"

"The maiden wanted to save Li Fan. Fortunately, all of us were around him. He couldn't run!"

The virgin's straight stomping foot, she has done the secret way, as long as Li Fan follows her, she can leave from here. Who knows, Li Fan didn't leave!

"Why don't you go? Asshole!"

The maiden wants to scold her.

"You Wulin colleagues want to fight with me, what do I have to do?"

Li Fan generously said, "As the owner of Qixia Mountain Villa, I accept everyone's challenge! If you go, you can go. They will not hurt you if I am here.

"I do not go!"

The Virgin aired, "You won't do it anyway, just die with you here!"

"You demon girl, how to open your mouth to shut up is dead!"

Jin Jiumao was particularly upset, staring at the maiden, "We will not die, you must die yourself!"

"Little girl, how can you escape when the war is over?"

Zhan Xiaotian also said, "The people you teach are just timid. You are afraid of death. We are not afraid!"

"Let's go, we are not all the way."

Luo Xuewu also said coldly.

"It's all stupid!"

The maiden stomped her feet, "Which is more important than martial arts or life?"

"For martial arts, competition is more important than everything!"

Li Fan reached out and pointed at the martial artists in front of him, "I, the owner of Qixia Mountain Villa, Li Fan, the little bully, make a plan here! Who wants to challenge me, even if it comes! Today is life and death, win, I die Here. Lose, you either go or die! "


Long Baili jumped out first, "Let me Long Baili meet you!"

As the leader of the martial arts, Long Baili lost at Qixia Villa, but today he must discuss the martial arts and even regain the true magic!

Li Fan is very powerful, but what can he do? There are so many martial arts masters here, and Jiang Feng is sitting there, which can make him impossible to go to heaven! Fight with him first, he is so many people, and I dare not dare to move with him!

"Blaze Knife!"

Long Baili is going to give Li Fan a ruthless first, let him know that he is afraid!

He carried a crimson flame in his hand, like a flaming flame knife, descending from the sky and heading straight for Li Fan!

But the moment he was about to hack Li Fan's head, Li Fan suddenly made a move!

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